What next for Bard?

I have a bard in my party which has just upgraded, allowing me to add another weapon to her proficiencies. Currently she is good , but not great (a typical character attribute) with mace, spear and dagger. I would like to have another party member able to use ranged weapons, a sling+1 for example, that I have stored away. Also cached are a special bastard sword+2, a war hammer +1 and a short bow +1. I do not use my bard as a melee character generally, but as a stand-off caster.
What is the best choice ? I cannot enter more proficiency points in any current weapon, I have to choose another.
Just asking...and thanks for opinions.
What is the best choice ? I cannot enter more proficiency points in any current weapon, I have to choose another.
Just asking...and thanks for opinions.
Heavy Crossbow is a good choice as you can attack with it and then reactivate bard song without characters losing the buff.
It's tedious to micromanage attacking every round with this strategy but it can be really handy to have the attack available if you need it to, say, interrupt a spell caster.