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[Spoiler] Sod Romances

MaykievicMaykievic Member Posts: 2
I'm planning to begin a trilogy run and to romance Neera.
In sod what happens with her romance? it has continuity with BG2 or not?
It explains why she goes with the scribe while you are away?

Also could someone summarize the Corwin romance ? I'm really curious, also in Sod what are other decent romances?
Post edited by Davide on


  • DavideDavide Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,698
    Moved to the proper section and added a spoiler tag in the title.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Corwin romance.


    So far she has my favorite romance. I don't like some lines from her romance, but it's well made.

    Corwin has a daugher, she is a captain, and she shows herself more like a woman than a girly NPC. She also has an ex husband you will meet and have a dialogue with him, romance or not.

    The romance should start after you leave baldkur's gate, but if you are in baldur's gate and you go to the 3 old kegs inn you can offer her to drink and have some lines.

    Corwin acts this way, she often starts a dialogue with you, then pretends to keep some distances, then comes back again, to fail that romance you really need to click the option to leave you alone. Often the dialogues are about her life. Later on, if you say you are attracted by her she will say the same. She just asks for some time.

    Before the murder of skie happens, she will ask you to find somewhere private.

    When you will be accused of the murder of skie, she wont leave the group like many others do, and she will belive you are innocent, but her duties push her to break up. She thinks about her daughter more than everything else.

    She will visit you in the jail, she will sound sad, but she wont help you to escape.

    When you escape the jail, unless you skip the sewer's scene because helped by other officiers who belive too that you are innocent, you will find her hunting for you in the sewer together with duncan.

    While Corwin doesn't want you dead duncan does, Corwin will take your side and she will fight against her owns, risking her life to allow you to escape.
  • KhalDrogoKhalDrogo Member Posts: 60

    Didn't know about the jailbreaking good to know
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    I did the Corwin romance with a paladin and made all the 'good' decisions during the game. As a result you skip the jailbreak - they just let you go, and you never see Corwin again (she talks to you as above in jail).
  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    My first playthrough I was forced to kill her in the sewers. I still have no idea how it came to that.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited June 2016
    I played two of the romances so far, Glint (male only) and Rasaad (female only).

    Glint romance in general:
    Glint's romance feels more like a deep friendship route, be honest.
    It takes a long time for the romance to actually get to a point where I'd say that he and Charname actually count as a couple now (like really late in game). Glint can hardly be called the romantic type.
    Mostly it's playful banter, you also help him track down his family members who have been involved with the war some way or another (which is also what you'd do without the romance, but most of his plot revolves around this).
    Over all, it's a very light-hearted romance and to see their love blossom from a deep friendship is very refreshing to see.
    Glint ending:
    In the end, Glint will believe you are innocent and come to the prison to tell you that he will get you out of there somehow. That is the last thing you see or hear from him.

    Rasaad romance in general:
    Rasaad is a dork. He is very obviously attracted to you, both romantically and sexually, but he also tries to hide it really hard, because he is a monk. And even though he isn't forbidden to have a lover, it is also not exactly encouraged. Basically it boils down to a lot of sexual tension. You can tease him about, he will accidentally tease you as well (and you can tease him about that in return).
    Over all, it is super adorable and it make me blush a lot, especially during the scene where he and the Bhaalspawn share their first kiss (Mark Meer's voice acting is pure honey in this, I don't even).
    Rasaad ending:
    This end is very much a bummer. Rasaad will show up at your cell and he is torn. On the one hand, he wants to believe you are innocent, but on the other he knows that even if you are, there is nothing he can do. So he breaks up with you, and leaves. During the entire scene, he sounds very cold. I personally felt this ending was quite OOC for him, because he basically goes from cute and fluffy to pure angst mode in the matter of literally one scene. I mean, he had to become this way, given his state in BG2, but the transition was really bad imo.

    But yeah, even with the sour ending, I can still recommend it, because everything else is very enjoyable.

    PS: Sorry, I kinda misunderstood the thread and thought it was about all the romances :X
    I hope you still find this information helpful >.>
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    She is a pure b*. She will start her romance by asking you for something nice, then she will ask for a poem, Voghiln the bard will help you out to hang with her, but he is also having an affair with Safana, they had sex, and Voghiln will tell you that too. She will break up with you doesn't matter what, but i think you have never been a couple. Do know also that Safana is having anonther affair with Coran and who knows how many others. "She gives it to everyone but CHARNAME". When you get to the jail she wont visit you, she will instead, be found naked together with Voghiln by Imoen. You will meet her again in bg2 where she will try to kill you for money, but she gets killed, greedy b* got it coming.

