No reload SCS+spell revisions 4 man game.

Hi. This no reload will be my first one.
This is a spell revisions v4 + SCS + g3 tweakpack install.
Importantly, mages and clerics do autobuff at start of combat and both the party and opponents have maxed hp as well. Most if not all difficulty increasing modules for SCS are turned on.
I will be starting the game on a save right after Irenicus' dungeon and Aerie tent.
I use EE keeper to set up my starting party and give them xp so that everyone is the same level of experience and the dual class is active.
I disabled locks and traps using g3 tweakpack as i want to focus on SCS combat and remove frustration.
My party at this point is
inquisitor lvl 8 (will use katanas, bastards and greatswords)
ranger 7 -> cleric 8 dual (uses maces, hammers and flails)
cleric 8/ illusionist 9 multi
sorcerer 10
This is a spell revisions v4 + SCS + g3 tweakpack install.
Importantly, mages and clerics do autobuff at start of combat and both the party and opponents have maxed hp as well. Most if not all difficulty increasing modules for SCS are turned on.
I will be starting the game on a save right after Irenicus' dungeon and Aerie tent.
I use EE keeper to set up my starting party and give them xp so that everyone is the same level of experience and the dual class is active.
I disabled locks and traps using g3 tweakpack as i want to focus on SCS combat and remove frustration.
My party at this point is
inquisitor lvl 8 (will use katanas, bastards and greatswords)
ranger 7 -> cleric 8 dual (uses maces, hammers and flails)
cleric 8/ illusionist 9 multi
sorcerer 10
Notice that the spells in spell revisions work diffirently.
I rested, set up my spells, buffed up and headed on the second floor of the Den of the Seven Vales and started a banter with the party upstairs which quickly turned into a fight.
First things that i did was cast dispel magics and retreat back a little bit. The second round castings helped a lot because i the dwarf got feebleminded(malison helped) so he was out of the fight. Orcslicer did a extreme damage to my tanks which had to be healed promptly.
After that my paladin and ranger cleric got dispelled and slowed. I cast emotion and glitterdust/slow while recasting haste. Mages with stoneskin/mirror image online tanked the Orcslicer. The thief landed a big backstab but i lived. He got promptly feebleminded afterwards.
The fight ended after that. I charmed the mage for lols.
Good luck!
Im doing the smaller and easier quests now, because the first battle was extremely risky, that barbarian nearly destroyed me i have to be thankful for that feeblemind working as intended and removing the dwarf.
Copper coronet slavers quest was rly easy, the myconids confused one of my dudes (only have 1 chaotic commands cast as of now) but i cast break enchantment and freed him.
The ambush party with arbane's sword etc was pretty funny because i ve had both my clerics hold person'd by 1 spell, cast dispel magic to free them. I was much stronger then this ambush anyways because i cast preemptively spells like barkskin.
Robbing the graveyard now, i will stay away from anything vampire-ish now, and will leave korgan's quest for later perhaps after i get the mace. There is at least 1 vampire in the tomb down there, i could try and feeblemind him as well but i dont want to risk.
As for the spells, im very much liking the barkskin on my ranger - cleric because he buffs the whole party for a solid -3 ac and then i cast defensive harmony, haste etc so the AC goes pretty low now that i have full plate armor.
Feeblemind is quite powerful. If im not mistaken one can even feeblemind a dragon. Which will be my tactic to take out firkraag along with polymorph other from the clerics. He has 553 hp on my install. yikes. However, he s got 6 save vs spells this will be 8 after malison or 50/50 to resist feeblemind.
Resilient sphere is super as well. -4 save penalty, and is not subject to charm/hold/whatever immunities. Can be used to save your own party members as well.
Chaos and slow are super useful as always.
Liking the greater malison changes to -2 saves, looks fair and balanced.
Btw i have the "spell deflection protects from aoe spells" option.
Staying away from the parties for now, especially the sewers, because there is a party, a beholder and a rakshasa. Might head for Nalia's quest and the smaller bridge/graveyard/goverment disctict quests as well as the tanner.
Will be reporting the events as they unfold and hopefully the big battles will go alright. Ill be showing the pictures.
Sorcerer gets level 11, cleric ranger is 9 7, inquisitor 9, illusionist/cleric 9/8.
Cleared out the 1st level of a guarded compount in the temple district.
Did some other small things i may not remember.
After that i decided to defeat the sewers party.
Buffed up, summoning a lesser earth elemental which, hasted and improved invis'ed proves to be quite an awesome fighter with a decent damage output pretty similar to either of my melee dudes. I think he also has protection from normal weapons.
I set up invisibility for everyone and attacked the group of 6(a mage, 2 clerics, 2 melees and an archer) taking them by surprise.
First, i killed an archer in ~2 rounds while casting malison and i think remove magic.
After that i killed one of the clerics quickly while casting chaos and slow. The enemy mage decided to toss his ridiculous remove magic which completely debuffed me. He must have a big caster level and i dont have any antimagic spells prepared because i decided to take out everyone else instead. I think that at this point the mage is afraid to cast his damaging magic like the cone of cold and sunfire because his friends are around.
