Two-Handed Swords are usually the way to go on a Paladin. Mainly so you can make use of Carsomyr (the Holy Avenger) in BG2. There are a few other blades in that category that would also serve a Cavalier well.
You'll want to get Two Handed Weapon Style too, to get the most out of it. As a Cavalier, you won't need to worry about missile weapons. So you might want to work in a weapon that does blunt damage at some point.
There's really no reason to take anything besides 2-hand swords and 2-hand wep style as a Cavalier. You could argue that the other Paladin kits might go sword & shield for RP's sake, but Cavaliers really don't have a ton of reason to, imho.
As others say, Two-Handed Sword and Style is pretty much the way to go, and I suggest putting a point into Quarterstaves at the beginning, they're not affected by the iron shortage! I would recommend Axes sometime down the line for ranged weaponry, there's a +3 returning throwing axe in the second game somewhere, so that'll have that covered. The rest is pretty much where you want.
I would take a slightly different tack and start out with some one-handed proficiency and use a shield. At the beginning of the game, the extra AC of a shield is more important than the slightly higher damage of a two-handed sword (and it'll be a while before you get any of the really good two-handed swords anyway). My preference would be to start with Mace and Axe proficiency, giving you a blunt melee option and throwing axes as a ranged option. Build up two-handed sword proficiency at levels 3 and 6, then grab two-handed style (the first pip anyway) in SoD/BG2EE.
Why? Well, RP wise this is the weapon of choice for Watchers in Candlekeep, so it is likely what he would be taught. Mechanics wise...great swords break. They break easily. At the worst times. Quarterstaffs don't break. So you will never have to worry about that. You can also get a +1 Quarterstaff really quickly in Beregost, while you won't find a +1 greatsword for a long time.
lvl 6:
** Quarterstaffs ** Two Handed Weapon ** Greatswords
By lvl 6 you'll have Spider's Bane. This is a +2 greatsword with free action on it, which is something you can use all game. You'll also eventually find a +3 greatsword as well if you go through the expansion. This is one of the best weapons in the game.
This also sets you up for BG2 where you get Carsomyr, a paladin only greatsword which is frankly ridiculous in how good it is. And before you get it, there are several very good greatswords you can use until then.
From there you really won't need to put * in anything else. I'd probably just fill out axes, as you can use returning throwing axes for when the need arises. Which it probably won't...but you'll never find a weapon as good as Carsomyr.
If you plan to use Keldorn in BG2, who will get Carsomyr, I'd do this...
lvl 1:
** Scimitars ** Two Weapon Fighting
Why? You can get a ninjato and a wakazi in candledeep. These weapons don't break, unlike all of the other weapons out there. Eventually in BG1 you get a pair of +2 scimitars. That is all you need.
lvl 6:
** Scimitars ** Two Weapon Fighting ** Bastard Swords
Why? You'll need to use a bastard sword to hurt a greater wolfwere, and this character will excel at it.
But in BG2 you'll find the Purifier. A paladin only bastard sword that acts like a mini Carsomyr. You can have Belm in the offhand, which gives +1 attack per round. So while Keldorn will have 2APR with Carsomyr, you'll have 4APR with Purifier.
Or you can dual wield Purifier and Foebane, another bastard sword. You lose 1APR, but you get better saving throws and you heal yourself with each hit.
Having a Cavalier with this load out and Keldorn, an Inquisitor with Carsomyr, will make all evil characters shake in fear.
It depends on whether you plan on keeping Keldorn for the long haul.
If you are, get long swords (varscona) and s&s style to start; then get flails (flail of ages) and then bastard swords (foebane) in that order. This is a nice natural progression. (Shields are grotesquely underrated by the community, by the way.)
If you aren't getting him, long swords and s&s to start (varscona); then get flails (flail of ages) and then two handed swords (carsomyr) and two handed weapon style in that order. The new swapping feature between two handers and s&s should really make builds like this more desirable.
I'm doing a Cavalier run now myself, last night reaching Baldur's Gate.
Proficiencies so far have been:
Level 1 - Long Swords **, Flails ** (for BG2 mostly) Level 3 - Two Handed Sword * Level 6 - Two Handed Sword *
So quite similar to what proghead suggests. I'd skip sword and shield style though (admittedly I haven't looked at it a long time but I think it's only better missile AC?).
Not sure if I'll take Axe or Two Handed Weapon Style at Level 9. I'll likely be Sword & Board until I get Carsomyr so probably Axes (mainly for Azuredge).
