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Ho there, wench!



  • RawgrimRawgrim Member Posts: 621

    That... is incredibly sad and good?
    I don't know how to feel about that.
    Yay that you must be a fun DM to play with, if you DM that is, boo that this sort of thing is missing from SoD.
    I do DM but I am a shitty one. I do write lore books and modules for an rpg company though.
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    edited April 2016
    Rawgrim said:

    There are so many options that could be added as responses here.

    6. I get cranky when people confuse me for a winch. Get it? It's a pun.
    7. What now? Need your pantaloons pressed?
    8. I'm not wasting any more time talking to figments.
    9. Hey, you that new NPC? I thought you was gonna be a dwarf.

  • RawgrimRawgrim Member Posts: 621
    Francois said:

    6. I get cranky when people confuse me for a winch. Get it? It's a pun.
    7. What now? Need your pantaloons pressed?
    8. I'm not wasting any more time talking to figments.
    9. Hey, you that new NPC? I thought you was gonna be a dwarf.

    10. "Go back to the hole from wench you came!"
    11. "I am afraid I don't speak "ape". Hold on. My druid will translate for you".
    12. Your head is so stupid you won't miss it when I cut it off
    13. I am not your sister.
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    Yes, what was missing from those options was one to respond in a positive and jovial fashion to be sure. At least there is a neutral option of "are you talking to me" but for gods sake this pathetic "zomg teh ajenduh iz 2 strawng!" is getting old.

    It happens dozens of times in every RPG that certain dialogue options dont give you as much freedom as you would like.

    But lets talk about the real issue here: quest makes you heal a tree - environmentalist agenda confirmed!
  • laeknirlaeknir Member Posts: 58
    1) Take off those beer goggles and sober up, I'm not wearing an apron.
    2) Ho there, drunk fool!
    3) I swear, if you've drunk all the ale, I will kick you right in the poetic edda.
    4) It's daytime. For the saga you're writing about me: I am a shining heroine by day, saucy wench by night. Don't get it twisted.
    5) Wench? Tempus be praised, someone finally understands me!
  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83

    Yes, what was missing from those options was one to respond in a positive and jovial fashion to be sure. At least there is a neutral option of "are you talking to me" but for gods sake this pathetic "zomg teh ajenduh iz 2 strawng!" is getting old.

    It happens dozens of times in every RPG that certain dialogue options dont give you as much freedom as you would like.

    But lets talk about the real issue here: quest makes you heal a tree - environmentalist agenda confirmed!

    I don't believe you actually read this discussion at all.
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452

    "zomg teh ajenduh iz 2 strawng!"

    I was shocked when I talked to the female half-orc mercenary in the camp and she asked ME to get her a beer!! What next? Safana will ask me to make her a sandwich?
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91

    I don't believe you actually read this discussion at all.

    I read enough to see that while your OP used this instance to back up criticism of the writing, it didnt take long for the "sjw agenda" to reappear.

    Saying "this bit of dialogue is proof more care needed to be taken with the writing" is somthing Im cool with.

    "Yeah those crazy feminists with their feminist agenda in this game" isnt.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Rawgrim said:

    I didn't know you could cast fireballs at kids in the BG games (never tried).

    Sure can. It didn't cause a massive outrage back in the days. Times have changed.

  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57

    Sure can. It didn't cause a massive outrage back in the days. Times have changed.

    Probably had to do with the fact that we had years prior to that the Ultima-Series where its part of Quests to slaughter children^^
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Hi, woman and (therefor naturally) feminist here.

    I found this one terribly cringeworthy as well. My personal first reaction to something like this would be to laugh at him. Let it be a joke, not a statement. I have to deal with crap like this already enough in real life and we already have Eldoth. Don't let Voghiln be another Eldoth, please :I
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    @Buttercheese: Do i understand you correctly that you arent happy with Voghiln as a Character, as well as the reaction to his comment by PC?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited April 2016
    @Envygames Yes. Though I don't know how he is otherwise, since that encounter put me off too much and since he would have broken my party balance, which is why I didn't take him along.

    PS: Another addition that could be made: Have the party members react to him. Rasaad would have been super mad at him for calling my Charname a wench and Glint would have laughed, I am sure. Just a suggestion.
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    @Buttercheese : ok...i wasnt so sure^^ i think i will give him a try next run.

    Just out of curiosity: Do you subscribe to a certain stream of femenism?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Envygames said:

    Just out of curiosity: Do you subscribe to a certain stream of femenism?

    Please elaborate.

  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    Voghiln: Vee talk to vomen the vay vee fight: vit reckless disregard for our personnal safety.
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57

    Please elaborate.

    Well being a "femenist" isnt so natural to women as one might think from just the word. Its basicly a ceiling-word for a bunch of different ideologys. Most of them contradicting each other. i found wikipedia had a pretty good article for starters. If i have to elaborate though you seem to be still sane enough to take you seriously :)
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    Thx for the clarification :)
  • minsc4prezminsc4prez Member Posts: 105
    Lorvaylin said:

    Ohh go back to 1998 where you belong, it's 2016 don't you know! :wink:
    That would be so great if i could!!
  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    What all these games need is more unintelligible grunting for when I play my 4 intelligence barbarian!
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i'd like to point out that baldurs gate had always geared more towards good/neutral then evil. sure the the best npcs are evil [ edwin,vicky,seravok] but you gain less exp doing it the evil way and the good npcs out number the evil ones. [ vanilla bg2 had 4 bg2 ee had 6].
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