Reputation Gained from Temples Costs Significantly More

It seems that the amount of gold needed to gain reputation points at temples has been changed since the new patch. While it used to cost 500+ gold to increase a parties reputation value from a 1 to a 2, it now costs much more. Is this a bug or has the necessary amount of gold to obtain reputation points been increased? Upon hitting a reputation of 1 I had my party donate 2000 gold coins at once but still could not raise my reputation. Using the console I was able to donate ~1,000,000 coins and generate an increase, but that seems a little bit hefty of a price for a single point. Has anyone else had similar problems with this?
To go from 9 to 10, a 200 gp donation.
From 10 to 11, now 300 gp.
From 11 to 12, now 500 gp.
From 12 to 13, 800.
Annoyed that it wasn't in the notes for 2.0.
So basically:
1 to 2 : 1,500 gold
2 to 3 : 1,200 gold
3 to 4 : 1,200 gold
And so on.
A party used to be able to bolster their reputation from the lowest possible value to an eight or a nine with approximately 2,000 gold. It now costs about 6,000 gold to do the same thing with the new system.