Would you like to ask BD to implement directly in NWN: EE the CEP and the NWNX?

You are wondering about the reason for this survey, the reason is many simple. the CEP was (I think so in this way but maybe I'm not mistaken) to correct all those errors due to the lazy Bioware (I do not create his fault but the greedy EA that has abandoned the development of NWN because it was too obzoleto the times) could not (I did not want) to correct.
But all this is a contradiction ... we are getting an "improved version of NWN" ... but better thing hà? a better set? unovi crafici elements? thing? at the moment I do not see anything different, just a more colorful and bright graphic but nothing different no ... no sir.
The CEP and what NWN must have always been! The CEP and the work that had to be carried out by the developers who after leaving the project the passionate players decided to "repair by themselves".
for Me the CEP and NWNX should rather "MUST" be included in NWN: EE, for me it would solve a lot of problems, frustration and folder searches, hide detro to be of the type Read the guide "," and easy " , "no, no, and one of the BD community does not have the right to put it", are only excuses, what sense that BD is fixing the bugs when they are already included in the CEP? also that it is a counter-sense that BD is improving multiplayer when NWNX is already available, so what sense does it have that better BDs and bugs can not first collaborate with the CEP and NWNX modders to implement these pathc in NWN: EE? In such a way that the modders focus on other things like creating new content, armor, new creatures and adventures, instead of doing the work of those who develop the game and should improve it, I do not find it right at all, I find it just another excuse for f are certain things that according to me should be done, all bales, even by the players, who nowadays are always partly visiti and selfish, towards new players, without trying to open up and ask questions of the like "but ... maybe it's not a bit too complicated for a player of 2018, to install the CEP?", "It is better that BD implements this in NWN: EE already? in such a way as to claim years and years of unresolved buggs that the community had to face? ".
I know I've been a bit harsh in the last part, but I do not think I'm the only one here who wants NWN: EE to be a great game ... and not the umpteenth "reprint" of a 16-year-old game.
But all this is a contradiction ... we are getting an "improved version of NWN" ... but better thing hà? a better set? unovi crafici elements? thing? at the moment I do not see anything different, just a more colorful and bright graphic but nothing different no ... no sir.
The CEP and what NWN must have always been! The CEP and the work that had to be carried out by the developers who after leaving the project the passionate players decided to "repair by themselves".
for Me the CEP and NWNX should rather "MUST" be included in NWN: EE, for me it would solve a lot of problems, frustration and folder searches, hide detro to be of the type Read the guide "," and easy " , "no, no, and one of the BD community does not have the right to put it", are only excuses, what sense that BD is fixing the bugs when they are already included in the CEP? also that it is a counter-sense that BD is improving multiplayer when NWNX is already available, so what sense does it have that better BDs and bugs can not first collaborate with the CEP and NWNX modders to implement these pathc in NWN: EE? In such a way that the modders focus on other things like creating new content, armor, new creatures and adventures, instead of doing the work of those who develop the game and should improve it, I do not find it right at all, I find it just another excuse for f are certain things that according to me should be done, all bales, even by the players, who nowadays are always partly visiti and selfish, towards new players, without trying to open up and ask questions of the like "but ... maybe it's not a bit too complicated for a player of 2018, to install the CEP?", "It is better that BD implements this in NWN: EE already? in such a way as to claim years and years of unresolved buggs that the community had to face? ".
I know I've been a bit harsh in the last part, but I do not think I'm the only one here who wants NWN: EE to be a great game ... and not the umpteenth "reprint" of a 16-year-old game.
- Would you like to ask BD to implement directly in NWN: EE the CEP and the NWNX?42 votes
- Yes30.95%
- No69.05%
The CPP does fix some things, and some of the changes it includes are being worked into NWN:EE.
Some of the functionality of various NWNX plugins are also being integrated into NWN:EE already. New development of NWNX is ongoing (for linux, anyway), and it looks like it will still provide functionality that the NWN:EE does not.
