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Simple question for modders. Custom Icons.

dbianco87dbianco87 Member Posts: 21
Recently made a mod which includes a new innate ability (channel). The icon I made for it doesn't look right and I've been googling like crazy trying to figure out why. The background of the icon is transparent but for some reason it doesn't have that lighter underlay that every other icon in the game has. Anybody have any clues? Link goes to screenshot.

While I don't think it looks terrible I am a huge perfectionist and this issue is making me crazy.


  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    The underlay, if I'm not mistaken, is part of the icon. Spells actually have two different icons - one for the action bar and another for the spellbooks. Only the latter is transparent.
  • dbianco87dbianco87 Member Posts: 21
    Wow, no wonder I couldn't find anything on it. Thank you, my misunderstanding of the icon files was definitely the issue.
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