Anyone used to play on RP server called Cerea \ Cerea 2?

was wondering...
I used to play A LOT .... for years... on a PW RP Server called cerea which was built by fellow nicknamed Weby.
It was amazing creation,
Cerea was the module on NWN1 and Cerea2 was a module on NWN2.
Basically it revolved arround theme of life vs unlife and was very heavy on scripted mechanics and dm led events.
After most events of players activities we used to write on the forums a summary (short stories from our characters point of view).
At some point Weby took all of those and published a book containing the entire history of the PW and our stories.
was really splendid server and it worked so well on NWN1 but when NWN2 came out it was so sluggish and took too much time to patch Cerea 2 kinda died out. shame.
I fondly remember some of the really cool stuff that server had like Kickball gangs guilds (imagine two teams of giant half orcs playing fantasy football while pillaging :P ), or instead of the usual "Portals" you had a quest which took you half a continent into a temple on mountaintop volcano in order to retrieve the fabled "Staff of travel" which had a nifty script to save location and teleport to the main city - then you could teleport to your saved location at any time.
Another cool feature was when epic levels added we had to search items called "keys of power" in order to merge them into epic item which allowed us to get 1 epic level each time - other way to get epic levels was rewards for tokens.
Tokens were a reward we got for taking part in DM events (which we had daily) and based on the number of tokens we could advance in one of the many many guilds in game or get epic levels \ change appearance\ become gods etc
yes you could if you grind for long long time to create a temple and if enough players\npcs followed you then you'd become a lesser deity in game (which took mass dedication iirc only 1-2 players became gods).
But most of all playing for years with same people on world which shifted and advanced itself according to our choices was freaking epic.
We did time travel, flying ships and crafting before it was cool
damn the nostalgia hit me right in the feels
at any rate links:
Cerea 2:
Old site:
Book(which I own and I recommend it wholeheartedly).
1. nwn&f=false
So any players from Cerea here?
I used to play Nebril Nerelven the Elvish Sorcerer, Ando Red the Red Dragon Disciple of the Red Dragons clan, Baldur Willomen the Paladin of Ra, Alor Tylner the elvish master of the Fighters guild, Andrick Flomein the Shapeshifter droid of greenwood and many more fondly remembered characters
I used to play A LOT .... for years... on a PW RP Server called cerea which was built by fellow nicknamed Weby.
It was amazing creation,
Cerea was the module on NWN1 and Cerea2 was a module on NWN2.
Basically it revolved arround theme of life vs unlife and was very heavy on scripted mechanics and dm led events.
After most events of players activities we used to write on the forums a summary (short stories from our characters point of view).
At some point Weby took all of those and published a book containing the entire history of the PW and our stories.
was really splendid server and it worked so well on NWN1 but when NWN2 came out it was so sluggish and took too much time to patch Cerea 2 kinda died out. shame.
I fondly remember some of the really cool stuff that server had like Kickball gangs guilds (imagine two teams of giant half orcs playing fantasy football while pillaging :P ), or instead of the usual "Portals" you had a quest which took you half a continent into a temple on mountaintop volcano in order to retrieve the fabled "Staff of travel" which had a nifty script to save location and teleport to the main city - then you could teleport to your saved location at any time.
Another cool feature was when epic levels added we had to search items called "keys of power" in order to merge them into epic item which allowed us to get 1 epic level each time - other way to get epic levels was rewards for tokens.
Tokens were a reward we got for taking part in DM events (which we had daily) and based on the number of tokens we could advance in one of the many many guilds in game or get epic levels \ change appearance\ become gods etc

yes you could if you grind for long long time to create a temple and if enough players\npcs followed you then you'd become a lesser deity in game (which took mass dedication iirc only 1-2 players became gods).
But most of all playing for years with same people on world which shifted and advanced itself according to our choices was freaking epic.
We did time travel, flying ships and crafting before it was cool

damn the nostalgia hit me right in the feels

at any rate links:
Cerea 2:
Old site:
Book(which I own and I recommend it wholeheartedly).
1. nwn&f=false
So any players from Cerea here?
I used to play Nebril Nerelven the Elvish Sorcerer, Ando Red the Red Dragon Disciple of the Red Dragons clan, Baldur Willomen the Paladin of Ra, Alor Tylner the elvish master of the Fighters guild, Andrick Flomein the Shapeshifter droid of greenwood and many more fondly remembered characters

Basically we had the "Cerea Times" a newsletter which was published from time to time and as players we could contribute.
First piece I'll share is an ad I've wrote, basically iirc scribe scroll was added to the game and I had tons of unused xp so I used to sell scrolls to other players and respecing (for fee) so I had acess to many spells, also using some nifty staff I got during a quest I could store spells inside my staff (scripted item) and then use it instead of actually using my spell book- > means more spells to sell!
Second piece was a report I've wrote about my apprentice quest in the "Arcane Academy" guild. basically as ranks in the guild worked in the server you finished a scripted quest of sort and became an initiate, then some other player (or npc controlled by dm) gave you a quest to fulfill in order to advance into apprentice.
We wrote a report of that quest on the forums and I've sent mine to the "Cerea Times" which published it.
Quite epic if you ask me...
Note there about the navigators, basically at some point we had LOADS of areas and it took literally like an hour to travel from one place to another... quite a journey. so a guild of lizardlike beings with portal systems added to the game with secret place which had connection to other areas of the game.
iirc you could summon a navigator for single use and pay loads of gold or somehow with time travel involved get a navigator amulet and then travel for free "pretending" to be a navigator yourself. quite fun tbh.
any wet chance *I was good kid santa* that he'll be in good mood enough for Cerea 3 on NWN:EE?