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#10459 [All] Protector Longbow should correctly adjust the wielder's Armor Class

moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
edited May 2015 in IWD:EE Bugs (v1.4.0)
The AC bonus provided by this bow seems to remove other sources of AC enhancement when unequipped.

For example my character has -8 AC.

Equipping the bow still gives me -8 AC (possibly due to other enhancements not stacking with this bonus)
Unequipping the bow drops this down to -7

It seems to mostly drop the AC from my cloak (Mantle of Coming Storm) or Necklace (Black Wolf Talisman). The only way to rectify is to unequip everything and then re-equip.

I have a few tweaks from BG2Tweaks running, otherwise a vanilla install.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • jondmjondm Member Posts: 1
    Indeed the bug appears in unmodded vanilla install 1.3.058
  • IchthyicIchthyic Member Posts: 89
    yup. confirmed bug was in my game this morning with 1.3, and is still there in 1.4 very annoying.

    the only way to avoid it, is to save, exit the game, reload and don't remove the bow, only use the hotswap button to change weapons and use rt-click "abilities" to swap weapon ammo. then at least it doesn't remove your bonuses, though it doesn't add to them either.

    this happens with both the +2 and the +3 version of the protector bow.

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Just encountered this bug myself, in combination with the Rogue's Cowl. It's annoying as hell.

    If you equip the bow before the Cowl, the AC is calculated OK. But if you equip the Cowl and then the bow, the Cowl's bonus gets negated.
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