Should Certain Summons or Creatures Reveal the Fog of War?

I remember altering my familiar (from item) with an editor to do this back in the day (I think I either changed it from a summon creature to a player character - which also allowed it to move from one area to another with the party, or gave it an equipable item that replicated the wizard spell. So though I'd put this up for discussion - like what are the PnP rules for a simulcrum?.
Summoner: "Tell me what's in that room over there."
Planetar: "Air"
Or better yet:
Summoner: "Tell me EXACTLY what's in that room over there."
Planetar: "Well, there are EXACTLY ten quadrillion bazillion oxygen molecules. I counted them. They appear to be moving around in what appear to be random patterns, although upon examination there is actually a method to their movement patterns. In addition, there are some carbon molecules that seem to be over in the left quadrant. It looks like there is the remnants of methane gas proliferating the room."
Creating this thread also reminded me that certain summons disappear when you transition from on area to another (I'll be specific) like from inside an inn, you open the door, and you are now outside of the inn - so technically your familiar, or summon, should still be with you. That is unless the spell has expired and they have dissipated into ten quadrillion oxygen molecules, carbon, and methane gas.
As for the molecules comment, I was trying to show that beings who are Compelled to do as they are told, particularly extremely intelligent beings, will often times do the exact letter of what is being commanded, instead of the spirit. You ask a Planetar "What is in that room" instead of responding "10 orcs in the left corner", he is going to potentially give a completely useless and ridiculous, but totally factual response. There are in fact air molecules in that room.
Yeah, my DM could be cruel at times.