Imoen has a base THACO of 17 and is proficient with short swords and scimitars i equip her +1 short sword and the THACO drops to 16, this is what I expect to happen. I equip Kingsdeath +3 scimitar and the THACO stays at 17 it should drop to 14. The same thing happens with Twinkle.
Bug reporting will be handled using Redmine. If you do not yet have an account, register there first! If you can't see the bug report projects within 24 hours, contact @Cerevant. For those who tested with us before, we're using a drastically simplified approach - so no worries!
it sounds like she is getting a +3 penalty to that weapon, which is what thieves get if they are not proficient with weapons, are you 100% sure you are proficient with scimitars?
Apologies went off to the Tavern for some strong Dwarven ale. I am 1000% sure I am proficient with scimitars, Imoen just trained in them to use that specific weapon. I will try the Redmine thing..
Good strong Dwarven ale always seems to put things in perspective. When I checked my weapon proficiencies I had point the point in to katana not scimitar, stupid boy pike. Lucky I had a save just before I done this so Imoen is now running around with a +3 scimitar. Apologies for wasting every ones time, I will make sure I drink plenty of Dwarven ale before posting any comments.
Good strong Dwarven ale always seems to put things in perspective. When I checked my weapon proficiencies I had point the point in to katana not scimitar, stupid boy pike. Lucky I had a save just before I done this so Imoen is now running around with a +3 scimitar. Apologies for wasting every ones time, I will make sure I drink plenty of Dwarven ale before posting any comments.
An insightful post if I ever did read one. Might I ask which kind of dwarven ale you are using?
Brogdin's Marching Brew is always great for a good pick me up. It's used with a special cave fungi that makes it uncomfortable to sit down. Great for forced marches!
Clan Culd'un has a fairly unique brew that it made with werewolf blood. Usually sold to dwarves who are balding. Though I must warn you, some unscrupulous dwarves drink it in an attempt to lengthen their beard so they can seem older and wiser than they truly are.
Neverfull is an ironic name for a rare ale. It is brewed in the skull of a decapitated troll. Much care is needed to make sure that the troll doesn't regenerate before the brew is ready. But if you do it right you can end up with a mug of ale that refills itself. I have heard of one tavern where there had a mug of it. They have a challenge to finish every last drop. Several elves have died of alcohol poisoning in the attempt. Though after one particularly bad tavern brawl it went missing. There is a several thousand gold piece reward for its return still active.
This brew got the name because to keep it from overflowing you need to keep drinking from it. It's hard to find it these days. Some say it is because brewmasters chased the dwarf who invented it out of his hold because of the fear that it would destroy their business. Some say he is still out there with a band of adventurers, hunting down trolls and trying to recreate his greatest invention.
And of course there is my favorite, "beardling's best." Why you say? Because it is made by dwarven apprentices who are still learning the fine art of brewing. It's sold for a pittance because it hasn't been perfected yet. Still better than manling swill, and you can make quite a good profit reselling it to foolish human tavern owners. Uhm...not that I would know anything about that, of course.
I would recommend opening a Redmine Ticket about this interaction.
Do you know whether it is just a screen bug or does this actually impact the Thac0 of you hitting a target as well?
From the "How to Report Bugs" road to 2.0 Thread
Bug reporting will be handled using Redmine. If you do not yet have an account, register there first! If you can't see the bug report projects within 24 hours, contact @Cerevant. For those who tested with us before, we're using a drastically simplified approach - so no worries!
Sorry that I wasn't able to reply sooner and apologies for the presumptuous post about Redmine.
Hopefully we can all get to the bottom of this issue and resolve it.
Yeah, Katanas are a separate proficiency from Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To. Those three are all grouped as one. Glad you managed to fix it. ^_^
Brogdin's Marching Brew is always great for a good pick me up. It's used with a special cave fungi that makes it uncomfortable to sit down. Great for forced marches!
Clan Culd'un has a fairly unique brew that it made with werewolf blood. Usually sold to dwarves who are balding. Though I must warn you, some unscrupulous dwarves drink it in an attempt to lengthen their beard so they can seem older and wiser than they truly are.
Neverfull is an ironic name for a rare ale. It is brewed in the skull of a decapitated troll. Much care is needed to make sure that the troll doesn't regenerate before the brew is ready. But if you do it right you can end up with a mug of ale that refills itself. I have heard of one tavern where there had a mug of it. They have a challenge to finish every last drop. Several elves have died of alcohol poisoning in the attempt. Though after one particularly bad tavern brawl it went missing. There is a several thousand gold piece reward for its return still active.
This brew got the name because to keep it from overflowing you need to keep drinking from it. It's hard to find it these days. Some say it is because brewmasters chased the dwarf who invented it out of his hold because of the fear that it would destroy their business. Some say he is still out there with a band of adventurers, hunting down trolls and trying to recreate his greatest invention.
And of course there is my favorite, "beardling's best." Why you say? Because it is made by dwarven apprentices who are still learning the fine art of brewing. It's sold for a pittance because it hasn't been perfected yet. Still better than manling swill, and you can make quite a good profit reselling it to foolish human tavern owners. Uhm...not that I would know anything about that, of course.