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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    No problem @chimaera! With regard to tanking i think you are a bit harsh @Victor_Creed_SFV. I played so many Warrior Classes in the last weeks at least to the end of SoD but tanking was still an option. Yes i have to switch (armor &) belt often but at least in BG1 many enemies could hit me only with a 20 roll. Sure this does not work everytime and especially not against named enemies - at least not until you get Durlags Goblet. Holy Cow - with this item my Warriors can tank even the huge enemy swarms that are so omnipresent in SoD (which also miss very often) and to some degree even hard & fast hitting enemies like Karoug or Belhifet. Give me this in BG2 and Su´kka will be immortal. Well... nearly... :D
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Su´kka destroyed the whole Crusader Camp and moved on to Coalition Camp while making a first visit to Dragonspear Castle.

    On the way she picked up Corinths Longbow +2 (+3 THAC0, +4 Damage, -1 AC, Luckon crit) & the Commanders Chainmail +3 (fear protection!!). As most upcoming parts are just optional she might be able to rush through in no time.

    But - no - that would be too boring. Lets have some fun with the Crusaders...! :D

    Dont forget to take up the Ring of the Crusade at Dragonspear Castle (+1 AC & Saves, +3 vs Demons!!).
    Worth to remember: It works in combination with other +AC stuff - great! :)

    BAD THING: The Drow Young Ones do not drop magic items anymore so no Longsword +3 yet. :neutral:
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Su´kka defended Coalition Camp against the four waves thanks to Arrows of Detonation Spam plus some summons. For more details read the post from the Mordra - Blackguard Run. Worth to remember: Many enemies are dropping Potions of Power that will prove to be very useful in the tough fights ahead.

    The Siege of Dragonspear is starting but i dought that i will find the time to face Belhifet today. Will do this probably in the next days - fully prepared and with a fresh mind! ;)

    Any news from the other Challenges? Whats your cat doing @Grond0? Will you start SoD tomorrow @Blackraven?

    LOL: The 1vs1 against the Fighter/Cleric/Mage Ashatiel was a joke. The Myconid summons confused her so we could beat her up without any retaliation. We are evil arent we?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Okay, Su´kka is now standing right before Belhifet who will have to wait a bit more.

    Su´kka tanked the Demon Hordes - who mostly do slash damage - with an AC of -18. Together with Potion of Strength, Oil of Speed, Potion of Invulnerability, Regeneration Potion, Potion of Power & 2x Potion of Magic Resistance she was immune to all of the CC while the AC and the Reg Potion allowed her to tank for some rounds before another healing potion was needed. For both waves she only used 1x Durlags Goblet each time to survive lucky rolls while still saving ~70 bigger healing potions. They will be needed for Belhifet and his demons...

    Worth to remember: The most annoying enemy in the demon fights for a Warrior is the Hamatula which shoots different kinds of enchanted arrows that can hurt for up to 50 damage if you fail the saving throws. If you try to kill it first she goes invisible and moves away so there is no way to catch her before the other ones are down. Su´kka killed the Abishai first switched to Flail +2 for the Bone Fiend and used two Ankhegs to distract the Hamatula from shooting at Su´kka. This worked pretty well - once the Ankhegs went down she had nearly killed the Demons and hunted down this damn Hamatula shortly after. Switching to anti-archer-equip is recommended.

    Time for some rest... :)
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    My honest opinion on doing this challenge solo.... is that is requires far too much cheese. How much tactics and strategy can you really apply when a staggering amount of cheese is necessary? I may be wrong but it seems on the surface that all you would be doing the entire time is fleeing with guerrilla tactics
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  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464

    My honest opinion on doing this challenge solo.... is that is requires far too much cheese. How much tactics and strategy can you really apply when a staggering amount of cheese is necessary?

    Depends on your definition of cheese. In my current run for instance I've on occasion used an invisible familiar to block enemies. I also will no doubt use area transitions at some point, though haven't done so in this run so far. Personally I don't see anything cheesy about either of those tactics - I think they're simply making sensible use of mainstream parts of the game. Others will disagree of course, but that's fine.

    In my runs I forbid the use of any healing items and therefore could class the use of potions etc by others as cheesy. To which they could reasonably reply - don't be daft :p. I also have nearly always played no-reload for quite a few years and therefore dying, but still continuing the game, seems incredibly cheesy to me - but that's fine too. There's a huge range of potential tactics within the game, so why not try and push the limits a bit to see what can be done?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    edited December 2016

    Any news from the other Challenges? Whats your cat doing @Grond0?

