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Big World Setup conundrum

LuddifierLuddifier Member Posts: 5

I am a huge Baldur’s Gate fan, having played through the entire series 3 times and sorely lack any new games that measure up to this masterpiece. I have modded the game quite a bit the last two times but was a bit apprehensive about trying the enhanced edition of the game.

But as I embark upon my fourth play through I hear reports saying that the enhanced edition is up to snuff now, and the big world setup makes it VERY attractive as it has automated a very tedious and time consuming process of reading about installtion orders and installing each mod manually. However, I have encountered one conundrum when using the BWS and so have a question:

Why is the default recommended setting to halve all XP gain from completing quests and killing monsters?

Is there some new XP balancing in BG:EE I am unaware of? I play without a level cap and have every intention of importing the character to BG2 once I’m done so if someone can clarify these confusing default settings regarding XP in the tweak packs I would appreciate it. Most of the quest mods I will play with now I played with last time as well (No big quests, just several small ones)

I like to push up the difficulty overall through most of the choices from sword coast stratagems and don’t want to gimp my XP development, especially not in quest completion so I will turn off the decrease, but would like to hear people’s opinions.


  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    I just thought it was a tactical difficulty enhancement, didn't really think there was a specific reason behind it, I turned it off too.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    I never understood it, I turn off all things that alters experience, and I keep the EXP cap. on for continuity, and difficulty reasons.

    The less that mess with the scripts, the more stable the game will be in my opinion.
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