Help with SCS Avarice?

So I've spent the last 20-25 minutes running around my solo FMC (no xp cap) trying to find and kill Avarice. The other warders are dead, but every time I come near Avarice he just drops a cloudkill and runs away while invisible. Even when I use true seeing, he keeps vanishing inbetween ticks of true seeing and running away before I hit him more than a time or two.
Is this expected behavior in SCS? Jesus Christ that was the most frustrating 30 minutes I have ever spent playing this game. I want to smash my laptop into a kitten's face right now.
edit: Actually I am surprised that you had problem with Avarice. In my last playthrough I had real trouble with Pride I think, this dwarf is actually an IRON GOLEM! Did you also install the "Improved Durlag's Tower" part of SCS?
And like I said, Avarice wasn't difficult to kill, he was difficult to even find. He never hurt me, he died in only a few rounds when he finally stayed visible instead of vanishing and then running to the other side of the map rather than trying to fight, etc.
I had all SCS options enabled except prebuffing mages.