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Opinions wanted for NPC mod creation.

SirickSirick Member Posts: 92
For a long time I have toyed with the idea of creating an NPC for Baldur's Gate1/2 and with the Enhanced Editions released I think I have a good excuse to give it a go.

This would be my first BG mod, my only prior experience being creating a portrait for the Amber NPC mod many years ago. That being said I would expect this to take some time, but gosh darn it would sure be spiffy to be a small part of such an awesome series.

This is where you fine fellows come in.
I want to know what you guys want out of an NPC? What do you feel the games are lacking in terms of companions?
I'll toss up a little list of things you can fill in to give me an idea of what people want to see, but by no means let the list limit you. If you have an idea please tell me, I am open to any idea and even the smallest suggestion will shape the final product.

-(Quick list to give me an idea of what's wanted)-




4.An area the NPC could give some needed life to (areas lacking or needing some love):

5. Types of quests (save the princess, kill the villain, find the treasure):

6. Anything else:

As I have said, this will be my first ever mod, so I have little clue as to what I am doing.
But should be fun!


  • doshidaniadoshidania Member Posts: 46
    first off- awesome that you want to do this. I'd offer to help but I'm not a programmer or anything just an illustrator.
    1.Gender: Male

    2.Race:It'd be cool if you could give us a race that the PC can't be. Like a tiefling or an Asimar or I dunno one of those races thats part elemental.

    3.Class: Hm. A male druid would be interesting if you did it with one of the half elemental races. Tiefling would be fun if it was a thief/fighter

    4.An area the NPC could give some needed life to (areas lacking or needing some love): oh goodness. Would you be willing to add an area? Thats a TON of work though. Be cool to add to the underwater area. Or brynnlaw.

    5. Types of quests (save the princess, kill the villain, find the treasure):As far as quests go it would be based around the character back story, right? finding treasure is always great. And kill a viciously evil villain. Never cared about rescuing a princess though. Go rescue yourself, honey.

    6. Anything else:
    Is this a romanceable character? Please make it so.
    The best thing about BG is the character interactions so I hope you add tons of dialogue and communication with existing NPC's. Might be cool if you can get him in irenicus's dungeon. If its the part elemental maybe he is trapped along with the dryads or is trying to help them? If its the tiefling maybe he was with the shadow thieves and was split from his group and comes across you.

    In any event if you need help with anything I'd be happy to assist. :)
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 92
    Thanks for the ideas!
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 108
    Well, more evil aligned characters are needed. Especially since most people tend to create Good-aligned custom NPCs.
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