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Has anyone noticed this problem with M'khiin's shaman dance?

When I have her doing shaman dance, all the icons when she is selected become grey and I cannot cast her spells or use her quickslot items. I need to disable shamanic dance and wait for couple of seconds before I am allowed to cast spells or use potions.
It is kind of a big deal when enemies are attacking her and I need to use a healing potion now and not in few seconds.

Also it is irritating when you want her to cast something and want shamanic dance to stop that you cannot do that instantly but you need to turn it off, unpause for few seconds, pause again and then cast. This problem does not exist for Clerics using Turn Undead or Thief/spellcaster using stealth or detect traps and wanting to start casting spells instead.

Also I use advanced AI with her but only have option to use shamanic dance (and bard song) when idle On. Because of this problem I also have to turn off group AI everytime because if I turn off her dance and wait for few second before she can cast spells/use potions AI turns it on again...

So anyone else has noticed this?


  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235
    Change M'kihns script to "None" and control her manually to prevent the script from continuously firing off the dance.

    The Shaman Dance, where you can't do anything else is working as intended.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229

    Change M'kihns script to "None" and control her manually to prevent the script from continuously firing off the dance.

    The Shaman Dance, where you can't do anything else is working as intended.

    That is terrible design. It is OK that if you start doing something else it stops, if you move it stops but it does not let you cast spells or use quickslots until some time passes after you stop channeling it.

    I still hope this a bug or I might need to get rid of this NPC and never play with this class again because this is super irritating.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If you haven't already, go ahead and report it as a bug. Even if it was designed that way intentionally, we can still look at it and decide if there's a way to make it work better.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    Torin said:

    Change M'kihns script to "None" and control her manually to prevent the script from continuously firing off the dance.

    The Shaman Dance, where you can't do anything else is working as intended.

    That is terrible design. It is OK that if you start doing something else it stops, if you move it stops but it does not let you cast spells or use quickslots until some time passes after you stop channeling it.

    I still hope this a bug or I might need to get rid of this NPC and never play with this class again because this is super irritating.
    The game waits until the current "turn" (or is it "round", I can never remember) is over before letting you do anything like cast spells after ending the dance, this seems natural to me.
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  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    The other thing is that without disabling your buttons, you can interrupt your dance to drink a potion then immediately resume the dance before the 'check' to unsummon your spirits. Given the shamanic dance is far stricter with your limitations than the bard song (you can't even move) I get the feeling this was intentional.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265

    The easiest solution would be to eliminate the "disable button" effect. But, I think it is there for the player's benefit. If the buttons are enabled, then you might mistakenly click something that interrupts your dance, and all your summons will disappear. And unlike bard song, shaman summons don't come back very quickly once they disappear.

    BG isn't a game where you hastily and often spam buttons in order to do things, the pause mode is there for a reason. This is just the kind of condescending thinking that has made games in general way less enjoyable in recent days.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    The main problem is that it breaks how everything else in the game works. Since 1998 we had Turn Undead and Bard Song and on surface this seems to work the same but it does not.
    Also Bard Song and Turn Undead don't start immediately when you click that button, they also wait until next turn starts. So you cannot Turn Undead, drink potion and turn undead immediately afterwards, the game never worked like that. Same for Bard Song and Detect Traps.

    Shamanic dance completely changed how these kind of abilities worked in the past.

    Also it was so much easier to combine other actions with these other abilities. Using potions was practically instant if you interrupted one of these actions with it. You would then click that ability again and leave that character to continue channeling it. If you wanted to spell cast, you click spell you want to cast, and the game has option to pause on spell cast. It would autopause, you just click channeling ability again and forget about this character for a while.

    With shamanic dance changed completely compared to how every other channeling ability works, all of that does not work. Not to mention it does not work well with Advanced AI. They added two new features and they kill each other.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    edited April 2016
    Dee said:

    If you haven't already, go ahead and report it as a bug. Even if it was designed that way intentionally, we can still look at it and decide if there's a way to make it work better.

    I tried but I need to make another account for that, I think reporting the problems on forums should be good enough (it is good enough for any other game I know that had bug/feature request forums). But if anyone who reads this and already has a Redmine account would be happy to c/p my text there I would be grateful.
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