What are the experience levels to spawn stronger mobs?

Some of the enemy mobs adjust to your party levels. For example, in the Shadow Dungeon, depending on your level, skeleton warriors, greater boneguards or even liches might spawn.
Does anyone know what the exact level requirements are in order to spawn these stronger mobs?
Does anyone know what the exact level requirements are in order to spawn these stronger mobs?
IF XPLT(Player1,400000) Entered([ANYONE]) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("skelwa01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("shadow01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("shadow01",[-1.-1],S) END IF XPGT(Player1,399999) XPLT(Player1,1000000) Entered([ANYONE]) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("skelwa01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("skelwa01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("shadfi01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("shadfi01",[-1.-1],S) END IF XPGT(Player1,999999) XPLT(Player1,2000000) Entered([ANYONE]) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("mumgre01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("icbone01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("skelwa01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("skelwa03",[-1.-1],S) END IF XPGT(Player1,1999999) Entered([ANYONE]) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("lich01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("mumgre01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("mumgre01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("skelwa01",[-1.-1],S) CreateCreature("skelwa03",[-1.-1],S) END
Even without knowing much about scripts you can guess what creatures are spawned for each XP range. For example, "skelwa" is a Skeleton Warrior, "mumgre" is a Greater Mummy and "shadfi" is a Shadow Fiend.
first degree : the original 1M and 2M xp keypoints become 400K and 1M (and 400K becomes "0")
second degree : the original 1M and 2M xp keypoints become "0" and 400K
third degree : you always get the max spawns (originally above 2M) except with undeads (it obeys the first degree rule)
fourth degree : you always get the max spawns (originally above 2M)
It also handles another variable used in chapter 6+.
My concern is maximizing the XP gains from a party of 6, so clearly I want as many of the higher level encounters as possible to maximize total XP through the game - which also means deferring the places that will have the highest boost effect until as late as possible. Does an early run at Watcher's keep cost me more in terms of ultimate XP there, vs. raising my xp closer to the 2M xp mark to maximize what I will score back in SoA?
I presume the best thing I can do is shoot for big quest XP points early, as those are fixed bonus amounts, boosting me closer to the levels were variable xp matters.
Also it very much looks like it's dependent on charname-XP (not his level and not the partymembers levels or XP).
Are you sure? Something really strange just happened to me in the Windspear dungeon. On level 2 the room on the right end of a hall typically containing a few mummies and other undead, was now populated by around five mummies, a couple of vampires, three or four ancient vampires and several vampire elders. I wasn't really prepared for this, took a beating and reloaded. When I went in again, I was welcomed by a few measly mummies and ghasts.
I'm not really sure what I did differently but it might be that charname opened the door the second time around (he is an M/T) and triggered the encounter.
It could perhaps just be a bug caused by a mod.
I remember having problems once with a bunch of vampires appearing in Undercity in BG1 for no known reason - suddenly that dusty old scroll of protection from undead came in handy :-)