    The cat's still purring along nicely. I've once again been trying to make progress without using any resources (except ammunition). I managed that up to level 8, with the main challenge up to that point being the sirines. Their random movement, decent saves, 2 types of potentially fatal distance attacks, disabling melee attack, scripted invisibility even when held in a web and Sil and companions all running into the golem cave made things difficult! However, I kept plugging away and got there in the end using a combination of web/blindness and distance attacks followed by retreating before the sirines could react.

    I did though resort to using a potion just recently when trying to kill the greater basilisks on the roof at Durlag's Tower. They were calling for help from one side of the roof to the other and also using a follow-me script to be able to attack Frey without ever having seen her (except while stuck in a web). Despite that he had successfully killed one of them and just blinded a second when the final one came running hot-foot from where it had been parked on the other side of the roof. Frey doesn't know protection from petrification, so had no protection against a gaze attack and I wasn't convinced that casting an invisibility spell would work in time - so used an invisibility potion there.

    Frey's almost up to his 9th and final BG1 level and will be off to the Nashkel Mine after that.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    edited December 2016
    Once more Frey kicked the bucket at the Bandit Camp. I had the whole camp chasing this time, but didn't actually take too much of a risk - luck just ran out this time. I had used running followed by invisible skull traps to do quite a bit of damage and was intending to rest and do that again, but first used up magic missiles on some following Black Talons. At the point I decided to rest I tried to go invisible with only 1 archer visible and stoneskin still operating. At that point I think the bandits needed at least 16 to hit me, possibly 17. The bandit shot and hit. A second and third bandits arrived and also both hit as I was starting to cast, one removing my last stoneskin and the other getting a critical for 36 damage. That left me with only 11 HPs left as I had already been slightly down on HPs from the cold damage from Black Talon arrows - as another bandit appeared. At that point I probably could still have run away as I was only a step away from the edge of the map. However, the critical hit had not caused spell failure so I decided to let the spell complete - which it did, but by that time a shot was on it's way from the bandit causing 12 damage ...
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016

    My honest opinion on doing this challenge solo.... is that is requires far too much cheese. How much tactics and strategy can you really apply when a staggering amount of cheese is necessary? I may be wrong but it seems on the surface that all you would be doing the entire time is fleeing with guerrilla tactics

    Yeah, whats cheese, whats not? And - no - i am not fleeing all the time. Tanking works - to some degree. And whats even better: I finally use potions and scrolls because the tougher and smarter enemies are forcing me to do this - at least as a warrior. For me the combination of LoB and SCS is great but - as always - thats just a personal preference. If anyone is bored by this: No problem - play a different challenge. And never forget: Have fun! ;)

    You still seem to have fun @Grond0 even when pushing this challenge to no-reload & (nearly) no resources. Hope you will be able to finish at least BG1 this year. I know Frey can do it. Oh - was the cat one-hit-killing enemies? Please say yes! :D
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    edited December 2016

    Oh - was the cat one-hit-killing enemies? Please say yes! :D

    Regrettably not against natural enemies. The maximum theoretical damage the cat can do with a backstab is 70 (a maximum damage, critical hit on an opponent without a melee weapon equipped) and the lowest HPs any LoB creature has is 83. The cat has one-shotted the odd potential enemy though - such as Xzar (edit: screenshot added just for you :D).
    I don't allow even temporary NPC recruitment in my solo games so there are a few NPCs that need to keep one eye on their possessions and a second looking out behind them ...
    Xzar.jpg 627.4K
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Good cat! What a pity that 70 is max. Not enough for LoB. Damn! :D

    Not enough - good keyword: Su´kka is having huge troubles with Belhifet. The reason is simple: Thanks to SCS splitting using summons does not work anymore. And: Parking enemies using Invisibilty does not work. And: Tanking is superdangerous as the enemies use every kind of specialattack: Stun, poison, bleed. On top of their spells: Hold, Charm, Fear, Fire. Yes you can protect against most - the Protection from Magic Scroll is golden here. Whats killing this fight completly - and this maybe some kind of bug thanks to SCS - Belhifet is using his Dispel Magic several times!!! This means: Every buff - except the anti-magic is gone over and over again. Fighting the evergrowing demon horde is impossible without these buffs. At the moment i dont see a way around Belhifet. Maybe resetting SCS will help - we will see... ;)
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016


    1130 HP, -12 AC, 100 % Fire Resistance, 80% (?) Magic Resistance, 50% Cold Resistance, 25% melee resistance, 50% missile resistance

    Okay i got the code out of this Belhifet fight! As the old strategies are not working anymore we have to come up with something else. The solution is: Use Invisibilty!

