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Summoned creatures and oddities with their basic stats.

All summoned elementals (mage/druid) have a identical basic stats (strength, dexterity, constitution, etc.) regardless of their level and each stats equal nine (9). As well as invisible stalker, wyvern and carrion crawler have different strength (18/76, 14 and 14), but its all other basic stats are identical and equal 9. As for me, it's look like a bug.


  • IchthyicIchthyic Member Posts: 89
    I took a a look in the editor, and for elementals, strength does differ, but most of the other stats are 9, simply because they don't make any difference. the damage they do is scripted by the weapon attached to their "hands". the strength differences mostly amount to lowering their THACO.

    the main point of difference between them is their resistances, and the script used for their fist attack. fire elementals are much weaker in attack than water or earth elementals, which have the same base damage.

    this is all just from looking directly at each of them using an editor.
  • kotopheykotophey Member Posts: 97
    Ichthyic said:

    I took a a look in the editor, and for elementals...

    So, elementals strength doesn’t affect their damage, dexterity doesn’t affect their AC and the constitution doesn’t affect their HP, right? As for me it’s SO strange…

    In any case, it would be good to hear Beamdog’s opinion about this.
  • IchthyicIchthyic Member Posts: 89
    it does.. but there's only a couple of points of difference between them, what affects their damage far more is the weapon that is attached to their hands. so for example, water elementals and earth elementals use the same fist weapon, but earth elementals do 2 points more damage because their strength is higher.

    ...but that's on a base of 20-30 IIRC, so it ends up being lost in the random variation.

    the fire elemental only has one less strength than the water, but his base is 8-10.

    don't ask me why it's set up like that, but it is.

    I actually modded my elementals to make them more equivalent, and even have a few spells to cast.

    so, kept the base for fire elemental, but double the attack rate and gave them a ranged attack by being able to cast melf's minute meteors.

    I always did think the elementals were a bit boring as just fisty meat sacks.
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