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The Drowville Caper: Part III

FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
Well, MC's days in Ust Natha were kept busy exploring the town, ingratiating himself by fawning over the Powers That Be, and running errands for this Drow or that ... which usually involved killing something or someone. Ya gotta love organized anarchy as a form of government. Basically, you obey the laws scrupulously ... unless you think you can break them and get away with it.

Kill a Beholder who is smuggling adamantine? Yes Ma'am!
Exterminate some Chanundaur lovers? Right away Ma'am! Oh no! Of course I wouldn't THINK of asking for a reward, Ma'am!

Then some scruffy guy approached the group and offered to sell them a magic rope that would allow them to bypass the wards guarding the tower belonging to a lich named Windex. Sure, nothing suspicious there. Turns out the guy was a shill for someone named Jar-Jar Axle, a famous Drow adventurer that even MC had heard of before. J.J. then revealed that he knew who we really were. What kind of crappy illusion did Adorable stick us with, anyway? First a damned fish sees through it, and then this guy! He blackmailed us us into doing a second story job for him; luckily, Windex was fairly weak for a lich, and was soon defeated. As a reward, Jar-Jar told us how to loot the HQ of yet another minor House, which had apparently screwed him over in a matter of payment. Assuming we could overpower the guards, that is. Thanks for nothing, J.J.!

Hmm, famous Drow adventurer using some rubes from the sticks as pawns in a revenge scheme; why was MC surprised and indignant? Guess he's just a slow learner.

Then Faire approached us with a very unfair proposition. An errand for her personally, and not House sanctioned. Apparently she and Solo had some history together, but that affair was itself now history, and she wanted us to whack him. The payment would be to rise high in status in her House. We had 3 days to comply.

Spoiler alert goes up because we get to make another decision here. You can actually assassinate Solaufein and take his cloak, or warn him, in which case he gives you his cloak to give to Phaere as proof of your obedience. Your decision apparently does actually have some bearing on later events. I picked warning him, just because I had the prior example of the Sverfneblin patrol task as a prior example of being able to pull the wool over Drow eyes when such a situation arises.

We gave Solo's magic cloak to Faire, who chortled and capered about in a most unseemly fashion. She then revealed that the Drow of Ust Natha were soon to march to war against the surface elves, and that the matron mother of the house had plans to gain infernal allies, by sacrificing something to a Daemon Lord. Three guesses what the sacrifice was to be. Hey, you got it right on the first guess! Yep, Adorable's eggs were on the demonic breakfast menu. But, oh yes, the Matron Mother had yet another errand for us to run first. So what else was new?
Post edited by FrdNwsm on


  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2015
    Apparently the Matron Mother needed one more spell component to complete the summoning ritual itself; either blood from a Kuo-toa prince, the eye of an elder orb, or squeezings from an Ilithid boss brain. What? No bat's wings? Hey, the party had not one, not two, but all three of those items! What were the odds? Now, even MC is capable of learning some subtlety, so he stalled for time, saying that he would try to obtain what was required. This resulted in the party gaining the favor of the House while still procrastinating.

    Oh ... House favor. Right. OK, we headed back to the maketplace; the slave owner was now willing to sell us some slaves, so we bought him out and freed them. Our newly exalted status didn't seem to impress the Yankee Gits, however; they were as aloof and smarmy as ever.

    No other opportunities seemed to offer themselves, so we went back and gave MM all three of our trophies. Good riddance to them; they were beginning to smell pretty badly anyway. MM was overjoyed, and told us she would start the ritual immediately, seal the city gates and we were to meet her in the Temple to Lol asap.

    At this point we were treated to an example of Drow politics at their finest. Faire said she would give us some fake dragon eggs, and a key to get into the treasury so that we could do a switch. MM would offer the daemon some fake eggs and be slapped down, whereupon Faire would trot out the real thing, be rewarded, and seize control of the House for herself. Hey, no problem. Always happy to help out an honest working gal.

