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An entirely unofficial poll that has no bearing on reality: Baldur's Gate 3



  • RapscallionRapscallion Member Posts: 81
    Honestly I'd be happy with any of the options, though I would like to start from level 1 again. That feeling of being a fresh-faced, soft-skinned new adventurer heading out to make their mark on the world.

    If BG3 were to use 2e I truly wouldn't mind, but I'd prefer if it was a heavily modified version of it. If it was anything like 3e then it'd be a no-buy for me, but 5e would be fine.
  • JerkyJerky Member Posts: 9
    I have a suggestion:

    People seem to be getting hung up on the fact that you're calling the game "Baldur's Gate 3". Because of this they feel that the story should continue. I suggest that it not be called Baldur's Gate 3, but something else like New D&D Game. Then maybe people can start thinking about not having to continue the story in the same setting.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    edited August 2012
    The way I understood it BG3 was just a place holder name for the next product using this form of the Infinity Engine...Not an actual indication of content.
  • JerkyJerky Member Posts: 9
    Yeah, I understood it the same way, but some of the replies here are like "Why would it have the Baldur's Gate name if it doesn't continue the story or have any link to the story?" It just confuses the matter. If you're going to use a placeholder name, it should be a very generic name and not be easily confused with something else.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    New story for me..the Realms is a huge world with all kinds of interesting places to see, things to do, trouble to get in..etc etc
    Waterdeep, the Moonsea, Thay are all full of endless possibilities and story lines..

    As to the ruleset, I heard WoTC was going to re-release a few 3rd ed books this fall so maybe the devs can use that ed. 4th is a bad joke..
    Isn't d20 open source anyway? Maybe just try to lease the spells/monsters names stats from Wizards?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Worg said:

    As a fairly new roleplayer (started when 3.5 came out) I find that I am being pushed away from newer editions of D&D and have to look for variety or something new in AD&D 1st and 2nd edition. To me at least Baldur's gate=AD&D 2nd edition.

    If BG3 were to change story AND the rules it would not be Baldur's Gate.
    If BG3 were to only change the rules and try to extend the story, it would be a pathertic attempt to cash in on Baldur's gate.

    BG3 must be like BG2 which must be like BG.

    What part of "it makes sense for a company to promote the latest incarnation of their ruleset and you can't really expect them to do otherwise," is unclear?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Schneidend Not only that, but the marketing goes both ways. If the new (entirely new) game is using a rule set that has been obsolete for over a decade, it's not going to attract new players; whereas if it uses a rule set that gamers are playing right now, that they can go to the book store and read the rules in more depth, that's being marketed by Wizards of the Coast as "the next greatest thing", that's good publicity for the game. You can certainly bet that WotC will be plugging it, because the game is good publicity for them as well. The partnership is mutually beneficial, and as long as the game is set in the Realms, why not tap into that benefit?

    Of course, if the new edition doesn't sell well (like 4e, for example), then it could be a bad thing. But I'm optimistic.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    4E didn't sell well? That's news to me.

    Either way, in all likelihood, 5E/Next won't be ready for some time. I'm really hoping I get a 4E game before it does arrive.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113

    4E didn't sell well? That's news to me.

    Either way, in all likelihood, 5E/Next won't be ready for some time. I'm really hoping I get a 4E game before it does arrive.

    Isn't Pathfinder outselling it? Nobody did a 4th ed game..huh..wonder why. <<<<<not trying to start an edition war..just sayin

  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    pkloop said:

    4E didn't sell well? That's news to me.

    Either way, in all likelihood, 5E/Next won't be ready for some time. I'm really hoping I get a 4E game before it does arrive.

    Isn't Pathfinder outselling it? Nobody did a 4th ed game..huh..wonder why.
    I'm not sure why, either. Somebody made a game called Daggerdale recently, but it was more in the style of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and didn't use a proper ruleset.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's not that it didn't sell well at all - it's more that it didn't sell nearly as well as it could have, or should have, considering how popular D&D and tabletop RPGs have become. Player attrition will happen no matter what, but Wizards did lose a lot of revenue from a plurality of outraged fans who simply refused to play the game. Not because it was new, but because it was so completely different from what came before it (and so much more expensive, too) that it didn't feel like the same game anymore.

    That's not to say that 4e wasn't a good game. It just didn't appeal to the large existing fanbase that D&D had developed. D&D Next hopes to improve that, and based on what I've seen, it should do a lot better.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I believe it's no coincidence that the WotC guys looked to the AD&D Monstrous Manuals to write monsters for D&D Next... I'm no D&D Next beta tester or anything, nor do I have any insight on it, but I will surely check it out when the time comes.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    I'd like a new story, new plot, new time to get beat up by a wolf at lvl 1 and randomly find treasure hidden in rocks!

    All this but with a lot of flirting with the "good old days" (tribute to Boo, anyone?).
  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    All four are nice options but,,, You are already a god (or chosen not to be), what else is there to do? Slay Cyric? As for continueing the adventure in a new story with the same character,,, Well, they are a tad to powerful for that to make sense ^^*

  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    Keep the name of "Baldur's Gate" for the reputation, why not... But the story of the child of Bhaal is finished with TOB.
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Aosaw said:

    It's not that it didn't sell well at all - it's more that it didn't sell nearly as well as it could have, or should have, considering how popular D&D and tabletop RPGs have become. Player attrition will happen no matter what, but Wizards did lose a lot of revenue from a plurality of outraged fans who simply refused to play the game. Not because it was new, but because it was so completely different from what came before it (and so much more expensive, too) that it didn't feel like the same game anymore.

