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Map zoom and character circles.

Is there any way to revert these back to how they were before the update?
The zooming out map doesn't look as good to me as the map that was in a window and the old style character circles for some reason aren't actually in the old style as they only have a singular circle at the character's feet instead of 2.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022
    unless it is an option in the "options" or "graphics" menus, im going to go with nay unfortunately
  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83
    Ah well that's a shame. No way to mod it back in at all?
    Also is the character selection circle a single line instead of 2 for some actual purpose though?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022
    when you say single selection circle, are you talking about the ones that used to show up when you looked at your map, or actually in game?
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Under Options, Gameplay, Feedback, you can check the Classic Selection Circles option.
  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83
    mf2112 said:

    Under Options, Gameplay, Feedback, you can check the Classic Selection Circles option.

    Not quite.

    Here in the image you can see what the "Classic Selection" looks like but pre 1.3 update it used to be two circles not just the one.
    I would prefer not to have to downgrade my game because then I miss out on all of the bug fixes and other content I much prefer, such as the much improved spell book.

  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,223
    As for the selection circles, single (green) circle is the old style classic actually. It was there in vanilla games, then EE introduced the colored double circles, but the green classic circles were kept as an option. In v2.0, the coloured double circles were replaced with single thick colored circles, but the option for the classic circles option eventually remained (with the circle coloring being an independent option).

    As for the map zoom, the option for turning it of has been requested, so we have to wait and see.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022

    mf2112 said:

    Under Options, Gameplay, Feedback, you can check the Classic Selection Circles option.

    Not quite.

    Here in the image you can see what the "Classic Selection" looks like but pre 1.3 update it used to be two circles not just the one.
    I would prefer not to have to downgrade my game because then I miss out on all of the bug fixes and other content I much prefer, such as the much improved spell book.

    I see that you do the same thing as me, set the colored circles as "rainbow colors" I find it much easier to manage my team when I do it that way

  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83
    Yeah, I prefer knowing exactly who is going where as it helps me manage the party a little easier in massive fights.

    Anyway about the "classic selection", I honestly forgot about the original green singular circles. I would love the option to have the double circles that EE originally had though. I guess I should submit a content ticket or whatever.
    Pecca said:

    As for the map zoom, the option for turning it of has been requested, so we have to wait and see.

    Here's hoping.

    Kind of wish we could have the old journal system too but I know there's not a chance in hell of that happening.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,223
    edited September 2016

    Kind of wish we could have the old journal system too but I know there's not a chance in hell of that happening.

    Among the UI workshop discussion, there is one concerning with the journal. Devs are said to be watching those discussions closely and the result of it will be reported to redmine.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    can someone please explain to me how the double circles worked in the previous version of EE as I started playing it with the present one?
    It would help me in having an opinion on the matter of this topic.
    sarevok57 said:

    I see that you do the same thing as me, set the colored circles as "rainbow colors" I find it much easier to manage my team when I do it that way

    I have chose to have all the allies green because I don't use AI, but micromanage the party, I use the icons on the right part of the screen to select characters and I rely on autopause on enemy destroyed and spell cast to be sure that no one is inactive in a crowded battle. But in EE, when the battle is crowded and the combat log full of entries it seems to be less reliable than in original. I have often situations where let's say Minsk is mlee attacking an enemy and aerie is helping him ranged. in the original the autopause was triggering 2 times, in EE it triggers only once and in the combat log appears "Minsk enemy destroied, then some other entries like some attack rolls and then the message "Aerie enemy destroyed", so sometimes I fail to read the first entry and one of the two remains inactive.

    I would prefer on autopause the message "Minsk and Aerie enemy destroied", where can I put a request for it?

    I don't use the rainbow colors because for me is easier to spot immediately if someone is ally or enemy, and aging my sight is not as good as before, discriminating between a pink circle, like the ones on the SE of the posted screenshot, and a red one for me is not so easy.
    I suppose that the player's style and how the player is able to discriminate between colors is relevant to the choice.
  • SliceofhellSliceofhell Member Posts: 85
    I would also like to disable the map zoom option. I have to watch the zoom out/in animation every time I open map and it's very annoying.
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