on a table near the central path up to the keep. Have your thief stealth or mage go invisible, then grab it so the guard doesn't notice.
Holy Symbol:
there's a cleric of the Red Knight near the area where the Trial quest takes place. Talk to him about his holy symbol, then go back to the coalition camp and talk to Mizhena. She'll give you a board game to challenge the cleric with for his symbol. Wager 200g, then have a high-intelligence character (like Edwin) play him
in an open crate in the camp, very easy to find
Signet Ring:
from one of the commanders (same one from the Morning Report quest); say you need to get some reports signed.
Token of Faith:
pickpocket from Crusade Recruits (for me it was a dwarf in the training area, not sure if they all have them)
is this a crusade camp you are referring to cuz i have been searching for hours for dreon and the items and cant find any in coalition camp so i assume its after coalition camp?
Holy Symbol:
Signet Ring:
Token of Faith:
EDIT: Oh, the transexual. Well at least she does something for the story too.