Ravager is immune to all things - Black Pits 2

Yup so I'm stuck on the Bhaal Spawn fight of the black pits 2. I can kill everyone else but the giant ravager is impossible. 100000% immune to magic, electricity, fire, cold, acid, time stop, +1 to +6 weapons, bad jokes, good jokes, etc etc..
One thing I've always hated about Baldur's Gate is the hacky way they make bosses invincible. Wish it would stick with rules. Then I can lower magic resistance and blast away. Anyone beat this guy yet?
One thing I've always hated about Baldur's Gate is the hacky way they make bosses invincible. Wish it would stick with rules. Then I can lower magic resistance and blast away. Anyone beat this guy yet?
The Ravager in vanilla BG2 was easy, because the pain were those freaking Bone Blades inflicting cold damage like no-one else.
Edit: there is a 10000 HP version of The Transcendent One :P
I've heard the term "unload your spellbook," before. I didn't realize just how literally I had to do it. Project Image, Time Stop, as many offensive spells as I could muster, and more Time Stop renewal. I cast every last Magic Missile on the Slayer-to-be. By this time, my Project Image ended, and my Contingencies + Magic Missile + Greater Malison + Finger of Death spam on the Ravager-to-be and Slayer-to-be made sure those ____ers never got a turn.
After that, it was just mop up.
So, after about 20 tries, I finally beat the fight by winning rocket tag and unloading on full auto.
Brings him down to 1 HP.
Also, hilarious to deal 500+ damage with a single spell
As a sorceror, you basically have to wittle him down with horrid wilting and summons.
10-15 horrid wiltings should kill him i you've lowered his MR.
So, basically, you need three full castings even with a high level caster.
Oh, and pierce shield is also level 8.
But, yeah, best way is to use timestop+mindflayer BEFORE he turns.