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Caelar Argent [SPOILERS]

This is my first spoiler so I hope these tags work. I was curious about Caelar. I finally finished SoD and used Ctrl+Q to have her join my party to view her stats. I noticed that she had lines for commands and even a biography. Was she intended to join my group at one point? Or perhaps she will return in future BG2EE updates and join there? It just seems weird to me that the developers would record lines for NPC commands for her and write a biography if they weren't planning on using her.


  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    It sure would be interesting if she did end up joining you in a BG2EE dlc or something. As it is, I can already see the mods coming.
  • Sir_GarrickSir_Garrick Member Posts: 32
    I hope so. She seems like an interesting character with an interesting back story. I also noticed that she even has custom items complete with descriptions. I wonder if she's a secret NPC that can be recruited at some point and I missed it?
  • AutocratAutocrat Member Posts: 68
    I'm pretty sure she is recruitable, depending on your actions.
  • Sir_GarrickSir_Garrick Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2016
    Interesting @JonSnowIsAlive I'll have to try that. But I do hope that
    Caelar makes another appearance in future BG2EE updates.
  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60
    A mod adding her in BG2EE as a recruitable NPC would be cool. I plan to do it myself, if able.
    Otherwise, an "Avernus expansion" could be cool. Adding more stage to avernus, allowing you to use Caelar for a longer time and get some banter, event and so on.
  • Sir_GarrickSir_Garrick Member Posts: 32
    I agree! Whether done as an official expansion by Beamdog, or by a modder, I hope this idea happens. If I had any creative writing or modding skills, I'd be tempted to make one myself.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    She fought by my side in the final battle, but did not join my party. I had no free space, though. Is this the cause?
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  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    I see, thanks. Glint was chunked in the battle, then I had a free space but she got chunked a bit rounds later, too! That boss is sure more difficult than vanilla Sarevok. Then her uncle had a heartfelt moment wit the chunk of flesh lying on the ground, which was surreal.
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  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2016

    Yes it is. Load your final save, put story mode on, and remove one character from your party. She will join your group
    Post edited by nysi on
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    Core. But I could not put enough melee pressure on the boss, and stuck to missile weapons with enchanted weapon spell. Caelar was alone on the front, with disastrous results.
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  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    I don't like restoration scrolls in bg2, and hated GREATER restoration scrolls in SoD, and never used them. Can any class use them like restoration scrolls in bg2? It makes no sense and feels cheesy, IMHO.

    The must have spell is the newly buffed enchanted weapon. It turns the attacks of affected character into +3, be it melee or ranged. I found the scroll near the end, too, along with +3 ammo. It screamed 'end boss is coming and you will need +3 to hit him.' also lots of protection from fire scrolls and potions were hints, too.

  • helmo1977helmo1977 Member Posts: 366
    edited April 2016
    Ummm... I had free space in my party, took the good options in the final battle and she didnt join me. She helped me, but she didnt join (she fought like a summoned monster).

    Anyway, I think the ideas about her being recruitable in SoA are great¡. The Planar Sphere could take you to Avernus and you could free her. And the Order of the Radiant Heart could make her a paladin (of course, first she could have to redeem herself).

    PS. How can I put the spoiler thing?
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  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    @JonSnowIsAlive Cool, and that is a nice touch from the devs. Though it would be a shame to turn down the difficulty for just the final encounter.
  • AzzaraAzzara Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2016
    My whole party did exactly zero damage to Belhifet. I had at least 2 wands of each type with 100 charges each. I had speed potions, storm giant potions, anti magic potions, etc. No +3 weapons though. She soloed the final boss on core difficulty.

    Maybe we could release her from hell in ToB
    like we did Saravok

  • KogornKogorn Member Posts: 104
    Someone said she has custom gear....would they mind posting her gear's stats? Just curious.
  • RamiellRamiell Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2016
    They could bring a quest in BG2 to somehow release her from hell

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  • RamiellRamiell Member Posts: 58
    And now?
  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    Why you need spoiler tag in a topic that said spoiler ???
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  • Sir_GarrickSir_Garrick Member Posts: 32
    @kaguana @JonSnowIsAlive
    That's exactly why I place things in spoilers. The game is so new that I don't wanna accidentally ruin it for anyone who hasn't finished it yet.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @JonSnowIsAlive @Sir_Garrick I see, still the title warn people that it might be spoiler and they should be careful.

    As for Caelar it will be interesting to see if and when she will show up in BG2ee
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