    Know your enemies or why invisibility is your best friend:
    - Abishais, Cornugons & Bone Fiends will constantly follow you but are unable to attack & teleport
    - Erinyes & Hamatulas can see through invisibility and will shoot nonstop -> Use Anti-Archer-Equip
    - Belhifet will see you too and teleport on top of you to attack instantly or cast spells
    - You have all the time in the world to buff and heal - only avoid the upper three
    - Always make sure magic protection is up as Belhifet will not hesitate to stun you
    - When fully buffed attack Belhifet one (or two) times and go invisible again
    - Retreat fast or the other demons will teleport around and trap you
    - Heal up if needed and start again the hit & run

    Problem is: At this level you will miss Belhifet quite often even with Potion of Storm Giant Strenght & Potion of Power up. With a THAC0 of -4 Su´kka had a chance of 60% to damage him (Attack Roll 8+). Belhifet on the other hand will nearly always hit. Even worse: He hits hard & fast for 3X-5X damage each time while causing poison, bleed & disease. So never ever try to tank him! As he will hit you anyway its better to protect yourself from the very dangerous Hamatula & Erinyes Archers. Su´kka had -17 or -18 vs missiles so they hit her only randomly.

    You will need 30-40 attacks out of invisibilty to bring Belhifets Lifebar down by one point - at least when using the Longsword +3 (21-28 slash damage + 1d3 acid damage). This means: Sooner or later you will run out of invisibilty potions & sandman rings - Su´kka had around 90 charges but it is just not enough. Its better to play the normal hit & run at the very beginning when there are not so many demons hunting you. Later on you will have to face 25+ demons that will make your retreats harder and harder.

    Use Summons in between to distract the demons - including Belhifet - so you are able to get in some easy hits. Shooting from the backrow using the +3 Void-tipped Arrows (which deal up to 9 additional magic damage per hit) works also nice!

    Hope that luck is on your side and you hit Belhifet hard (even though his 25% DR takes away lot of potential damage). Do not forget to stock up as many bigger healing potions as you can get, always run a Regeneration Potion and use Durlags Goblet only for emergency.

    Hope that you have saved your Scrolls and Potions of Magic Protection or you will go down in no time.

    You can avoid Belhifets Dispel Magic if you side with Caelar Argent and immediately retreat!

    Time the resetting of your Magic Protection well as the scroll will also dispel your invisibily so the demon will instantly teleport at you. Run for your life, go invisible and buff up again. Essential are: Potion of Storm Giant Strength, Potion of Power, Oil of Speed & Regeneration Potion. Fire Resistance if needed, Potion of Invulnerability if you think that the +1 AC might save you from damage.

    Item selection for Warriors
    Helm: Baldurans Helm → everyhting you need
    Armor: Commanders Chain Mail +3 → Fear Protection!!!
    Gloves: Gloves of Weapon Expertise → hit harder & better
    Neck: Lons Amulet → Bless!
    Weapon 1: Tongue of Acid Longsword +3 → you will need +3 weapons to hurt Belhifet
    Weapon 2: Corinths Longbow +2 with Void Arrows +3
    Shield: Shield of the fallen Stars → Anti-Archers-Setup
    Belt: Girdle of Piercing → see above
    Cloak: Baldurans Cloak → Magic Protection that might save your life
    Boots: Boots of Speed → Speed is everything in this fight
    Ring 1: Crusader Ring → +3 AC & saves against demons!
    Ring 2: Fire Protection Ring → Belhifet will spam all kinds of fire spells

    When attacking Belhifet make sure that there is no Cornugon around - they will stun you!

    Be patient and ready for many, many reloads. This fight is not from this world.

    Good Luck! :)

    P.S.: Su´kka has still not managed to beat the improved Belhifet. She brought him down to badly wounded once but then got trapped by the demons. Still too much misses on this try and nearly no crits. Su´kka definitely needs luck on her side. I will keep on trying!

    P.P.S. I am too tired to try it again today. Belhifet seems really smarter now. Constantly using Fire Spells even when Magic Protection is on if he smells that your Fire Resistance is not maxed. And he is teleporting more aggressivly right on top of you to attack immediately once he reappears. At least he isnt spamming Dispel Magic anymore. But even without - this battle is so much harder than anyone before. Karoug? The Four Wardens? Sarevok? Put them all together and they are still a joke compared to Belhifet. Maybe this fight will get manageable with more experience. I hope so. Anyway: Good night Belhifet - we will see us soon again! :D
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Okay - here is my christmas present for you:

    The hit & run using invisibilty against Belhifet works!

    To make it short and simple: Use invisibilty → get in position → attack Belhifet → go invisible again → repeat until dead!

