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"Hey, Mac, which way to Rivendell?

FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
Having turned totally chicken ... hmm, I mean, intelligently heeding the omens portending disaster, MC ceased efforts to delve down to the lowest cavern of Watcher's Keep. Suddenly he recalled an urgent appointment he had totally neglected! Rivendell was under siege by Irenicus, and Elrond needed Bodhi's heart to open the way back in! Speed was of the essence in such a case; he could only hope that the week or so they group had spent galivanting around in the Keep hadn't resulted in the city's destruction. :blush::

Arriving at the Elven camp, the group found Elrond still waiting patiently (like he had a choice?). He pushed and pulled until everyone was in motion, and MC and crew emerged into the Forest of Tether. An odd name; there were no tethers in evidence. Elves and their odd Woods; whatever. Elrond then babbled something about no time to waste, and rushed off, presumably to the Town. Unfortunately, he didn't specifically point out the way.

Well, MC is a city boy, and doesn't know anything about navigating a forest, nor were the others much better off. Giant fallen tree trunks littered the floor, forming a sort of road net along which the group slowly inched their way. The place was home to some small time vermin, goblins, orcs, and the like, which the group exterminated; this was more out of pique at being lost than any sense of actual posed threat. ("You're blocking the tree trunk; die, vermin!")

A few incidents worth a minor mention occurred. The group stumbled upon a hole in the forest floor, in which they found the Mana Bow. A nice enough weapon, I guess, but no one in the group was particularly excited. MC was the only one in the group who could even use the darned thing, and it just wasn't his style. I mean, how silly would you look going berserk and foaming at the mouth, while trying to whack someone over the head with a longbow? Into the bag of holding with it, along with a dozen other unused +3 and +4 weapons.

The group also ran into someone named Coran who appeared to recognize them. Indeed, MC thought he looked vaguely familiar, but not someone he had ever been close to. But he wanted us to help find his true love, who had gotten lost somewhere in the forest. Awww, poor guy! Being in his "good" persona, MC decided not to slap him upside the head and call him a wuss; instead he agreed to help. As it turned out, the bimbo was shacking up with a group of werewolves; she invited us to have dinner with them ... or was that "be dinner"? Not feeling at all peckish, MC tried to decline, but the doggies insisted. Result? dead werewolves and one dead true love.

Coran was devastated! he moaned and groaned and carried on ... for a good 3 minutes. Then he philosophically decided that there were a lot of other gals around, who weren't lupophiles, and wandered off looking for one. So much for true love. MC felt so superior; he had a really undying love.
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  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited June 2015
    Well, continuing to stumble around in the woods, the group found a way off the tree trunk highway and onto solid ground again. they reached the edge of the wood and into the clear again. Whew! And lo! The rooftops of Rivendell were visible above the treetops. The bloody city was built on the tops of trees? Damn, those elves are insane! Still, they need help.

    Oops, hang on; the group tried to head toward Elfville, but ... "You can't get there from here". OK, MC figured than maybe the city would be accessible from another direction. The group headed out and explored Small Teeth pass. This turned out to have big teeth, being home to several groups of werewolves. And nothing more. A bit further on, the Pass led to North Forest. This had a few more varied encounters, including a group of evil adventurers, complete with summoned monsters, who resented our intrusion into their turf. A rumble ensued, in which MC and crew came out on top. But neither place seemed to give access to the Elven city; Elrond was right, the place was hidden!

    For lack of anything else to try, the party went back to Tether Forest; it looked like they would be tethered there for good. Almost accidentally, MC peered out of the portal where they had last seen Elrond, and Lo! The Elven city was right there! Doh!

    Cursing Elrond for not giving decent directions, the party emerged to find Elrond waiting impatiently. What a dweeb! Oh well, we had a city to rescue; onward and ... upward!

    [Basically what happened was that we encountered Elehan near an exit from the Forest of Tethyr, but he just says "Follow me", or words to that effect, and vanishes. I naturally assumed that the portal right next to us was the one we had used to go from the Elven Camp, near the Underdark exit, to here in Tethyr, and that we had to find the correct route to the City on our own. So, I didn't bother sticking my head out the door for a look until all the other possibilities were exhausted. Heh, I thought figuring out how to get to Sulda-whazzit was another puzzle. Oh well; we all know what happens when you ASSUME something.]
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