MacOS App Store Version Update

Is there any word on the MacOS AppStore getting an updated version of the game? AppStore is still on 1.3. The most recent discussion of this issue I can find is from a full year ago. Perhaps, there a way for AppStore users to get access to either Steam of Beamdog copies of new version of the game? Thanks for your thoughts.
Post edited by MrVitti2 on
Basically, the next round of EE patches are planned for all games (included Ice Wind Dale and Planescape:Torment) after the 64-bit OS patches are released for mobile devices, which are essential for the next release of iOS - due from Apple in around 3 weeks time.
The Mac App Store is specifically listed there as part of the plans.
In the meantime, macOS support is current as-of the latest patch (2.3.something), just not through the Mac App Store. If you bought from any other source, you should already have the latest patches available to you (which is why it has been frustrating spending 3 years working out what it means to be a supported platform - but that was another thread).
Following that news thread, it seems that 2.4 is all about 64-bit porting and IPv6, and the UI enhancements and news classes of 2.0 will actually follow later in 2.5, so I am guessing the Mac App Store is still at least 3 patch cycles from consideration, but is definitely listed in the plans as a supported platform. That last part is still guess-work on my part though.