Hello There

Hi everyone. I'm Princess_Sarah (but just plain Sarah is fine amongst fellow adventurers!) and I am a girl - which I believe is not the shock it once might have been in the D&D world (any other lasses out there - a hearty hello to you!)
I so far only have Baldur's Gate I (enhanced edition) which I bought from the app store a month or two ago and am enjoying it so much I will definitely be getting BG2 once I finish my first run through so I can carry on.
I was too young to play BG the first time around but gave it a go when I saw it in the app store as I did play Neverwinter Nights (probably at around age 10) which I loved. Being as young as I was, role playing was a bit lost on me and I had never even heard of pen and paper games but just enjoyed running around the world smashing everything in sight with my trusty halfling friend, whose, terrible east end of London accent made me feel strangely patriotic (I am English). Since then I get an itch on occasions which only a bit of good old D&D can solve.
I don't know what else to say about myself except that I sometimes dilly-dally in the world of writing when I am feeling particularly creative, until recently never knew forgotten realms novels existed and have never played pen and paper D&D!
I so far only have Baldur's Gate I (enhanced edition) which I bought from the app store a month or two ago and am enjoying it so much I will definitely be getting BG2 once I finish my first run through so I can carry on.
I was too young to play BG the first time around but gave it a go when I saw it in the app store as I did play Neverwinter Nights (probably at around age 10) which I loved. Being as young as I was, role playing was a bit lost on me and I had never even heard of pen and paper games but just enjoyed running around the world smashing everything in sight with my trusty halfling friend, whose, terrible east end of London accent made me feel strangely patriotic (I am English). Since then I get an itch on occasions which only a bit of good old D&D can solve.
I don't know what else to say about myself except that I sometimes dilly-dally in the world of writing when I am feeling particularly creative, until recently never knew forgotten realms novels existed and have never played pen and paper D&D!
Enjoy the forum AND the games! And if you've got any questions, people will be glad to help you out I'm sure.
I do still love a good old bit of smashing the world up (although as I was running around with a sword I probably actually did more hacking and slashing!)however, I like to think that I am somewhat more refined than my 10 year old self and I have recently turned into one of those really annoying slow players that reads all the books I pick up, having discovered in BG that there is so much more to the game than I realised before (which has been a real delight to discover and I am now hooked on delving into the histories and myths of the forgotten realms).
I have also branched out more than my 10 year old self and have discovered for the first time the delights of playing a non-human character and a multitude of classes I pretty much ignored before.
Like you my preferences has evolved from more physical classes (ranger, fighter/thief) to, in my case, non-human thief/spellcaster hybrids, preferably shorties (gnomes and halflings being my faves).
being only 5'2 myself I have a bit of love for the little guys too and am thinking before long I will end up with a halfling fighter/thief specialising in bows to indulge all my favourite elements!
I'm relatively tall and I used to play dexterous half-elves because I kind of identified myself with them. If had to walk the realms I think I'd be a thief or maybe a ranger (though my knowledge of nature is limited). Nowadays I just like playing completely different races. Stealth has always been my thing though, and still is.
In Skyrim (which I only played for a bit) I used illusions a lot.
Anyway glad to see you've got some fun characters ready to rock the Realms! Gnome Illusionist/Thief is great and halfling Fighter/Thief as well. Can't say much about the Skald, never played them. Have fun!
@Blackraven thanks I'm sure I will have fun - I have an itch to go and start off a stealthy character now lol. I have never really thought about what I would be but maybe a ranger with giant spiders as an enemy (if such a thing is possible) as I can't abide the regular ones so those things running around the countryside would freak the hell out of me!
Also, Zelda (I couldn't resist)