Swashie->Fighter Dual-Class

When should I do it?
I realize that in IWD it's a LEVEL cap rather than an EXPERIENCE cap. So it's a bit different than what I'm used to. What do y'all reckon?
I realize that in IWD it's a LEVEL cap rather than an EXPERIENCE cap. So it's a bit different than what I'm used to. What do y'all reckon?
7 (with 18 DEX) also grants 100 Find Traps and 100 extra points to add to any other skill.
Also, swashbucklers suck.
At lvl 6 an (Elf) Swashie with 19 Dex can get 100 Find Traps and 100 Open Locks, as well as 45 (I think? or 40?) Pick Pockets, which is enough to get the Rings in Kuldahar (Free Action and Protection+2). You don't really need the other skills as a Swashbuckler anyway.
Regaining the levels is trivial. I did it in my current run and I was back to Fighter 7 while my PURE Fighter was still at that very same level. Really does not take long at all.
I am inclined to think that this combination is the best Thief you can take (for a powergaming HoF run). It's not AMAZING or anything, but it's very solid as it has nice defensive bonuses and at least some offensive ones. A lvl 1-7 Sneak Attack is after all only 1d6 damage and applies only once, whereas the +1 damage from the first Swash bonus applies to every hit - so if you hit an enemy more than 3.5 times, you already come out ahead over a Sneak Attack, and without worrying about positioning.
Also is Detect Illusion any good in IWD? I imagine not, but I'm just curious.
Should I dual at Level 10 for the AC bonus and all that shtuff?
I have rolled 4 characters for IWD and which includes a kensai planned dual to thief
I know traps wont be as good in IWD (loved time traps), and no use any item
I also will have a Wizard slayer to cleric, a monk, and a dragon disciple (posted her bio for kicks).
My strategy will be to repeat an area ( export, than restart with import). this way I can enjoy the build I want, through most of the content without having to wait on first class to re-appear.
Dunno if this idea appeals to your character.
If you are comfortable grinding a bit, solo Cold Wights to instead dual at +10th lvl. Very, very strong melee character.
No HLAs is a ginourmus kick in the balls for multiclass!
Also no one is comparing Swashbuckler>Fighter to Fighter/Thief, what people are saying is that Fighter/Thief is better than a single class Swashbuckler.
Set Special Snare can also be used as a ranged trap that can AoE targets (usable in fights, too, if you manage to get the bounty hunter out of enemy sight then set special snare). Set Special Snare also comes with slowing enemies (or Hold Enemies at lvl11) that can be neglected by saves.
Levels to Dual-Class for a bounty hunter:
lvl6: Extra set special snare
lvl7: Evasion
lvl8: extra weapon skill point
lvl11: Extra Set Special Snare, upgraded Special Snare ability
Since bounty hunters have 5 thieving points less per level, higher level dual-classing is recommended if you don't want low Set Trap chances while still hitting the threshold for Lockpicking/Finding Traps (I usually have girdle of gond to accommodate that)
This is pure speculation, as I personally have not tried this. But if anyone has any inputs on this, I'm all ears.
There isn't anything else to say about this.
Running a swashie for damsge dealing seems a bit like a higher level dual in BG2.
I would strongly recommend going Half-Orc for the swashie, absurd mental images aside, as 19 str is huge for a swashie.
The F/T has better HP by a mile though.
This way you can also go Half-Orc for even more melee power. Fighters are a thing of the past. Pirates are where it's at! xD
1) If you go Fighter, they have a leg up on all the fighter stuff.
2) If you go Mage, you get a mage that is less squishy than usual and it combines with Tenser's well.
2a) If you're going Mage you're probably not using them to backstab anyway so you're not losing anything.
Swashbucklers are already like having a Fighter/Thief in one class. If you add that to another class by dual classing you're cooking with gas. If its single classes you can get a good thief and a backup tank.
The other thief kit combos are somewhere in there, a bit difficult to rank them all objectively. In terms of pure melee damage output though, I believe the Swashbuckler is where it's at.
It's important to figure out, though, what YOU want from your thief. If you like putting down traps, or doing backstabs, then pick a combination that allows you to do that, even if it's mathematically less damage. These fine distinctions matter less than your own personal enjoyment. Min/maxing to the max isn't for everyone, and certainly not something universally enjoyed. The game isn't exactly difficult enough to demand it either. Still, it always helps to know the options, and, more importantly, to understand them. Once you are thoroughly informed, THEN you can make your OWN decisions - based entirely on what YOU want, and tailored to YOUR preferences. That's what's important.
Basically, a swashbuckler does the same job as a fighter, but will always be behind. An assassin, or assassin-fighter duel, for example, can, situationally, out-damage a fighter.
But luckily we don't have to go single class do we :P
Outside of HoF though the SA (or BS) burst is probably a straight winner though. Good to know and important to keep in mind!