Sorcerers and stats

Hey guys, first I don't post much but I read these forums religiously and most impressed with the quality of post and answers.
Second I've played a lot of Baldurs gate and can wait for release of enhanced.
So heres my question. Will sorcerers spells be based on there charisma score, as it should in DnD rules or intelligence.
I believe it used intelligence in Baldurs. With either, will there be bonus castings per day for high stats.
And..Can a sorcerer use the ring of wizardy?
Thanks in advance for any replies
As well a very big thanks for all those people working on this game and making this happen.
Second I've played a lot of Baldurs gate and can wait for release of enhanced.
So heres my question. Will sorcerers spells be based on there charisma score, as it should in DnD rules or intelligence.
I believe it used intelligence in Baldurs. With either, will there be bonus castings per day for high stats.
And..Can a sorcerer use the ring of wizardy?
Thanks in advance for any replies
As well a very big thanks for all those people working on this game and making this happen.
Dexterity should be at 18 and constitution at 16, split the rest of the stats how you like
18 Dex for +4 to AC
16 Con for +2hp/lvl
Sorcs have no key attriubute. In BG, INT only effects the size of your spell book and your ability to scribe spells. Since Sorcs have a set book anyway and do not scribe spells, a higher INT does nothing for them.
In BG1, the only stat you really want to pump for Sorcs is DEX, for the AC bonus.
See also:'s_Gate:_Races_and_Stats#Recommended_Statistics_by_Class_4
Edit: Phats, specialist Mages get bonus casts per day. Sorcs do not unless they're using a specific item (like the Ring of Wizardry).
You can easily edit this yourself if you feel charisma or intelligence should add spell slots and bonus casts though. splsrckn.2da contains the sorcerer spell progression and casts per day.
Intelligence is the "prime requisite" for sorcerers, but it has no effect on any of the sorcerer's class abilities. It does give you better Lore, though.
In Pen-and-Paper AD&D, having at least 15 in your class's prime requisite would give you a bonus to XP rewards. This wasn't implemented in the game, however (probably because giving the player character +10 XP would have thrown off a lot of balance expectations).
BG sorcerors are the most buff sorcerors in any universe ever.
But, that said: You can start with 15 WIS and end up with 18 by the end of TotSC. Alternatively, there's plenty of pots in BG2 that bump your WIS up to 18 when you want to cast Wish.
Personally, I go for overall gameplay convenience -- I'd rather have a slightly higher STR (for the carrying weight) or CHA (for reactions) in BG1 and most of BG2 than a maxed WIS in order to use a single spell.
The Ring of Wizardry [BG1 version] would give a sorcerer 3 extra spell casts at level 1 (for a total of 6 casts/day).
From level 4 onwards a sorcerer wearing the ring will be able to cast 12 lvl 1 spells/day.