Slayer form question

What is the story on the Slayer change? I have been reluctant to use it at all, but finally had no choice. (In the Mind-flayer dungeon, the door to the overbrain was locked, and we had totally run out of Ilithids to open it). There was literally no other way to get out.
I had two transformations available, and afterward I had only one, even several days later. Are these limited in availability? I understand it's supposed to be a desperation type last resort option; but I'm wondering what determines how many times it can be used. You get a use every chapter, or when certain events happen?
I had two transformations available, and afterward I had only one, even several days later. Are these limited in availability? I understand it's supposed to be a desperation type last resort option; but I'm wondering what determines how many times it can be used. You get a use every chapter, or when certain events happen?
Afaik it should be on a once-per-day use throughout, but I suppose there may be a story point somewhere that grants an extra use just for one occasion. I am uncertain. You shouldn't be getting extra uses as a rule.
As for the Mind Flayer City...
Slayer change is a last resort indeed. Not that useful to your pc, but my wild mage pc sure made use of it when all of his party was ambushed and killed by mindflayers using smart tactics thanks to scs mod. I had no real spells left, and spells are useless against mind flayers anyway, they have %90 mr. Anyway, I had no choice and turned into slayer and tore the group of mindflayers to pieces. It was epic. For a weakling pc like a mage it is a literally godsend ability to get extremely pyschial against a foe when needed. If magic fails, go Slayer and smash the foe into chunks.
Slayer change gives you a lot of immunities to most bad conditions like a rage effect. Also you become immune to imprisonment, IIRC. Downside is you get -2 reputation with each use. You may go berserk and lose control and attack the nearest creature while in Slayer form. Also you start taking magic damage that increases with each interval if you stay in that form too long. You may protect yourself from the damage with protection from magic energy 6th lvl spell, however, if you take too long you just get insta death. That is especially troublesome if you lose control and wander around in berserk mode attacking your party members, and your timer runs out and you die without ever getting the chance to end the transformation. That is the risk you take. Spend too long in Slayer form and you may never turn back!
Nope; only started the game a few months ago. EE 1.3 all the way for me. But my bug, if that's what it was, seems to have auto-corrected. Haven't seen 2 changes appear since.
Are you running any mods?