    He does romance only females, but if you keep him in your party and you are a male, he is going to ask what girls are free so he can pick up some of them. He has often many lines with other NPCs and he keeps the game a little more fun. If you play a female, he will romance you, but still he has an affair with Safana. He will visit you in the jail. As far as i have heard, there are some options for him to leave you and back to Safana, who will leave him for Coran anyway, this is just a rumor not quite sure. I tried it once and he came to the jail, but he did nothing. So far only Corwin really seems to care about CHARNAME in SoD.

    Don't expect too much from this romance, her real romance will start in bg2, this is just a little of talk, most lines are about her culture and yours. She will visit you in jail, but she is still evil, she is also hated as a drow so when you are accused of the murder of skie she will quit the party, doesn't matter what. She will visit you in the jail but still she wont help you to escape.
  • FemShepFemShep Member Posts: 22
    What about Dorn Romance?
    I got the line "Perhaps you and I.. Enough of this foolishness." from Dorn in BG:EE.
    I wonder if there is going to be some sort of continuation.
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    Dorn romance:
    He's slightly less rapey. In the end he visits you in jail but says he'll be killed if he tries to break you out because too many people want to kill him already. Probably true. He then takes off. Before that he chastises you for being too messy killing Skee, even though he thought she was annoying and deserved it, which was pretty funny.
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    @LoveViconia: I told Safana to fk off when she told me she was sleeping with Voghiln and that ended the romance. Did you have to chose the degrading option to beg her to stay with you? Wow, that is a horrible romance lol


    She is a pure b*. She will start her romance by asking you for something nice, then she will ask for a poem, Voghiln the bard will help you out to hang with her, but he is also having an affair with Safana, they had sex, and Voghiln will tell you that too. She will break up with you doesn't matter what, but i think you have never been a couple. Do know also that Safana is having anonther affair with Coran and who knows how many others. "She gives it to everyone but CHARNAME". When you get to the jail she wont visit you, she will instead, be found naked together with Voghiln by Imoen. You will meet her again in bg2 where she will try to kill you for money, but she gets killed, greedy b* got it coming.

  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    No, i did it once to try out the romance, i tell her to f* off too at the first line.
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2016
    Wow. I completely fail to see Safana's upgrade. I respected her far more as a person in BG1.

    My run, I was trying to romance Corwin, but for some reason Neera took over (don't remember any romance dialogues forcing me to pick sides).

    Neera's ends the way you might expect. She visits prison, says she can't stick around because of the Red Wizards drawing closer, and says she's planning to try to build a Wild Mage commune to protect her kind. It's clear she feels horrible about leaving you in that state, but can't see a way to do anything useful about it.

    She does say she is hoping for some private celebrations after the whole Caelar incident ends, so it's up to the imagination if anything came of it before Skie gets killed.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Haha, that is so adorable :'D (And I am only a little bit jeallous >.>)
    I mean, I was already blushing like a school girl just listening to this in front of my PC, I can only immagine how it must have been in person.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    @Amber_Scott said:
    Fun fact: I wrote the Rasaad romance, and I love the Rasaad character so I really put all my heart and soul into it.

    I enjoyed the Rasaad character very much. Thank you for that. :)
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    I just wish that he had a path to happy ending. The only way he survives is by betraying everything he believes in.
  • AndrasteAndraste Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2016
    My only problem with the Rasaad romance was the epilogue where ...

    ... my Charname had seven children with no input whatsoever from me. I know that the Viconia epilogue forces offspring on you as well, but the precedent didn't make me like it any more. Especially since the relevant PC was a dwarf, which made it feel like a bad fairytale joke about Rasaad and the Seven Half-Dwarves. I didn't even know Forgotten Realms dwarves could interbreed with humans!
  • JenzafarJenzafar Member Posts: 303

    re: Rasaad romance ending

    If Rasaad doesn't believe you're innocent, his words to you at the end are indeed horrible. I've found that you get a nicer ending if you've defended yourself to Belt during your "trial." You pretty much let Rasaad go because there's nothing either of you can do.

    To my surprise, I actually had more fun with Voghlin's romance--

    No drama, no angst, just drinkin' wine and havin' fun. He is a typical bard--total skirtchaser--but that cracked me up. And in the end, he does share a little bit about a relationship he once had which makes him a bit less of a stereotype.

  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    How does it go if Rasaad doesn't believe you?
  • JenzafarJenzafar Member Posts: 303
    I haven't experienced it, but I did find this video.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
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