Wow.. no one said daggers? Spec in daggers also give spec in THROWING DAGGERS. I have a low level Cav im playing right now with 2 pips in daggers. With 18'00 str I am dealing 9-12 damage per hit and attacking 2 1/2 times per round.. the same rate of fire as a bow with much more damage.
Eventually the magic ++ on the missle weapons catch up but.. a Cav cant use them anyway. Go Daggers
Plus, You'll get a free magic dagger right out of Candlekeep. That dagger and you can one-shot most melee mobs on the map before they even get to attack. Daggers have a lower attack speed than any other weapon (meaning they attack faster).
I do agree with Two-Handed Swords as the other Spec.. not for Carsomyr (plenty of time before you get that) but for Spiders Bane. Free Action plus your Immunities to Charm, Fear and Poison equals a lot of easy fights against some real party killers.
Why? Well, RP wise this is the weapon of choice for Watchers in Candlekeep, so it is likely what he would be taught. Mechanics wise...great swords break. They break easily. At the worst times. Quarterstaffs don't break. So you will never have to worry about that. You can also get a +1 Quarterstaff really quickly in Beregost, while you won't find a +1 greatsword for a long time.
lvl 6:
** Quarterstaffs ** Two Handed Weapon ** Greatswords
By lvl 6 you'll have Spider's Bane. This is a +2 greatsword with free action on it, which is something you can use all game. You'll also eventually find a +3 greatsword as well if you go through the expansion. This is one of the best weapons in the game.
This also sets you up for BG2 where you get Carsomyr, a paladin only greatsword which is frankly ridiculous in how good it is. And before you get it, there are several very good greatswords you can use until then.
From there you really won't need to put * in anything else. I'd probably just fill out axes, as you can use returning throwing axes for when the need arises. Which it probably won't...but you'll never find a weapon as good as Carsomyr.
totally this, getting a magical Quarterstaff and a THAC0 +1 on around lvl 1 where every point raises your hit like crazy is gold, not to mention Crushing is the "Best" damage type since its resisted the least and you got a great Backup weapon if you meet enemy's later on who are resistant to skeletons ,Golems and a few other.
and as For BG2 , not to make the Purifier bad but Dispel magic 2 times a day is no substitute for Dispel magic on hit...
I've got Minsc for 2Hander in BGEE SOD, I figure I'll pick up 2H Sword at 9 and again at 12 then I'll be ready to have a discussion with a certain villain about his treasure horde.
I love this build. Something about being the Hammer of Justice! Varscona and Ashdeena work pretty well together and I love the way Dual Hammers look when you're beaning some other mook in full plate.
I'm playing my 101/100 Cavalier right now.
I'm getting the party together to do some Hammering in SoD, The old school boot party, Minsc, Jaheira, Khalid, Dynaheir and Safana. We are bringing the pain!
The Hammer of Justice lets the rest of the party relax while he deals with some battle horrors!
*I haven't really played SoD yet, going to do it right my first time. Running my SoD party through BGEE first.
I like having two handed swords and two handed weapons maxed every time. Besides that, almost any combination of bastard sword, axes, staves and halberds will do in combination with the appropriate fighting style. Morningstars and hammers might be an option too if you are playing BG2.
Whatever you choose will depend on you party composition as was mentioned before. You can either adapt your party to your character or your character to your party. Using longswords takes too many possible companions out of the picture IMHO. Scimitars are nice in BG2 to many characters but for fighting classes it's somewhat superfluous once you get high level abilities so I don't use them with a Cavalier.
Keep in mind you have 11 pips in total to distribute with paladins so whatever you choose, stay your path once a pip is invested.
You'll want to get Two Handed Weapon Style too, to get the most out of it. As a Cavalier, you won't need to worry about missile weapons. So you might want to work in a weapon that does blunt damage at some point.
Lvl 1:
** Quarterstaffs
** Two Handed Weapon
Why? Well, RP wise this is the weapon of choice for Watchers in Candlekeep, so it is likely what he would be taught. Mechanics wise...great swords break. They break easily. At the worst times. Quarterstaffs don't break. So you will never have to worry about that. You can also get a +1 Quarterstaff really quickly in Beregost, while you won't find a +1 greatsword for a long time.
lvl 6:
** Quarterstaffs
** Two Handed Weapon
** Greatswords
By lvl 6 you'll have Spider's Bane. This is a +2 greatsword with free action on it, which is something you can use all game. You'll also eventually find a +3 greatsword as well if you go through the expansion. This is one of the best weapons in the game.
