I swear to Thor I have been searching for DAYS, combing these forums and searching online, searching throughout my computer. My "char" and save game files are NOT in program file (86x)/baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition.
There is no 00766 in the "data" file. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the enhanced edition editor to work. I'm absolutely flabbergasted. EVERYTHING I have read on here is either confusing the hell out of me (I'm not faulting anyone here, there is clearly something on my end or something I'm missing)
Look. I want to mod my character on Baldur's Gate 2 enhanced edition. I'm fairly good at this (or so I thought), I've NEVER had problems like this before! It's getting to the point that I'm actually throwing a tantrum, which is...so damn immature. I admit I'm a little edgy, I'm post-op from a dangerous surgery (stomach cancer, twice), I'm a bit doped up. I REALLY need someone to explain this to me in a clear, concise, even layman manner. I want to edit my save games or my char files. I can't find them anywhere, not in documents, not in hidden files, not anywhere. Where the hell is the enhanced edition saving my files to?! It can't be in the ether somewhere, as I can still load my games and play them just find, export characters, etc.
Where in the fuckity-fucking hell are they, and am I the sole person on this planet that is having this problem? Because it seems to be that every instruction I have been given leads me to somewhere that doesn't exist on my coputer. Where in the hell did the designers of the Enhanced Edition decide to stick our savegame files and char files?! It's simply not possible for the game to simply magically be storing them so they HAVE to be somewhere, right? Furthermore, why is the enhanced edition editor telling me that it cant find the baldur.exe file when it is right freaing there? Finally, I read I can "make a baldurmain.exe" file to "trick" shadowkeeper or the EE (sidenote: when you guys are doing the tech talk it gets REALLY confusing as to which game oyu're talking about as they are both ENHANCED EDITIONS.....I'm sorry I'm so worked up but I've been at this for hours, literally, and I am doing everything I can to not have to make a desperate post hoping to get an answer but that is what it has come to...)
Please, someone help me. I cannot possibly be alone on this and these files have to be somewhere, there has to be a fucking solution for this. The "EEKeeper" (all of this renaming is also very confusing especially when people start getting non-specific) appears to be working, it asks me to put in the BG: ee directory and the BG II EE directory and since I don't have baldur's gate 1 on here right now I'm just trying to get the damn thing to work for BG TWO, deuce, the sequel. God damn this is insane. Simply insane.
I was going to reinstall my old copy but for the first time in 12 years my 2nd disc out of the 4 discs is missing, just, y'know, because that would have made things less annoying and frustrating and we can't have that when you're getting pissed off, y'know? Who hasn't been there before?
I know someone out there has to be smart enough to help my dumb, angry, dopey ass out, please. From one BG fan to another, help me get my fucking shadowkeeper or eekeepr or whatever the fuck you want to call it working. I will pay it forward tenfold.
There is no 00766 in the "data" file. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the enhanced edition editor to work. I'm absolutely flabbergasted. EVERYTHING I have read on here is either confusing the hell out of me (I'm not faulting anyone here, there is clearly something on my end or something I'm missing)
Look. I want to mod my character on Baldur's Gate 2 enhanced edition. I'm fairly good at this (or so I thought), I've NEVER had problems like this before! It's getting to the point that I'm actually throwing a tantrum, which is...so damn immature. I admit I'm a little edgy, I'm post-op from a dangerous surgery (stomach cancer, twice), I'm a bit doped up. I REALLY need someone to explain this to me in a clear, concise, even layman manner. I want to edit my save games or my char files. I can't find them anywhere, not in documents, not in hidden files, not anywhere. Where the hell is the enhanced edition saving my files to?! It can't be in the ether somewhere, as I can still load my games and play them just find, export characters, etc.
Where in the fuckity-fucking hell are they, and am I the sole person on this planet that is having this problem? Because it seems to be that every instruction I have been given leads me to somewhere that doesn't exist on my coputer. Where in the hell did the designers of the Enhanced Edition decide to stick our savegame files and char files?! It's simply not possible for the game to simply magically be storing them so they HAVE to be somewhere, right? Furthermore, why is the enhanced edition editor telling me that it cant find the baldur.exe file when it is right freaing there? Finally, I read I can "make a baldurmain.exe" file to "trick" shadowkeeper or the EE (sidenote: when you guys are doing the tech talk it gets REALLY confusing as to which game oyu're talking about as they are both ENHANCED EDITIONS.....I'm sorry I'm so worked up but I've been at this for hours, literally, and I am doing everything I can to not have to make a desperate post hoping to get an answer but that is what it has come to...)
Please, someone help me. I cannot possibly be alone on this and these files have to be somewhere, there has to be a fucking solution for this. The "EEKeeper" (all of this renaming is also very confusing especially when people start getting non-specific) appears to be working, it asks me to put in the BG: ee directory and the BG II EE directory and since I don't have baldur's gate 1 on here right now I'm just trying to get the damn thing to work for BG TWO, deuce, the sequel. God damn this is insane. Simply insane.
I was going to reinstall my old copy but for the first time in 12 years my 2nd disc out of the 4 discs is missing, just, y'know, because that would have made things less annoying and frustrating and we can't have that when you're getting pissed off, y'know? Who hasn't been there before?
I know someone out there has to be smart enough to help my dumb, angry, dopey ass out, please. From one BG fan to another, help me get my fucking shadowkeeper or eekeepr or whatever the fuck you want to call it working. I will pay it forward tenfold.
C:\Users\*YourUserName*\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
to be more specific
For me it would be F:\games\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\Data\00783\ though in your case its probably
c:/program files (86x)/baldur's gate II enhanced edition/Data/00783/
Don't forget to set its language to English or whatever you need it to be.
Gesh,,, I really need to start reading these things better ^^* As said above, your saves are in your documents folder in the baldur's gate - enhanced edition subfolder.
And a thought occured to me, your slashes are the wrong way around for windows, you using MacOSX? Linux?
I finally figured it out about 15 minutes after making my embarrassing post. I simply got EE to work and after trying three times to no avail I did the thing I had been missing: Select which language the game EEKeeper and game was running on. Oops.
At least I'm willing to admit it, I suppose :P
Anyway...thanks for the civil responses to my crazed post.
(And, hey, never feel too embarrassed to say you need help. Every time you get lost you learn a little bit more about the world around you.)