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So I started with my Shadowdancer the other day and Holy Lathander does that class have potential!

I am at level 7, hoping to continue to BG2 with this character, and already I see some fights being too easy.
Dissapear, backstab, run away...repeat.

I'm hoping to find some poisoned blades to mess up the casters even more.

IMHO it is the best Thief class (at least that I tried)


  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    Yeah, I like them too. The disruption poision strategy is really good. In BG, the smithy in Beregost has a poision dagger which is a must have. In bgII, i think there is a short sword with poision. There is also a dagger with limited charges of poision. Most of SoA is easy with a shadowdancer. In SoA make sure to get the cloak of non-detection, otherwise mages casting true sight will be a problem. Things get tough in ToB when fighting demons and some other foes which can see invisible, including: Kua Toa, all demonic and draconic, some high level monks. For that reason, i ended up dualing to fighter after getting UAI high level ability. A less popular choice of when to dual, but still good.

    Another tip is to allocate some points to detect illusion. That way you can reveal hidden mages/thiefs. To do this; hide in shadows, then detect traps and start counting. At six seconds you should be able to rehide without ever being revealed. With more points in move silently, you will stay hidden longer and can continue detecting illusions. When no enemies are around, test how long your thief will stay hidden when the stealth button is no longer active so that you know how high you can go before re-hiding.

    Waiting hidden but with the stealth button inactive is also a good policy for the back stab. Wait hidden until that six seconds is up and your stealth button is clickable again. Then do the backstab and hide again immediately.

    I enjoyed roleplaying a shadowdancer. I wrote about it in this thread;
  • Dradeel_rulesDradeel_rules Member Posts: 25
    Where can you find cloak of undetectability in BGEE?
    The usual place was in Cloakwood by killing the Tasloi, but there are none to be found there :/
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    Its not that important in BG:EE, since I don't think any mages cast invisibility purge and the like. Idk, maybe they do with mods and what not. In any case, it should be in the first cloakwood level, dropped by some tasloi in the lower right quadrant. Even in the lower right of that quadrant, iirc. I've always found it there. I don't know what to tell you if its not there...

    In bgII:EE, one is dropped in an encounter in either the den of 7 vales or mithrest inn, in Waukeens promenade. Those two inns are next door neighbors. I forget exactly, but whatever one is on the left. Its upstairs, some adventurers are holding it for you.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    I just realized that there are 2 cloaks of non detection in BG:EE. The second one is given to you by the man in sorcerous sundries. You get his quest by talking to him, (twice?). He tells you about Aarkon and Nemphere. I didn't even realize it was a quest until i saw something in my journal. Then, if you manage to get the jewels from Aarkon and Nemphere and bring them back to him, he'll give you the cloak.
  • Dradeel_rulesDradeel_rules Member Posts: 25
    Yup, tried that, and then I got the bug where he doesn't want to finish that quest. (tried reloading and re-doing the quest but no luck).
    Finally I just raged and backstabed him :)
  • QuiqueQuique Member Posts: 62
    No bug, he will give the quest and the reward depending on your rep if I don't remember incorrectly. Pretty sure I never got the quest with any evil party.
  • Dradeel_rulesDradeel_rules Member Posts: 25
    That's the thing, he gave me the quest, and I had 15 rep(could be 14, I'm not sure), but later he didn't want to pay up...

    Now you DONT do that to a shadowy assasin, as he promptly learned.
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