This also sets you up for BG2 where you get Carsomyr, a paladin only greatsword which is frankly ridiculous in how good it is. And before you get it, there are several very good greatswords you can use until then.
From there you really won't need to put * in anything else. I'd probably just fill out axes, as you can use returning throwing axes for when the need arises. Which it probably won't...but you'll never find a weapon as good as Carsomyr.
If you plan to use Keldorn in BG2, who will get Carsomyr, I'd do this...
lvl 1:
** Scimitars
** Two Weapon Fighting
Why? You can get a ninjato and a wakazi in candledeep. These weapons don't break, unlike all of the other weapons out there. Eventually in BG1 you get a pair of +2 scimitars. That is all you need.
lvl 6:
** Scimitars
** Two Weapon Fighting
** Bastard Swords
Why? You'll need to use a bastard sword to hurt a greater wolfwere, and this character will excel at it.
But in BG2 you'll find the Purifier. A paladin only bastard sword that acts like a mini Carsomyr. You can have Belm in the offhand, which gives +1 attack per round. So while Keldorn will have 2APR with Carsomyr, you'll have 4APR with Purifier.
Or you can dual wield Purifier and Foebane, another bastard sword. You lose 1APR, but you get better saving throws and you heal yourself with each hit.
Having a Cavalier with this load out and Keldorn, an Inquisitor with Carsomyr, will make all evil characters shake in fear.
If you are, get long swords (varscona) and s&s style to start; then get flails (flail of ages) and then bastard swords (foebane) in that order. This is a nice natural progression. (Shields are grotesquely underrated by the community, by the way.)
If you aren't getting him, long swords and s&s to start (varscona); then get flails (flail of ages) and then two handed swords (carsomyr) and two handed weapon style in that order. The new swapping feature between two handers and s&s should really make builds like this more desirable.
Proficiencies so far have been:
Level 1 - Long Swords **, Flails ** (for BG2 mostly)
Level 3 - Two Handed Sword *
Level 6 - Two Handed Sword *
So quite similar to what proghead suggests. I'd skip sword and shield style though (admittedly I haven't looked at it a long time but I think it's only better missile AC?).
Not sure if I'll take Axe or Two Handed Weapon Style at Level 9. I'll likely be Sword & Board until I get Carsomyr so probably Axes (mainly for Azuredge).
Also, axes are a fine choice instead of bastard swords. I typically have Mazzy use axes, so that's why I didn't bring them up.
Eventually the magic ++ on the missle weapons catch up but.. a Cav cant use them anyway. Go Daggers
Plus, You'll get a free magic dagger right out of Candlekeep. That dagger and you can one-shot most melee mobs on the map before they even get to attack. Daggers have a lower attack speed than any other weapon (meaning they attack faster).
I do agree with Two-Handed Swords as the other Spec.. not for Carsomyr (plenty of time before you get that) but for Spiders Bane. Free Action plus your Immunities to Charm, Fear and Poison equals a lot of easy fights against some real party killers.
and as For BG2 , not to make the Purifier bad but Dispel magic 2 times a day is no substitute for Dispel magic on hit...
I love this build. Something about being the Hammer of Justice! Varscona and Ashdeena work pretty well together and I love the way Dual Hammers look when you're beaning some other mook in full plate.
I'm playing my 101/100 Cavalier right now.
I'm getting the party together to do some Hammering in SoD, The old school boot party, Minsc, Jaheira, Khalid, Dynaheir and Safana. We are bringing the pain!
The Hammer of Justice lets the rest of the party relax while he deals with some battle horrors!
*I haven't really played SoD yet, going to do it right my first time. Running my SoD party through BGEE first.
'For Justice!'
Besides that, almost any combination of bastard sword, axes, staves and halberds will do in combination with the appropriate fighting style. Morningstars and hammers might be an option too if you are playing BG2.
Whatever you choose will depend on you party composition as was mentioned before. You can either adapt your party to your character or your character to your party. Using longswords takes too many possible companions out of the picture IMHO. Scimitars are nice in BG2 to many characters but for fighting classes it's somewhat superfluous once you get high level abilities so I don't use them with a Cavalier.
Keep in mind you have 11 pips in total to distribute with paladins so whatever you choose, stay your path once a pip is invested.