Mod Idea - Favored Soul as a Sorc Kit

Since it's now possible to create kits for the sorcerer AND it is also possible to limit what spells are available to what class, I'm pondering creating a Sorcerer Kit called the "favored soul".
Here's how I would pull it off :
- Create a "Favored Soul" Sorcerer kit :
Have them get THACO progression equal to clerics rather than equal to wizards
Have them use d8 as their hit dice
Have them be able to use any "medium or lesser armor" (IE : Everything but Plate / Fullplate)
Have them be able to use any shield.
Have them be able to use any weapon.
Have them get specific bonuses at level 1, 4 and 12 depending on their alignment (IE : Depending on their deity... would probably use the same deity as the cleric, IE : Lothander for good FS, Helm for neutral FS & Talos for Evil FS)
- Prevent the favored Soul kit from getting level 8 & 9 spells. Instead, alter their spell progression to a cleric spell progression.
- Duplicate every Cleric spell into Wizard spells.
- Prevent all but the favored soul to be able to pick those "cleric" spells
- Prevent Favored Soul to be able to pick wizard spells.
- Duplicate every Cleric HLA into Favored Soul HLA.
Anyone think this could be possible ?
The part I'm the most worried about is the "prevent x to pick y spells", I'm not sure how the engine does that.
Does it simply hides those spells from the available choice - best option - or does it greys spells (worst option : would make it impossible) ?
Since it's now possible to create kits for the sorcerer AND it is also possible to limit what spells are available to what class, I'm pondering creating a Sorcerer Kit called the "favored soul".
Here's how I would pull it off :
- Create a "Favored Soul" Sorcerer kit :
Have them get THACO progression equal to clerics rather than equal to wizards
Have them use d8 as their hit dice
Have them be able to use any "medium or lesser armor" (IE : Everything but Plate / Fullplate)
Have them be able to use any shield.
Have them be able to use any weapon.
Have them get specific bonuses at level 1, 4 and 12 depending on their alignment (IE : Depending on their deity... would probably use the same deity as the cleric, IE : Lothander for good FS, Helm for neutral FS & Talos for Evil FS)
- Prevent the favored Soul kit from getting level 8 & 9 spells. Instead, alter their spell progression to a cleric spell progression.
- Duplicate every Cleric spell into Wizard spells.
- Prevent all but the favored soul to be able to pick those "cleric" spells
- Prevent Favored Soul to be able to pick wizard spells.
- Duplicate every Cleric HLA into Favored Soul HLA.
Anyone think this could be possible ?
The part I'm the most worried about is the "prevent x to pick y spells", I'm not sure how the engine does that.
Does it simply hides those spells from the available choice - best option - or does it greys spells (worst option : would make it impossible) ?
I have been wanting to create custom spell lists for a while... Alas
Edit: if you figure out how to do this, let me know!
Edit 2: I think you could do it if you eliminated a specialist mage...
Btw, can you create mage kits in bgee?
If it is possible to create a new school--i think it is--and tie a usability to it--no idea how if possible--then you can just do that. You would need someone much more knowledgeable to tell you how though.
Anyway, here's the gist:
The only way I know how to do it is with a specialist-school like restriction.
I believe school restrictions are tied to usabilities. You can flag a spell as non-usable by both specialist and generalist mages, like the special chaos wizard spells. However, you need to assign your class a specialist usability that will be able to select said spell at level up.
Step one: Choose a specialist mage to eliminate (or change to a divine caster wizard). Assign your kit that specialists usability though making sure that you give it the sorcerer class (e.g. 0x00000100 19 for the diviner).
Step two: Flag all normal wizard spells as unusable by your selected specialist. You can automate it using Weidu. I can probably help you with this (though my time is extremely limited; patience is a must).
Step three: Recreate all desired cleric spells as wizard spells, with proper names (i.e. spwixxx where xxx is a three digit number that is not equal to any existing spwixxx spl file). When you do this, be sure to flag them as unusable by generalists and all specialists except the one you have chosen.
EDIT: Switched these last two steps. You should not add the new spells into the override folder before you modify the existing wizard spells.
Step four: Change k_x_x so the specific specialist is hidden at character creation. I just realized that this may not be possible. Back to the question: is it possible to create mage kits in BGEE? If not, you'll need to create a divine wizard kit in place of your selected specialist mage because you will not be able to hide it during character creation. (an easier way would be to just not use that kit...)
**Intriguing possibility: Looking at the chaos shield spell in Near Infinity I see that there are some interesting exclusion possibilities. There are a number of unknowns, which may correspond to multiclass mages and/or clerics and/or sorcerers and/or bards . In any case, clerics and druids are on this list. It might be worth it to give the class cleric usability (though follow all other steps above). There is a remote possibility that it may allow your class to pick wizard spells that exclude all generalist and specialist mages. This would be huge because you wouldn't need to delete a mage specialist. But you would need to flag the wild mage spells as unusable to clerics as they would probably be able to use them as well. you can quickly test this, in fact, by creating a sorcerer kit with cleric usability and see if they can select chaos shield. I'd do it myself, but I don't have bgee yet (and so can't create sorcerer kits). Worth a try.**
Just don't give them the heaviest of armors. Give them some slashing weapons like axes and longswords.
Some resistances here and there (Fire and Cold perhaps or Acid like the Cavalier), delayed casting by one level and immunity to normal weapons at level 20, like the monk.
They don't really need much else. Spontaneous divine casting can be quite fun.
Yes, it should, but it can't be modded (except, maybe, by one of the super hack gods). Afaict it's the method I've outlined above, or it's a feature request