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wizard slayer. how i would have loved it.

I hate losing control of my npc and ofc the mainchar cannot be raised etc so i would have wanted wizard slayer like this:

Pros: immunity against all that berserker rage protects vs+timestop, unconsiousness, ability drain, death effects.

Cons: as now

Would have been my favorite class


  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Dual classed to thief in order to obtain the Use Any Item HLA.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited December 2013
    So all the immunities that are the sole reason for choosing a Berserker and then some, without having to activate them or deal with the same downsides? What would be the point of being a Berserker in that case? Seems OP.
    Having said that, the class needs something. It's definitely underwhelming as is.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    A wizard slayer with a somewhat higher starting MR (maybe 10% + 2/level), an inability to wear any armour (though gauntlets, shields, helms, etc., would be all fine), and an ability to surpass specialization in only weapons that mages can use (quarterstaffs, daggers, etc.), would be pretty balanced, IMO.

    The restrictions on armour and weapons would reflect their 'know-thy-enemy' mindset.

    Dual-class restriction: into mages only!
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    WS is a shit, monks get more Magic Resistance per level than WS. if i want to make someone to fail in cast spells i use miscast magic, insect plague, swarm insect or Bala's Axe.
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    The Wizard Slayer, IMO, should have something to the effect of Everard's Morningstar, being an ability to have a chance to just completely force a mage to lose a spell from Memorization. As for it's stackable miscast chance on attack, it should be affected by ranged weaponry as well as melee attacks, but that's not the case. They're definitely one of the lowest tier kits in the game but you can still win with them using the right gear.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I'd like an activated ability where the next hit dispels. That's all they need to be good, I think.
  • KilmantorKilmantor Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2013

    I hate losing control of my npc and ofc the mainchar cannot be raised etc so i would have wanted wizard slayer like this:

    Pros: immunity against all that berserker rage protects vs+timestop, unconsiousness, ability drain, death effects.

    Cons: as now

    Would have been my favorite class

    And immunity against Fire, Acid, Cold, and Electricity please. I mean come on we're talking about a ****ing wizard SLAYER, its ridicolous that these mages can even harm him!

    proposal for HLA: Summon Lich-Irenicus!
  • Dzuk5Dzuk5 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2013
    i play now wizard slayer and whant dual him to thief on 22 lvl(3 HLA) when he get 30% megic res give him carsomir when get 6,5 mln XP(3,5 and 3,1 thief). also heve 5 stars in long swords and semitars to 2 mln XP i play solo rhis way other npc wich i havent speak had 1,2 mln XP on start. he will have 100% magic res in tob with carsmyr and without about 60-80 with other item. it is liatel hursh to play but now when he get 1.5 mln XP is nice. now with rose blade ; belm and aerie beter haste he has 10 atacks in 3 chapter. i now when he became tthef he will be weak that is way i play solo in 1 two chapter to get low xp bust first an beter xp bust get with all team. he will yous short bow with chapter 4-5 he should get wizard slayer back
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Maybe i'm Wrong, but isn't Carsomyr going to dispel the magic failure ability of WS on hit?
  • Dzuk5Dzuk5 Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2013
    kamuizin said:

    Maybe i'm Wrong, but isn't Carsomyr going to dispel the magic failure ability of WS on hit?

    i don't now we will see. beside carsomyr i will use only to dispel protection spell. my primery wepon will be Blackrazor in right and Ninja-To +3 + 1round atack in left hend. as I sead magic res i can get from other sorcess. such as
    Shiled 5%
    sword 30%
    amulet 10%
    Ring 10 %
    Armor 20% or 5%
    hell trails 10%
    lum machine 5%
    there is plenty of oprtunity
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Umm a berserker gets all of these except timestop and death effects (which all offer a save so vs good saves he gets that aswell) and he can use all magic items etc.

    Wizard slayer would not be op as this.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    WS need a completly ovehaul on the kit. The main issue of the kit, the lock on magical items usage is something that can be workable into a Paper and Pen game, but not compatible with an PC RPG game. To this work, the game would need special items to be used as technology replacements.

    I would prefer to make a WS unnable to use any charge/usable items instead of forbidden equip them, he should be able to equip anything, but if he try to use a special ability from an item, should be applied something like 50-100% chance of cast failure on him.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Wizard Slayer in its current form is indeed a bit bland, but hey, it's a Fighter which is Blandy McBland in the first place. Conceptually I always thought it was a fitting class if importing a fighter from the first game though; some mage kidnaps you and your party members, tortures you and kills a couple of your friends? That mage is going down, rarrr!!!
    jackjack said:

    So all the immunities that are the sole reason for choosing a Berserker and then some, without having to activate them or deal with the same downsides? What would be the point of being a Berserker in that case?

    And here I thought it was about the increased damage output. Guess the class should just be renamed Magic Sponge then :)

    (yes of course I agree the immunities shouldn't be copy-pasted)
  • lelag200lelag200 Member Posts: 125
    I've only gone through BG2 and ToB completely once and that was with a wizard slayer. He was as descent a character as any on my party and I enjoyed playing through with him, so I'm not relating real well. It was more interesting than a plain old fighter would have been.. right?
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    The problem with the WS concept is that people start from the assumpton that's a fighter that Hate Magic. Many things can make an fighter a Wizard Slayer, he can be born with an unstable anti-magic field around him, he could get proper trainment to use mind focus to repel magic, he can be the fruit of a failed experiment of a wizard (a thayan probally), He can be favored by a good that opposes Mystra... Hell, he can be a normal fighter with an enchantment input on him by an sage, an avatar of a god or something like that, that simple give him those abilities.

    Yes, the name Wizard Slayer suggest an fighter specialized in slaying mages, but that doesn't necessary means any kind of hate towards magic. If Hate of magic was the fuel to make all the wizard slayers, Valygar would be a wizard slayer, not a stalker.

    The kit has nothing to do with PnP from 2° edition anyway (that's in fact an kit for barbarian, not fighter).
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    lelag200 said:

    I've only gone through BG2 and ToB completely once and that was with a wizard slayer. He was as descent a character as any on my party and I enjoyed playing through with him, so I'm not relating real well. It was more interesting than a plain old fighter would have been.. right?

    Fair enough, but what class and/or kit ISN'T more interesting?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    They should just increase the MR to 4% per level and give them the inquisitor dispel magic.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    I want a class that cannot be lost control over.

    Ideas: barbarian kit marauder: a warrior that is oblivious to any harm while hacking away in a state of constant warfare. Cannot be stopped unless torn to shreds...

    Cons: no missile weapons, no barbarian rage, no damage resistance
    Pros: protected against all status effect changes (imprisonment, drain, hold, indtant death effects etc)

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