    En route to the Temple, someone who was presumed dead gated in and offered us yet ANOTHER set of fake dragon eggs; apparently these are sold on every street corner. The new plan was to do a double switch and have the summoning go doubly awry, resulting in both Faire and MM getting put down by Demon Boy. BUT! We had to be subtle about it! No raising the alarm! Easy to do; Subtle is MC's middle name. (His full initials are MSC).

    We snuck into the Temple, gave the Faire's fake eggs to Imoen who cast invisibility on herself. She would make the actual switch while the rest of the group waited at the door. An excellent plan, right?

    Alas, the best laid plans of mice and half-orcs gang oft aglee, as the poet says. Two minutes later, everything went to Hell in a handbasket. So much for subtlety. MSC was going to have to get the "S" removed from all of his monogrammed handkerchiefs.

    Will MC escape alive from Lolth Central? Tune in tomorrow, same Drow time, same Drow channel!

  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited May 2015
    Oh you did not get the drow woman's other command after killing Solafein? Satisfying her in the bed chamber, that is. Oh wait your character is female. Righto. (Though surprisingly, that may not have stopped Pharae, cue all elves are bisexual tvtrope)

    Switching the eggs are tricky, you need to open to container to the eggs with an invisible character, pause the game, do the switch, and immediately gulp an invisibility potion. Or click on staff of magi to re-invisible. Or you should kill egg guards in a round or two, and discreetly. Otherwise, the whole drow city goes medieval on your butt. In regular game they are not that tough. In scs the city marshals her defenses so well it is technicaly impossible to conquer them all. But that's okay, that's mod's intend more or less.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2015
    "In regular game they are not that tough. In scs the city marshals her defenses so well it is technicaly impossible to conquer them all. But that's okay, that's mod's intend more or less."

    I'd be curious to see that; I don't have any mods installed since I am just not comfortable doing anything to game files. Heck, I'm not even sure I can find them. How does it differ? If this SCS thing doesn't actually increase the number/level of the enemy it should be doable.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2015
    Oh, and afterward I was curious so I went back and tried a few different things. I found out that, as you mentioned, taking the eggs makes you visible. I had Imoen cast improved invisibility on herself after the snatch; the golems still were aware of her but she could duck out of the door without being seen by the living guards, and that was what mattered for stealth purposes. But I stayed with the original result as the actual plot line, since that was what "really" happened.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    In scs there are seperate waves of drow forces in the city, first low level disorganised groups. Then very high lvl organised elite troops come and soon all of the drow city will be on you! There are some videos in youtube just search Ust Natha siege scs or such. One video was about 40 minutes of non stop fighting, IIRC and the guy failed it in the first video. Second try was a bit more succesful.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Ah, so they do change the composition of enemy forces. I was going to say that just upgrading the AI of those that were there wouldn't do it.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2015
    Heh, I couldn't find that video; the only one I found was indeed 40 minutes long but apparently Russian made and had no sound or explanation of what was going on. Also several sites said that basically if you used this mod you would be attacked by 100 or so level 20 Drow. That seems a bit excessive.

    On the other hand, breaking out of the city using the vanilla AI, even on high difficulty level, seemed too easy. Some middle ground would be better.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    This is the link to the video I mentioned, but since I type from my ipad the link may not work on pc. 'Siege of Improved Ust Natha (scs2, insanity, with commentary)' is the video's full name. And yes it is more than hour long of blood and mayhem.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Well, this improved Ust Natha component is unique in scs2, that it heavily adds new enemies to city's defenses. Generally scs does not add new enemies but make them play as smart as a human. A mage will kite and flee from your meleers, go invisible when wounded, gulp healing potions, replenish his defenses and come back, and also try to tear down your defenses and attack etc.

    IIRC in the newest version the improved Ust Natha component has a vanilla option or bolstered city defenses option. Bolstered city defenses is the madness you see in above video.

    Generally scs is not that hardcore, that component just was coded to make the Ust Natha unconquerable. Really, for a player to conquer a big drow city like that is rather an unrealistic idea. Ofcourse, the hardcore powergamer above proves scs author wrong, still.
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