Slow and chaos work very well, few people are slowed and one of their fighters is confused and effectively out of combat. My sorcerer sneaks a feeblemind on another fighter. Great, they have no fighters. Some kobolds appear behind me. I decide to leg it and regroup with the help of invisibility. The mage expends his chain lightning on my ranger/cleric but its useless because he doesnt follow it up with anything.
The confused fighter attacks their mage but to no effect of course. The elemental disappeared by this time. I rebuff with whatever i have left and come back. The mage casts spell trigger 2 x chromatic orb and paralyses my ranger cleric.
This isnt a problem because my other cleric has remove paralysis. I clean up the two helpless fighters. The mage and the cleric remain. Everyone tries to punch each other, but everyone lives. The mage has his contingency activated and has stoneskin again. The cleric simply has a decent AC and drinks potions. At this point im quite relaxed.
After the cleric died, the mage decided to go crazy with his remaining spells and killed my sorcerer with sunfire. He also cast the cone of cold. This isnt dangerous anymore he wont last and i have healing magic for my fat fighters.
End of combat
About the improved invisibility. Is it supposed to give -4 save bonus in SR? Because unlike vanilla there isnt a save bonus in the description, there actually is one. My sorc has 2 save vs spell with blur and ii and my cleric/illusionist gets -1.
I see you use Chaos and Feeblemind a lot and I'd like to ask your opinion about possible future changes to those two spells.
Don't you find Chaos OP? I was thinking to "remove" it because it makes the supposedly more famous Confusion completely useless and outshines Hold Monster too (Chaos has larger AoE, higher save penalty, and confusion immunity is less common than hold). My plan was to replace it with Waves of Fatigue (no save, cause fatigue on all enemies within 30 feet) because Necromancy school lack spells at this lvl (it had no spells at all before SR added Summon Shadows) while Enchantment has too many overlapping ones.
I have mixed feelings about Feeblemind. Some players consider it OP because it's pretty much a death sentence against warriors (and it's indeed more effective than a Finger of Death on them) and I was thinking to make it work more close to PnP with the save penalty only applied when used against spellcasters. Anyway, the question is, do think it's too good?
I think that Chaos overshadows hold monster a bit. Chaos is a bit above average in power, hold monster is a bit below average. I dont have a lot of opinions on hold monster, i just took chaos every time for the reasons you listed (bigger aoe, -4 penalty, instead of -2).
What do you mean that confusion immunity is a bit more rare then hold immunity? Which creatures are immune to hold but arent to chaos/confusion?
Chaos is a no brainer for me. Its just the best disable spell out there even with lots of confusion immune monsters. I like the spell very much, and it is dangerous in the hands of AI controlled creatures as well.
2)About removeing chaos? I have mixed feelings about that i will miss it and its spell icon is pretty as well
3)Feeblemind has the rarest immunity out of all the disables bar blindness and slow but its single target. I dont like the idea of making it useless against the warriors, but maybe it needs a duration slapped on it, for example the creature affected is standing still for 5 rounds, loses all spells but after that it can move and attack as normal. At least it wont be better then flesh to stone and finger of death anymore. This is what should be done: make is worse then level 6 and level 7 alternatives.
I would also love to have less immunities on the bosses. Like you know. defeating Irenicus with a flesh to stone cast would ve been awesome.
Conclusion: II doesnt work as intended for me, chaos is slightly OP, hold monster a bit UP, feeblemind is also a bit overpowered. But im not excited about the fatigue wave idea, the spell seems to be pretty weak for its circle and wont be nearly as good as chaos. maybe if it ignores all immunities... but then, it is a glorified chant debuff the clerics have de facto.
1) I checked and for some reason EE hardcoded Improved Invisibility +4 to all saves. I don't know why they did this and I hate it because it makes no sense imo and it's also quite OP. The spell will now work as intended only on the original trilogy, thanks EE.
2) Chaos is a copy of Confusion, just way better, and too good anyway for its lvl, that's why it has to go imo. Regarding Waves of Fatigue the idea is: -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls, AC, movement rate and casting speed; 5 rounds, no save, casting speed 5. Almost no creature would be immune to it (only undead and oozes imo) and SCS mages will make you fear this spell.
Regarding confusion vs hold effectiveness, the latter is countered by Remove Paralysis (SCS clerics do use it) while the former is a lot harder to counter (you need SR's Break Enchantment, which is single target and less cheap).
3) I'll think about making Feeblemind not permanent. Your suggested 5 rounds, maybe with a small secondary effect, seems sensible.
Well i even feebleminded a mage and torgal, but my main character got surrounded, the sleeping ranger/cleric didnt let him out gg. i got a bit careless
Do you guys know what does give command immunity? Ah break enchantment can help. Chaotic commands dispelled. After thinking back. i just should ve used namarra's silence a couple of times to shut the spirit trolls.
Turns out you better have some nice instakill spells on most of your casters in this battle. Otherwise the trolls dont end and the yuan-ti just keep swarming you with shadow summons, sispelling your hchaotic commands to further command or chaos