Destructive spells!

Hello, me again ;p
My mage is coming along nicely now, level 3 with a whopping 18 HP! I was just wondering though, I haven't come across that many spell scrolls for destructive spells, say like fireball, flaming arrow etc. I was wondering if you guys knew where I might get these from? If I will come across them in the story anyway then I guess you don't need to tell me, but all i got so far is magic missile which doesn't seem so OP against a group of 15 wargs lol (i'm looking at you Temple region!) I got things like glitterdust and horror which seem pretty good but not nearly as satisfying as blowing them up!
My mage is coming along nicely now, level 3 with a whopping 18 HP! I was just wondering though, I haven't come across that many spell scrolls for destructive spells, say like fireball, flaming arrow etc. I was wondering if you guys knew where I might get these from? If I will come across them in the story anyway then I guess you don't need to tell me, but all i got so far is magic missile which doesn't seem so OP against a group of 15 wargs lol (i'm looking at you Temple region!) I got things like glitterdust and horror which seem pretty good but not nearly as satisfying as blowing them up!
Generally after a big storyline fight, there will be locked chests. In those, are often very powerful spells
If you make it all the way to baldur's gate without them, there's a shop in baldur's gate which sells a lot of good offensive spells too
After pretty much every major (or tough) battle against a wizard you'll have several scrolls.
A very interesting character would be a Human Wizard Slayer / Wizard.
Damn it. Restartitis strikes once again.
Agnazzar's scorcher can do in a pinch too if you aim it right. It says it hits twice but I could have swore that sometimes it appears to hit 3 times even.I've taken out an entire group of hobgoblins with a well-aimed scorcher. The good thing is that I don't believe it has a saving throw so it always does full damage
You are going to discover that saving throws are the bane of your damage spells. Against opponents you need them to hurt bad, they often end up saving and just taking half damage. That's why for me personally, using two Mage's is best and have one use greater malison to lower the saving throws, and then the other nuke. If you wait and try to do it all with one Mage, you are going to be sitting there a while waiting in between rounds
You can find a wand of fire and flaming oil potion relatively early in...
About Aganazar scorcher, once you hit the target with the ray of fire, you can move around and it will hurt anyone you sweep between you and the target for a couple of rounds. You can really do a lot of damage with this.
The downsides are the potential for friendly fire (No! Don't go there! *scorch* [sigh]), the micromanagement of the caster and other party members, and the possibility of bringing an unprotected caster near the front lines. The friendly fire and micromanagement aspect can be handled by turning off AI during that portion of the battle or using the 'auto-pause at end of round' (although to me, auto-pause at end of round is pretty annoying).
As others have said, scrolls like fireball and flame arrow won't come along until later in the game. Some creatures (greater basilisks, dopplegangers, ogre mages, maybe some others) also have a slight chance of dropping 3rd level spells, including fireball.
When I came back to them later I had played pen and paper, TOEE and a bunch of other games. My approach to spellcasting changed dramatically - using almost entirely debuffing, disabling, or buffing spells. The game got so much easier this way.
Sleep, Glitterdust, Slow, Hold Person, Chaos and others are party friendly and incredibly useful, especially after a Greater Malison. Fireballs etc knock HP off enemies, but rarely kill strong ones. They fight just hard at 1 HP as at full, so debuffing and disabling tends to be very valuable.