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Lassal bug

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if somebody has experience the "Lassal bug": when I first enter the Bodhi dungeon, Lassal talk to me when in front of the stairs, but then, he disappear and he is nowhere to be found even if I clear the dungeon. This is kind of annoying as the story cannot progress...


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    I assume you went downstairs and explored there? If so once he teleported away from there ( think he's in the back room down there) he will teleport to the back of the room with blood and spikes on the first level above. It's all the way to the right. The hallway off to the right of the room with the table and the stairs down. Hope that helped.. if not then it must be a bug that he's not there and I'd suggest loading a previous save and trying again to see if it fixes itself.
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