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[Bug?] Gullykin Halfling (Spoiler)

In one of the homes in Gullykin, you encounter a halfling with a few dialogue choices. If you kill this halfling he has two slings in his inventory (one magical, one normal). Not sure why he'd have two.. but hey. If you charm him, he speaks of giving you something that "may not look like much, but trust him its helped him a great deal". He then gives you the normal sling, keeping the magical.

I would think that based on the dialogue, he'd give you the +1 sling. Just a thought. Not sure why he even has two slings?


  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Maybe he's got a little hint of dwarven greed in him.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @HaHaCharade Hehheh, well if halflings are naturally better at slings then maybe THAT is why he thinks more highly of it. Maybe he's got a David & Golith complex and took out an ogre with a critical shot once.

    @Papa_Lou It could be, could very well be. It's not like halflings don't have the right to be greedy as well, the lil cuss.

    He's liable to be visited by a pickpocket soon, I can see that as a possibility I can.
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