    This sounds easier that it is. Why? Because this fight will last up to one hour – which will give you many opportunities to make errors: Getting too greedy so the demons surround you, getting killed by lucky attack rolls, mistiming your anti-magic buffs and so on. With other words: Good luck! ;)

    If you ask yourself "How many invisibilty potions will i need?" Answer: 100+ - the more the better!

    This strategy should work for nearly all Warrior Classes - dont ask me about Mages or Sorcerers! :D
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    edited December 2016
    Well done Harpagornis for finding a way - you should find SoA a cakewalk now.

    This strategy should work for nearly all Warrior Classes - dont ask me about Mages or Sorcerers! :D

    Do you know if it's possible to rest after commencing the fight?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    In Avernus you can rest between every demon encounter and right before entering the lift that will take you to Belhifet. In the lift you will have to fight three smaller demon waves while resting is not possible. But you can use the time to heal and buff yourself up.

    The problem with all demons are - and i tested this with several wands and spells - their magic resistance is so high than i was never able to touch them with any form of CC. Belhifet uses improved invisibilty so you have to remove it first to target him with lower magic resistance. But it seems he can recast it at will with endless stacks. I did not test damage spells - cold or magic could work. Summon wands should also be a big help here but even then there will be several demons that are attacking you. I havent calculated Belhifet Hitpoints but it should be 1000+. This will be a tough nut to crack! ;)

    I dont know if i will play on with Su´kka right now because i like to test another character before. A Ranger with Racial Enemy "Demons" will be a lot of fun against Belhifet. It will be interesting to see how much faster he will go through. After this i will decide which one should start SoA! :)
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  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    edited December 2016
    chimaera said:

    Fanfir was frantically switching between his summoning wand and Otiluke's resilient sphere scrolls to keep both dukes alive.

    I presume that's another SR change. One of the things the EE changed that annoyed me was to introduce a saving throw for the use of Otiluke's sphere even against neutrals and members of your party - meaning that it's no longer a realistic option for the fight at the palace.
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  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    If you still have trouble with SoD-Import @chimaera: Use the "Import Savegame" option and you start solo with all your Equipment! ;)

    Updating the OP? No problem! ;)

    Eira, the Elven Ranger will be ready for SoD soon. Finally a char with stealth again - so refreshing. And gamebreaking! Maybe i should i have started with a Stallker. Well - cant have everything.

    I think that i will skip most optional stuff in SoD to get only the essential stuff for final fight. Belhifet will be so much fun... :D

    EDIT: OP is updated - hope i havent forgot anyone! ;)
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Lol - i have played the starting dungeon of SoD so many times but there is always something new.

    With good charisma you can convinve Porios and all of his guards to lay down their weapons. Just sneak up to him, start conversation and - bang - you get all loot AND xp just for talking. No need for killing - great!

    This means that there is only one fight you cannot avoid - Korlasz. And even here you can force her to resign after you bring her down to "injured" - which will be a matter of seconds. I love this game! :)

    P.S. @chimaera - hope you have a Scroll of Protection from Undead in your backpack! ;)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2016
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  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    chimaera said:

    Thanks! (it seems you are by far the fastest player :) )

    As for the scroll, nope - unfortunately all of the containers were lost, including all scrolls, potions and magical jewelry stored in them. :| Nevertheless, Fafnir has actually made it out of the starting dungeon, even though quite a few reloads were necessary. My biggest problem with SoD so far is that enemies will keep stalking invisible characters even if they can't actually spot them. I'm not talking about the bats, but rather that all enemies, once they have "locked" onto your character, will follow them even if this character turns invisible.

    Yeah, that "problem" remains until the end. Against some enemies it helps if you never give them the chance to see you while others - like the Bats - will still see you and warn the others.

    My questions are: How are you fighting the Undead and how did you defeated Korlasz? As a Mage-type-char you will have more options than my "dumb" Warriors! ;)

    EDIT: Eira stomped through the starting dungeon even though she was damn lucky. After bringing down Korlasz with Necklace of Missiles -> Arrow of Dispelling -> Arrow of Detonation -> Arrow of Dispelling -> 4x Acid Arrow the battle seemed to be over. But in the very last second a poisened slash hit Eira that ticked down her HP´s to 2 (!) before she was able to use Durlags Goblet.

