DM Client Suggestions (Encounter & Waypoint Management features)

We have a "Show/Hide Triggers" button in the GUI. I suggest adding "Show/Hide Encounters" and "Show/Hide Waypoints" buttons.
In addition, trying to deal with encounters on the fly sucks in the DM Client. Being able to see the triggers will help, but being able to manage the encounters and their spawn points would be a difference maker. At this time, when you create an encounter in the DMC, you don't know how big it is, and you cannot add Spawn Points, so stuff tends to spawn right on top of/behind the party. Having even a simple way to manage the triggers (Grow/Shrink/Move) and thei Spawn Points (Add/Remove/Move) would be useful additions, IMHO.
Those Grow/Shrink/Move options for encounter triggers may interest some on plain old normal triggers, too; I would expect there's some significant degree of reuse in adding those features to the DMC; if so, one could support both encounters and triggers with this feature, though I expect the encounter application is more generally useful.
Some folks end up using custom scripted encounter systems, but I think some basic enhancements to the DMC, toolset, and nwscript could add a lot of value out of the box.
In addition, trying to deal with encounters on the fly sucks in the DM Client. Being able to see the triggers will help, but being able to manage the encounters and their spawn points would be a difference maker. At this time, when you create an encounter in the DMC, you don't know how big it is, and you cannot add Spawn Points, so stuff tends to spawn right on top of/behind the party. Having even a simple way to manage the triggers (Grow/Shrink/Move) and thei Spawn Points (Add/Remove/Move) would be useful additions, IMHO.
Those Grow/Shrink/Move options for encounter triggers may interest some on plain old normal triggers, too; I would expect there's some significant degree of reuse in adding those features to the DMC; if so, one could support both encounters and triggers with this feature, though I expect the encounter application is more generally useful.
Some folks end up using custom scripted encounter systems, but I think some basic enhancements to the DMC, toolset, and nwscript could add a lot of value out of the box.
Also, would like it so that if a DM possesses an NPC it disables any scripted conversations that NPC already has, so that if a player clicks on it during the possession it doesn't open a conversation box.
Alternately, you could put a variable on the area with a comma separated list of encounter tags and have the DM tool grab that and get the encounters explicitly by tag