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Fall from Grace lies? or does she tell the truth?

Does Fall From Grace tells the truth about her past, or does she lie and Vrischika tells the truth about her?

She does say if you ask her that baatezu do not violate like humans do, but that doesnt make much sense to me, since baatezu are devils.

A half-truth/middle ground also makes sense if you think about it.

What is your opinion?


  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    Memories are seldom objective, and have inaccuracies as soon as they are imprinted on the mind, I hear. Perhaps they are both telling the truth, or at least truthfully relaying their perspectives?
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    Lies? You mean, about [Spoiler] lady grace's 'win free' of baatezu contracts?[/spoiler] I never thought that she is lying, but decided to believe Lawful Neutral succubus.
    And sadly about Vrischika's alignment I have no info. :'(
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    I would take Vrischika's statements with a grain of salt. She is a (chaotic evil) alu-fiend after all.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    I think Vrischika's just jealous and bitter. But to be fair, Fall-from-Grace is secretive. I think if I had a past like hers and was seeking to distance myself from it, I may bend the truth to the point of even convincing myself. And in the world of Planescape, that kind of psychology is even more likely to happen than in our world since belief shapes reality.
  • jkhristianjkhristian Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2017
    Vrischika is a Erinyes and FFG is a Succubus. There's some animosity there. They certainly don't trust each other.
    Post edited by jkhristian on
  • blackchimesblackchimes Member Posts: 323
    Isn't Fall From Grace's "thing" that everyone will tell you that she will lie and cannot be trusted an will betray you, when in fact she is one of the few completely honest and trustworthy characters in the game and never betrays you?

    PS:T likes to put things on its head.
  • SizzSizz Member Posts: 15
    @ElysianEchoes yeah that makes the most sense to me, at least so far in the game.

    @Teflon Lawful neutral is not lawful good. She may follow her own personal code. Thats why i think she's telling a half truth.

    @argent77 She is CE but even and individual can wiggle in the aligment. But if we take her as true CE, her argument is too convincing. Plus FFG smiles at you at the end of the dialogue...

    @themazingness You mention her past.. How do you know its true? When you ask her about Vrischika and more specifically about the camp follower part, she tells you that the baatezu lust power and not flesh. So she says in a sense that they violated her mind. If we take it as true, doesn't a violation makes you more vulnerable? She also says that these kind of violations stay with you. But to me baatezu do not lust power but for flesh. They are the sterotypical devils. I do not see them as a creature that can appreciate intelligence.

    @jkhristian Vrischika's dialogue is hyperbolic, and if you take into account the animosity, it doesn't invalidate her point. She simply took a truth and stretched it. At least to me that makes the most sense.
    But the same may also be true for FFG...

    @blackchimes Ohh i didn't know about that. Well they did they same with Morte, so maybe the game just continues to play with your expectations. That also makes sense..
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666

    Isn't Fall From Grace's "thing" that everyone will tell you that she will lie and cannot be trusted an will betray you, when in fact she is one of the few completely honest and trustworthy characters in the game and never betrays you?

    PS:T likes to put things on its head.

    this is why i love grace so much. she is the most honest character in the game. while everryone else is taking advantage of the fact you don't remember anything.

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