    Very close one! :D
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
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  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Looool - thats really cheesy @chimaera! Skull Trap stacking could be real fun later on in the bigger fields. :D

    Starting level is complete! Invisibility Potions found there: 14

    Invisibililty Potions so far: 28

    Baldurs Gate is waiting! ;)
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited December 2016
    @Harpagornis, congrats man, on your SoD success!! Stellar work, and great advice. I've sneak peaked Belhifet in EEKeeper and I think he'll be hell for a solo caster. Spoilered for those who don't want to know.
    He has 1130 HPs in LoB, -12 AC, 80% magic resistance, 100% fire resistance, 50% cold resistance, 25% melee damage resistance, 50% missile damage resistance, and his LoB saves are -3/-1/-2/-3/0. Taking into account enemies' staying power, spell-disrupting archery, and disabling abilities, I haven't come up with anything better than to acquire all green PfMagic scrolls, and to acquire several wands of lightning and recharge them for this battle. Belhifet has 0 lightning resistance. Each wand charge does 6*3d6 lightning damage, but 4 times out of 5 Belhifet's magic resistance will neutralize the bolts, and he'll always save for half damage. Statistically you would get 10 charges per 50-charge wand past his magic resistance, for 31.5 damage each, if my calculations are correct. Four full wands should be enough, but I would take no risks, and just bring six or so.

    Unfortunately Kaerl won't be able to test this very soon. Kaerl I fell at the Iron Throne fight in Baldur's Gate. His buffs were removed by Naaman and Kaerl went down a split second later. I tried to replicate the situation and my gues is that Diyab (spell) or Aasim (wand) managed to perfectly time a Flamestrike (even though I never saw the fire effect).
    Kaerl II met his end in the Nashkel Mines, where the late Mulahey bequeathed a formidable army of skeletons and kobolds. I'm pretty sure this was due to a bug. Mulahey interjected several times during the battle and I suspect that that caused more and more minions to appear. Kaerl II fought bravely but fell with the exit in sight.
    Kaerl III is underway but I've no idea how soon he can join the fun in SoD.

    Edit: @chimaera, congrats to you too! Good luck in SoD!
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Nice to know the exact numbers of Belhifet - thanks @Blackraven! Getting enough Lightning Wands in combination with abusing invisibility potions.Hhmmmm... might be enough - but it will be some hard work. ;)

    Even If it works - you first have to get past the Crusader Attacks. Will the Wands be enough? Firing 4x Arrows of Detonation per round + summons is sometimes not enough. Maybe heavy CC will to the job? We will see. Hope Kaerl III. will join us soon in SoD! :)

    Eira is collecting more Invisibilty Potions. Loots so far in BG: 8!
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Okay, i tested the Belhifet fight again - keep an eye on that one @Blackraven!

    I fired 100x charges of the Lightning Wand at Belhifet. Damage dealt: 0! Zero! Nothing!

    He resisted every lightning - 100x times in a row. Even with 80 % magic resistance some of the lightnings should have gone through - but no. I was able to randomly hit every other demon but not Belhifet. I fear this strategy will not work...

    EDIT: Lower Magic Resistance works! After reducing it two times for 20% per spell i was able to hit him quite regularly with the lightning. Sometimes he even failed the saving throw. There is still hope @Blackraven! :)

    EDIT 2: Even after reducing Belhifets Magic Resistance by 100% he still resists the lightning from time to time. This means it must be greater than 100% - which would explain why he was untouchable before!!! ;)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464

    EDIT 2: Even after reducing Belhifets Magic Resistance by 100% he still resists the lightning from time to time. This means it must be greater than 100% - which would explain why he was untouchable before!!! ;)

    Have you tried recruiting him in the game? - that would be an easy way to check his LoB stats.

    I've had several further attempts with Frey, but not got too far. I'm probably past the point of diminishing returns in relation to taking due care with him, but will have one final attempt to see if I can make some decent progress ...
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    @Blackraven checked Belhifets stats:

    1130 HP -> This comes very close to my ingame observation
    -12 AC -> the same i calculated ingame
    80% magic resistance -> there has to be something wrong here...
    100% fire resistance -> yes, hes immune to fire
    50% cold resistance -> correct
    25% melee damage resistance -> someone else said 33% but ingame tests state that 25% is correct
    50% missile damage resistance -> correct
    Saves are -3/-1/-2/-3/0 -> maybe

    Every stats seems to be correct - only his magic resistance seems dubious.

    Another problem with lighting wand using is -> you cannot use invisibilty right after shooting so you have always make sure to run for your life. The small delay of the lighnings makes the whole fight even harder. Your Stoneskin + Mirror Image will - most probably - go down in no time. How many summon charges can you get?

    EDIT: Eira is ready to leave Baldurs Gate. Thanks to killing all party NPC´s her gold account reached nearly 45k while buying and looting 10 Invisibility Potions -> Total Account so far: 38
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