How does the community react to (obviously) modernised content in NWN?

Take for example, Project Q, or any other Skybox such as "real skies" and the ceiling project. They are all good, but of course most of the time they don't blend well with NWN's (nowadays) outdated graphics. I wonder what is the general attitude towards this.
- How does the community react to (obviously) modernised content in NWN?29 votes
- It bothers me!3.45%
- It doesn't bother me!62.07%
- As long as it blends well, OK.34.48%
But the more quality options you get the less low quality/older assets you use, so....
I dont bother.
I mean, as a builder I have this obsession towards preferring things to resemble what's ingame. Heck, my Anurognathus is a badger-headed, rat-legged, pseudodragon-bodied, seagull animation using thing with a skin based off of the bear, the bat, the beholder and the kobold (For the mouth), so I obsessive worry about that. But as long as it looks nice, I'm generally okay
That one should cover it, most notably the optional industry standard .dds, and support for modern content authoring packages via .fbx and others.
Oh and a suggestion for new creatures/ animals. I would like to have goats, sheeps and a pig
The pig model from the CEP looks not that good...