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Illustrated epilogues for all NPCs at the end of ToB, even for BG1 ones.Plus the same for locations.

XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
edited August 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
CURRENTLY : Vanilla ToB gives epilogues for NPCs in text-only mode. You get to know the future of only those NPCs, who finish the last battle with you.

DESIRED FEATURE : Illustrated epilogues are given for each NPC you've encountered and took into your party at least once during the journey through both games, even for those who died or were presumed to have died(like my virtual bro Xzar). Each epilogue features a beatiful painting by Nat Jones and Jason Manley :)
Plus, the same could be done for locations, telling us how your decisions affected the fate of cities, districts and regions.


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    I definitely agree with epilogues for all characters you've met. As for having them illustrated, while this seems like a good idea at face value I think it would also make them very hard to change/edit, which would take away from the customizability of the game.
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131
    Perhaps the planned images are presented in the epilogue, but there's also a little folder in the installation that holds a bunch of obscure or miscellaneous images done in the same art-style for people that want to change endings or add ones for fan-made NPCs.
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131
    On the note of cities and locations, I always wanted to know what specifically happened to my stronghold once I had finished ToB
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I only somewhat disagree with adding an epilogue for all characters you've met, as I always have every character in my party at least for a little while. I would say those who helped you defeat melissan and those who helped you defeat sarevok.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I could go either way on this. I was happy to read what happens to the characters, and Jaheira remained with forever and it was all butterflies and strawberries forever...
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I like this idea, but I'm not sure how workable it would be if the epilogue had to include everyone you had in your party at any time. Though I would also really like to see the epilogues illustrated. The text can seem a little plain after a play through or two.

    Perhaps it would be better if BG:EE had epilogues for your party in BG1 when you defeat Sarevok and also have reworked (or at least illustrated) epilogues for your party when you complete Throne of Bhaal.
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