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Hexxat (spoiler)

Last time I played BGIIEE from the start (a looong time ago), I picked up Clara in The Copper Cornet and then she turned into Hexxat. But now she is namned Hexxat from the start. Why the change?



  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    She was always Hexxat... calling her Clara would spoil the 'surprise'. I think your memory is failing you.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Unless you were running a modded game, Braindead!Hexxat and Twilight!Hexxat share the same name at all times, though the former is still the more interesting of the two.
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    Thanks, I must be getting old... :)
  • moparmanmoparman Member Posts: 46
    I finally tried Hexxat and thought she was the most useless character in the game.
  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    yeah she's not particularly well liked, i don't mind the whole Les-Vamp thing, for me she's just a single class thief which makes her difficult to fit into a party. If she could be dual-classed to a Fighter, mage or cleric i'd be much more impressed and likely actively seek her out rather than just do the quests then leave her in the CC.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I would add (as a disliker of Hexxat) that her quests are some of the most fun, with a good balance of combat, puzzle, and lore, with some good loot (my favorite dagger for instance).
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    I agree with both my forespeakers. However, I can never restrain from killing her when my Charname mentions reward Clara promised, and Hexxat just says "not my problem what she promised you", or something along those lines. Her smugness is too much.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2017
    The point is, I mean the real point is that Hexxat is actually too powerful and is seriously nerfed in vanilla BG2ee. Just give her fighter class back (mod Klatu fixes) and she will be actually "smarter than the 21 Int, 20 Wis CHARNAME", not to mention 2 x stronger. Hexxat lacks something and it is balance - vanilla is too weak and modded is too strong. In my opinion/clairvoyance she was written as a fighter/thief. Later/after some testing her class was nerfed but all her dialogs remain the same (the song remains the same, hahah) and she is still acting like powerful fighter/thief when/while she is only single class puny thief gimped by sun in daylight with annoying cloak micromenagement. just to my point: stop being judgemental, give her fighter class back and n-joy the carnage!
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    InKal said:

    The point is, I mean the real point is that Hexxat is actually too powerful and is seriously nerfed in vanilla BG2ee. Just give her fighter class back (mod Klatu fixes) and she will be actually "smarter than the 21 Int, 20 Wis CHARNAME", not to mention 2 x stronger. Hexxat lacks something and it is balance - vanilla is too weak and modded is too strong. In my opinion/clairvoyance she was written as a fighter/thief. Later/after some testing her class was nerfed but all her dialogs remain the same (the song remains the same, hahah) and she is still acting like powerful fighter/thief when/while she is only single class puny thief gimped by sun in daylight with annoying cloak micromenagement. just to my point: stop being judgemental, give her fighter class back and n-joy the carnage!

    Yeah, if she was a Fighter 7 -> Thief dual class (being human, albeit dead human, she cannot be a multiclass Fighter/Thief) then she would be far, far better than she is, and still be incredibly badly written, mechanically mediocre and have poorly realised racial features.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Mechanically mediocre? What you mean? F/T who can backstab to death in one hit almost everything not outright immune to backstab - mechanically mediocre? I disagree.
    Badly written? At least grammaticaly she is pretty much ok. ;P
    But I remember that I was kinda triggered by one particular dialog. It was a heated conversation with Keldorn and in my opinion the writer/s started putting words in Keldorn's mouth, their own words, not Keldorn's words, words/arguments that the "real" Keldorn, if you know what I mean, would never say. It was really awkward warping and twisting Keldorn character for the questionable at least sake of some wannabe "writer" opinions about something/whatever. Dunno if it was incredibly badly written but for sure it was incredibly pretentious.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Strength bonus isn't multiplied for backstabs, so Hexxat deals 8 damage more while backstabbing than Jan. Even if she's dual classed and puts Grand Mastery into staff (she's already glitchy enough, using a Dual class glitch for GM is fine) that's "123 vs 90" while the gnome can actually backstab multiple times with Mislead and Haste, can be immune to true sight, and is far more dangerous in a straight up fight.

    At best she's an illegal F/T multiclass and gets a 1/day assassinate/GWW combo going against a single target, and she's still losing out to the turnip fetishist on pretty much every conceivable metric, and still have a good chance to lose in a fight to many of the characters on the team.

    So yeah, mechanically mediocre. Not mechanically bad, like a pure thief is, not good, like a spellcaster, sort of in the middle, which, in terms of actual NPCs, is actually pretty low on the totem pole, hanging out with people like Valygar and Minsc.

    And yes, that's exactly the bad writing I'm referring to. Her own content is so excessively vague and mysterious as to become ultimately shallow and pointless, but that could be dealt with on its own. Actually hijacking other, better, characters, including the player, is right down there with the absolute worst amateur NPC mods available for free.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Thats why I say: give her fighter class back and enjoy the carnage.

    hehe, Jan is awesome but seriously - Jan "Squishy" Jensen.
    Hexxat is almost unkillabe and with particular item upgrade mod installed she can have hardcoded 5 APR raw, without haste/improved haste. Well, lets see: Fulcrum+Belm (with another mod Belm can be upgarded to +4 LOL)+timestop+imp. haste+assassination=8APR all dealing max damge. Mechanically mediocre? Like....holy shit !!! ;DDD

  • MateoFrozenMateoFrozen Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2017
    With mods Cerand can be unkillable and kill everything, so thats no argument.

    People wanted monk you have Rassad, WM Nerra, evil thief Beamdog make some hybrid Vampire, so its fan service, some people like them some not, for me all ee NPC are level(or more) inferior to vanilla. I like new class but not Dorn, like shaman NPC but this is like 50% finished :( , played sod only once so i will not give my thoughts about the rest NPC.

    So it is not so wierd that Hexxat is written on knee, not human nor vampire with poor story. Clara is more interesing that haxxat for some people and this is really sad.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    InKal said:

    Thats why I say: give her fighter class back and enjoy the carnage.

    hehe, Jan is awesome but seriously - Jan "Squishy" Jensen.
    Hexxat is almost unkillabe and with particular item upgrade mod installed she can have hardcoded 5 APR raw, without haste/improved haste. Well, lets see: Fulcrum+Belm (with another mod Belm can be upgarded to +4 LOL)+timestop+imp. haste+assassination=8APR all dealing max damge. Mechanically mediocre? Like....holy shit !!! ;DDD

    Jan is a mage, and a gnome. Not only is his HP pretty decent compared to a thief Hexxat, it's also irrelevant, as he gets mirror image, stoneskins, and PfMW. He is one of the few characters outright superior to Hexxat in terms of tanking, fighter class or not, as he adds his gnomic save bonus to the ability to provide his own immunity to the instant death effects that can take Hexxat down permanently as well as the damage that can take her down temporarily, while simultaneously killing threats with Fire Shield.

    In terms of APR, yes, Jan can also get up to 9 APR (which is ideal, you want to have a 1 APR gap if you want to also throw out a spell every round at the same time) with Firetooth + Belm with iHaste, no mods necessary. The difference is that he casts the iHaste himself, and he doesn't need it to be once a day with assassination so he can stack up three rounds of timestop backstabs if you really need it. Even the strength difference is largely irrelevant. Since Strength belts set, rather than add, Hexxat's strength bonus simply vanishes once you account for gear.

    Overall, the biggest perk Hexxat gets is Dexterity, since it's hard to get a character up to 20 Dex normally, but nothing she can get as either a Fighter or a Thief would put her near being in the top ten NPCs mechanically, even while relying on her "racial" advantages and immortal cloud tanking.
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