    That's not to say that 4e wasn't a good game. It just didn't appeal to the large existing fanbase that D&D had developed. D&D Next hopes to improve that, and based on what I've seen, it should do a lot better.

    I'm running a beta test D&D Next myself, and I'm not so enthusiastic. Virtually every change in 4E is one I either liked or was indifferent to. This attempt to appease those who blatantly refused 4E is taking a step backwards in all the wrong direction, imo. My D&D Next group spends half their time worrying if they need to take a full rest or not, a long-standing issue with D&D that healing surges more or less fixed. The only thing I really like so far is advantage/disadvantage, which I've already implemented as a house rule in my 4E game. Pretty much any situational bonus of +2 or higher is advantage. Period.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2012
    When you guys have managed this project into view please consider a lowlevel beginning = level 1! And because I know that the roleplaying force is strong with you devs my only wish is a new tale to experience with a very new CHARNAME.

    And a wish+1: PLEASE dont follow the new trend in regards to romances... not everything and anybody needs to be romanced... the witcher did it pretty well;)

    Ah man, just make it dark, brutal and mature and good is i think:D
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    In my AD&D days of 1e we took care of that with the DM letting us know what we needed to do, there was more freedom and imagination involved, once they started to make rules for each and every issue they removed the imagination and ingenuity from the mix and by the end of 2e the entire rule set became burdensome. (Yes and I did walk to school in snow storms up hill both ways too)
  • AvengerLynxAvengerLynx Member Posts: 24
    I'd really like to see the continuation of the story somehow, but fighting level 50 monsters seems a bit too farfetched to me. I'd really like to explore more of the Baldur's Gate region, but maybe with the lands to the north added this time, as opposed to the lands to the south which were explored in the first game.
    Going off on a similar tangent to what I've said in another thread, but the game is called 'Baldur's Gate', because the main part of the first story takes place in the city. Taking it off to the Dalelands as The Black Hound intended to would be a bit silly in my opinion.
    I just think the city has so much more to offer, besides, Icewind Dale II revisited a lot of the old areas and dungeons. Why can't BGIII do something similar, but with some new content?
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Either a totally new game set in another place in the Realms (oh, I would really love to have proper videogame set after the Spellplague, in 1479 DR if that's the current year), or a "soft" continuation with new locales, new characters and a new PC, just some subtle hints as to the Bhaalspawn saga, some returning characters and the like. Both would be okay for me, but I voted "new" because that in my opinion is the safest way to go. After all, you will need to attract new people to the party to make a profit out of a BG3 (or whatever it'll end up being called) endeavour.
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    I voted continue story/new character... but I could easily be persuaded to purchase a totally new storyline so long as it has the 'feel' of BG and begins at level 1 either way. I would really like 'some' tie-in with the events of BG/BG2 however, even if only in passing.

    There are still plenty more locations and goings on around Amn, Waterdeep and Calimshan, etc that could be tied into the 'aftermath' of the Bhaal story. So much damage was done during YOUR rise... so many power vacuums left after [edit out spoiler] events. So much potential for stories.

    One thing I did find interesting about Dragon Age (which has been mentioned... but not fondly) were the 'origins' and how that was handled. That might really be something special to start a BG type game as a human in a village (son of a blacksmith perhaps), or an elf in Suldanesselar, or a Dwarf, Half Orc, Tiefling, etc with a beginning amongst your own people and then you are 'summoned, called or taken' for some reason to the city of Baldur's Gate, etc, etc. All depending on which race or class you choose at character generation. LOL... maybe a human in an Orc village.... or a Dwarf exiled to an Elf city. Anyhoo, lots of possibilities.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    In my AD&D days of 1e we took care of that with the DM letting us know what we needed to do, there was more freedom and imagination involved, once they started to make rules for each and every issue they removed the imagination and ingenuity from the mix and by the end of 2e the entire rule set became burdensome. (Yes and I did walk to school in snow storms up hill both ways too)

    If every other sentence coming out of players' mouths being "we can bar this door and rest" is freedom and imagination, then freedom and imagination suck.

    In 4E, my players catch a breather in what's called a short rest -a few minutes of in-universe time at most- get their encounter powers back, spend some healing surges, and they're ready to move on. Like real heroes. The Fellowship didn't themselves in that chamber in the mines of Moria so they could sleep for 8 hours. They took a short rest and then they killed a troll like men.
  • seekaseeka Member Posts: 53
    I'm just hoping for a game where I don't have to press A for awesome!

    Though I'd just be happy to finally get a BG3
  • gloinunitgloinunit Member Posts: 25
    New player character, same NPCs.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113

    In 4E, my players catch a breather in what's called a short rest -a few minutes of in-universe time at most- get their encounter powers back, spend some healing surges, and they're ready to move on. Like real heroes. The Fellowship didn't themselves in that chamber in the mines of Moria so they could sleep for 8 hours. They took a short rest and then they killed a troll like men.


  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

  • AbdAlAzradAbdAlAzrad Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2012
    Nevertheless, the story of Gorion and Elminster in the rescue of the kids. The return of Minsc to Rashemen, Elminster vs Edwin,...are cool stories. The same character is a temptation, the story of an old hero hated by the people but needed because of a new war, should be interesting. Please be care with the script it is what BG made the best game ever.
    Post edited by AbdAlAzrad on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    do you know what bg3 should be about? jan jansen and his miss adventures, that would be fun to be there when they happened, to make sure he just wasnt full of phoey :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2012
    I'm not sure how they would do it, but i would like a bg3 related somehow to the Throne of Bhaal story, even if it is just indirectly.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    I want a new story and new characters set in the Sword Coast.
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