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Loss of left side toolbar.

I rotated my iPad to get it at a different angle and in doing so I lost the left tool bar that has the inventory, menu, etc. I've reset the app and my iPad yet I still don't have the toolbar making the game pretty much unplayable.


  • davemodavemo Member Posts: 147
    You can bring it back by clicking below the pause button at the bottom left. There is a little indicator there when the toolbar is hidden, but it isn't obvious.
  • ZoltaireZoltaire Member Posts: 4
    This happened to me too and there is no little indicator, the box you hit to pause is also missing.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    What version of iPad and iOS are you using, and which BG game are you playing? When you rotated it, did you rotate it 90 degrees or 180 degrees? Did you try rotating it again?
  • ZoltaireZoltaire Member Posts: 4
    Ipad2, model MC769X/A, iOS 7.04, Shadows of Amn, BGIIEE 1.2. I've tried rotating it and the side bar stays missing.
  • EldraneEldrane Member Posts: 56
    Same problem with me
  • ZoltaireZoltaire Member Posts: 4
    I don't remember rotating it but it could have happened
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    That's really strange.
    I've tried rotating my iPad to see if I could replicate the issue, but when rotating, the screen stays in landscape on my iPad...
  • greenfishgreenfish Member Posts: 84
    I had the same issue.

    Solved it by reloading a previous save, and SPAMMING the side where the panel is missing, I just used all my fingers on the screen, finally it popped back up again.

    Wait... isn't there an option in the menu where you can DISABLE/ENABLE HUD? Try that? Not sure, don't have BG1 installed at the moment
  • TheZodiakTheZodiak Member Posts: 33
    I can't even rotate it for a different view. When i start bg:ee its always landscape.
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