Mod: Convenient Ammunition for IWD:EE

I'm changing this topic to make an announcement regarding my now fulfilled mod request!
"Convenient Ammunition for IWDEE" is a convenience mod that adds a quiver of with unlimited arrows, a case with unlimited bolts and a bag of unlimited bullets to Pomab and Conlan's store inventories.
These items supersede the need to purchase or pickup multiple stacks of the normal unenchanted versions of arrows, bolts and bullets."
All credit to @CrevsDaak and @smeagolheart
Mod can be found here:
"Convenient Ammunition for IWDEE" is a convenience mod that adds a quiver of with unlimited arrows, a case with unlimited bolts and a bag of unlimited bullets to Pomab and Conlan's store inventories.
These items supersede the need to purchase or pickup multiple stacks of the normal unenchanted versions of arrows, bolts and bullets."
All credit to @CrevsDaak and @smeagolheart
Mod can be found here:
Post edited by Sed on
Heh, just kidding. I hope you'll find the game appealing:)
Kids these days.. no sense of adventure
If you want to use the CLUAConsole to get them their codes are: Download link.
It patches the 3 quivers to Conlan. You will need to start a new game to see the changes.
He now sells Quiver of Plenty, Case of Plenty, and the Bag of Plenty.
(edit: see updated version below)
@smeagolheart - the mod works flawless , i installed it and added with EE keeper the quivers to my party ( I am already in chapter 5). Good idea to add it in Kuldahar and the auto install is a nice touch.
@CrevsDaak - I had a bit trouble to install it ( never used weidu before) but I managed and after I installed I noticed that it works with a new party and only if you actually buy the items in shop. If you try to add to inventory with EE keeper, when you load the game,instead of a quiver the party member has a stack of 7 gold coins. If you try to add it with Near Infinity to a container also after you load the game you find only a stack of 7 gold coins.
Adding the items to the first town , Eastheaven is a bit of a problem for 2 reasons: After you leave the town you cannot return until the final battle and second, as a starting new party with a budget of 1300 gold ( plus what you loot in prologue) if you buy the 3 quivers ( at 400+ gold for 1 item) you are left with no money for the rest of equipment.
Appreciate the help from both!
I'll later see of improving how the mod adds the items to the game and I'll use a .bcs, since IWD:EE let's you add items from a script to a store (so you don't need to start a new game if you've been to the store). Please people, tell me WHERE you would like for the items to be... I haven't played the game yet so I choosed the only store I knew where it was. And about the price... I'll have that changed too... It was meant to be cheaper.
But I don't mind if they are at Pomab's Emporium as well.
For now (until someone posts updated items or I get home from work and am able to do it myself
It's easy to test, just start a new temporary game and walk into pomab's and see the quivers. As I said, I believe you have to start a new game since in existing games conlan and pomab already exist in the savegame and are saved without the items. In a new game, the updated shops will show up.
I was thinking the price should be closer to 50 or so instead of the $300ish it costs now (*actual price depends on charisma and reputation)
edit: see below for newer version
I updated the descriptions, lowered the prices and used @CrevsDaak 's superior method of patching the items in via script so it will work even if you visited the merchants before there's no longer a need to create a new game.
I tried CrevsDaak's mod and went to Pomab, I didn't see any of the new items for some reason? Also Conlan is in area 2103 not 2100.
Anyway, I think we should work together.
Yea, just patch into one very nicely working mod, write the two of you as authors, and we'll have pancakes for the both of you ^^
Really would be interested in Magical +1 and +2 quivers/bags make them like 15K and 25K gold.
I'm not sure where it would be appropriate in the game to add +1/+2 variants. Those might be better as added items to treasure drops or something. The game could really use a decent item mod to flesh out things like lack of clubs and and halberds as well..
I doubt anyone in here minds improvements to mods
I can imagine maybe conlan has +1, though maybe he wouldn't. It just seems a bit too powerful of a thing to sell.
And how much would it cost? If you bought a ton of +1 arrows or +2 etc it would cost a ton of money wouldn't it?
In core rules you got plenty of gold to buy enough magic ammo so it's not really unbalanced. But if you are playing HOF I'm not sure if enough magic ammo exists. You can go through 3-5k arrows per dungeon easy.
I know my parties in bg and bg2 were basically out fitted with magic ammo bundles most of the game.
But at least in bg2 there are plenty of slings,bows, crossbows that create their own magical ammo.
That's probably what IWD is missing. HOF just takes so much ammo it's crazy. Especially when u have 4 range guys some levels.
The convenient ammo upgrade for the regular game is still an awesome mod - modified the old item upgrade mod though, so it does only install the +1 ammo bags and nothing else, but couldn't check as am not that far into the game yet (thanks to work ^^). at least NI does show them properly, or maybe I'll hack my lvl up just for checking...if it's working I could add it as a sub-mod (and if camdawq doesn't have a problem for modifying his mod ^.^)
"Emmerich in Lonelywood now sells a Bag of Plenty +1, Case of Plenty +1, and a Quiver of Plenty +1"
( I don't know the exact item/CLUAC codes for IWD since they may be different from BG I believe so I will just use the BG for an example)
- first, lets "buy" our quiver of plenty +1, so the first cheat you would use is:
( this is just an example price you could use and in theory you could use any price you want, as long as there is a "-" in front of the number, it will subtract it from your actual party gold total)
next you can summon in some arrows +1
( when you have a comma after the quotation and then put a number beside it, that will give you the amount of that STACKABLE item that will appear when you summon it, and as far as BG is concerned 65535 is the highest stack you can have, if you go over that amount it will reset back to 1
so retrospect its not quite as cool as having a quiver of plenty per se, but this basically gives you the same result, if you cant wait for a mod to come out, and 65535 of any ammunition will take a long time to get through, I bet that even on HoF mode from the beginning of IWD all the way to the end of HoW you probably still wont go through all 65535, and if you do, just summon in another batch, top notch