I did not do this place because I do not want to download a huge pathc made by fans to play in the PW, I simply say that this is a pathc that should be implemented directly in NWN: EE, because I have to download militar giga for then download me other jig for me PW? and risk breaking my game? many times in the past I did this and most of the time also following video guides etc .. I always messed up my game and by miracle I have always rearranged everything as it was, er me the pathc must be made by the developers and not by the players, the players and modders should just add new content like adventures, monsters etc ... and do not do the work of the programmers this is not right and for me and a problem that has plagued NWN for too long and it is time to stop with this farce for me.
NWNX functions under the hood coming into the core game is awesome, will allow new graphics, new/improved systems made by the community that we design ourselves and add uniqueness to our modules/PW/DM sessions etc.. These are the things that get the long time community members excited about EE more than anything else.
*Special note on graphics
The only real graphic upgrade I see me or other community members want is the PC models because you look at them all the time and community has done a few things there, but plenty more can be done. This is why it the highest voted on the Trello boards, but if this does not happen the community can step in and do player models upgrades also. I been here since NWN released and I will probably be modding it until I die, it so much fun.
Any big variety content project (NO)
Maybe a tileset here and there from the community or monster here/or there yes(expansion pack) but no on big multiple parts projects.
If you add CEP/Project Q or any other big community content drop (OMG that would make my own CC project and others a big pain in the ass to have to resort 2da, art asset etc.. to overwrite what you did want overridden and other assets you did not want overridden (arguments over quality and bulk). Not even talking about legal stuff, I have stuff in both CEP and project Q and so many others. So just on a legal standing it not going to happen and/or should not happen.
And as if I put a shirt with the symbol of MecDonalds inside the CEP that and violation of the rights for me ... because I did not ask for permission I have the permission of Mecdonald to insert the shirt with his symbol in the game.
Mine will be an indium but for me the CEP (ok we do not include it in NWN: EE) but BD must supervise the package in such a way that there are no copyring rights of different contents.
The fixes from CPP are mostly being integrated from what I understand.
A lot of NWNX is also being reviewed for implementation.
I am all in favor of fixing that which is truly broken but am adamantly opposed to change for the sake of change or personal preference. Let the individual players and builders make changes based on their preferences. Also, a strict adherence to the D&D 3.0 ruleset (which is what NWN is based on) is better than a partial implementation of D&D 3.5 because the partial implementation can unbalance the game in ways that won't be obvious until months after the release, when it will be too late. And in this case, players and builders can implement the pieces of D&D 3.5 that they like. However, if BD can convert NWN entirely to the D&D 3.5 ruleset, I think that would be very good, because the 3.5 ruleset is superior to the 3.0 one.
CEP will not be adopted, but is already available for EE as a fan-made mod, so no biggie.
me: a really worried person
In my case, I don't like it THAT much, I just use Project Q to override what exist and do a new hak with what I need.
And redoing all 2da just because Beamdog added CEP... Ugh!
Any exceptions, such as cherry picking bits of CPP (or possibly NWNX?) are likely to be limited to simple packages that arguably have a single identifiable owner that Beamdog can work with.
The notion of adopting CEP, Q or whatever is fake news.
In NO way should any patch to the EE ever include content such as the overriding models from Project Q, modified tiles from NWNCQ, etc.
Just my opinion.
I would really like to launch my PW again. But as we talked about with many of my former players, the lack of NWNX actual compatibility with NWN:EE actually refrains them to buy the BD version of the game. I made the purchase to try it, but I won’t have time nowadays, as many of us grew up in 15 years (family, work...) to mass-edit my 8000+ scripts to make them compatible with nwdb, even improved.
What solutions could BD offer about this kind of problematics ?
the CEP as a whole is 90% useless fluff. 10% is worthwhile viable, usable material that actually enhances the basegame, instead of simply sticking eye candy everywhere
CEP is optional content, and as much as I love it and use it myself, I would not want this added to the core game. There have been mentions of the legal aspect of getting permission, which is probably enough right there to prevent its addition.