Solo Monk: how to protect against energy drain?

I was pondering a solo monk run but am a bit worried about energy drain: all the protection items until upgraded spectral brand are unusable for monks. Are there enough prot from undead scrolls to last through all the SoA undead battles? Since monks also can´t use the undead killing throwing axe there´s also not really a reliable way to kill them in ranged battle. Any suggestions? What I found with googling was to make the amulet of power usable for monks but that's last resort I guess...
Then, well, you can have Agurvandal+5 in ToB and they can use it.
Maybe using LOTS of potions and that stuff, right now I am playing with a Fighter/Thief in the original BG2, and he only got hit one time, but it is only luck and using Potions of Defense like and idiot. Also, try fighting them near a temple, it helps if you get severely Level Drained and you want to restore yourself.
You can use Prot From Undead scroll and travel around Athkatla without sleeping, so you can kill them all with one scroll.
On the plus side, monk speed means you're awesome at kiting.
No major problems yet except for the sewers adventure party that just kicked my b*tt. Will be back after D'Arnise Hold and Trademeet, by then I should have decent MR. Didn't get Daystar yet, couldn't bash in the door yet, will be back later after Draw upon Holy might gives me another strength point.
Resting is slow, got the DUHM and one cure. 1 Horror which was a lifesaver several times. Most of the time I heal as a troll from cloak of sewers. Will update after Chapter 3 how graveyard went.
Did temple ruins as well, beat the dragon just with 2 buffing potions quite easily but had gotten killed before by a lich in the lava room when a symbol of stun got through MR and saving throw. His greater mummy friends chewed me up afterwards.
In summary so far it looks like solo monk is viable even without energy drain protection though Instill haven't raided the vampire lair yet. Today I will tackle Firkraag and maybe use up one of my protection scrolls fir the undead room there.
The improved daystar is a total demi-lich killer though, that fight was over almost before it started.
Firkraag was the first enemy I couldn't defeat btw, just hit 3 mio XP so had one hardiness but even so he hit me consistently at AC-20 for heavy damage inspite of hardiness, while I couldn't get through his stoneskins fast enough. I'll come back after the underdark, now off to the vampire lair, this time with pritection scroll running
Otherwise the run was a cakewalk till here, the occasional reload but always more from carelessness since I play this on the ipad while travelling etc. in a layzy casual mode. In spite of mirror images and AC -24 I regularly got energy drained (which started the thread). I just stopped worrying about it and use restoration after the fights.