Fighter\Druid (And Import to BG2:EE)

Hi Guys....Finally I have the time to start my adveture in BG1:EE I read about the dual class and i read 2 guides but i'm not still sure that I understood perfectly.. I want to Dual Class FIGHTER\DRUID...And I am going to IMPORT my character from BG1 to BG2 so....When you suggest to dual class?
I read at level 9, level 13, level 10....Please suggest me
Thank you!
I read at level 9, level 13, level 10....Please suggest me

Now then regarding your Fighter=>Druid questions...
1) More experienced veterans can correct me if I am wrong, but the recommendation for doing it at lv10 in "playithardcore" considers Charname reaching the BG2 xp-cap, which will not happen in a full-party playthrough, even a completionist one. Thus I think it is better to dual-class at lv9, when you get a new proficiency point. This allows you to get back your Fighter levels much sooner in early-BG2.
2) In my opinion, although a dual-classed Fighter=>Druid is more powerful in the long run, dual-classing is a bit of a pain for a beginner to manage, so you might just want to use a multi-class, which has benefits in the long run too. (Both Druid and Fighter HLAs).
3) FYI: There is a Fighter/Druid companion you can pick up very early in the game, she is part of the canon party for BG1, and pretty awesomely powerful in BG2, so you don't need to go Fighter/Druid yourself to have one in the party.
Having said that, I think dualing at 7th is roughly as good as dualing at 9th. With a dual at 7th (fighter 7 > druid x), you'll do the dual in BG1. Oddly enough, the difference xp curves in the game mean you'll take longer to regain your abilities with the 7th dual, but you'll have a completed dual (both classes active) by the BG1 endgame, and you'll be able to start BG2 with a fully realized character. Moreover, the 7th level dual doesn't lose much compared to the 9th level dual. One proficiency point that you can't use to grandmaster anyway (because you can use the druid 8 point for that in the 7th level dual only) and maybe five hit points. Nothing major, in exchange for getting 5th level spells in BG1. I highly recommend it.
EDIT: Rolled 95
Pretty much if you plan to start in BG1 and dual, you won't dual until you get into BG2.