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The pocket monster trainer challenge (no direct damage)

(Picture CC artist liam91)

First rule: No direct damage spells are allowed! I wanted to make the pocket monster trainers complete pacifist, but then realized that most summons have non-magical weapons, while there are many enemies immune to non-magical weapons, which therefore might of make this challenge almost impossible. Therefore, pocket monster trainers are ONLY allowed to attack, if a spell summons the ability to attack*. Thus, shillelaughs, spiritual hammers and phantom blades are A-OK. Enchanted weapon, however, are not, because it technically enchants a weapons that already exists – even if the in game spell does not work this way. Do note that touch attacks alters your hands, you do not actually hold anything, thus, ghoul touch, vampiric touch and shocking grasp are also out.

*Technically, magic missiles and cold cones et cetera ARE summoned, in a way. There was no magic missile in existance, now there is. However, going by that logic, ALL spells would be permitted. Thus, let the rule be... uhh... the summon can not be entirely made of energy, or something similar. No, that does not work either, because surely flame arrows are arrows that just so happens to burn. So, let's say that summoners has to be able to hold the summoned object in their hands. Thus, melf's minute metors are in, melf's acid arrows are out.

Second rule: Spells that alter a target are permissible, such as bless and haste.

Third rule: However summon or alteration spells primarily targeting an enemy are not permissible*. Thus, slow is out (while it is AOE, it cannot target friendly units), ray of feebleness is out, chaos is out, hold is out, contagion is out, et cetera. BUT!!! Chant and protection from evil is permissible, because it does not primarily target the enemy, even though it penalizes them. Similarly, spells that may deal damage indirectly are permitted, such as minor spell deflection, HOWEVER, indirect spells whose main purpose is to deal damage are NOT permitted, such as thief traps and skull traps. But how about fire shields!!? Hmm... I'll let you make your own call on that one! Do what your consciousness tells you is the right thing to do.

*If you want to play devils advocate, I suppose you could make the claim that summon spells monsters are primarily geared towards goring your opponent. I don't agree, since the summons primary function is to summon the creature itself, and the creature tearing your opponent apart is a secondary spell. But if you for some reason don't concede this point because "skull traps functions the same way blargh I am obstinate and obtuse", then just consider all summon creature spells an exception to the rule, ok?

Fourth rule: But, there is one, or uh, one category of exceptions, to rule three – charm spells. Why? Because this is what pocket monster trainers do; they capture monster* in the wild and train them. So, charm, dire charm, charm person or mammal, ranger charm animal ability (although, granted, a ranger would be kind of a bad choice, seeing it does not actually get any spells until level forever) and so on and so forth are permitted.

*(and animals, beasts, outsiders, humanoids or anything else that probably belongs to the biological realm, or at least semi-alive realm such as golems and other constructs, or uh, even the undead realm – the ghost type is fine as well! Basically, if it can move on it's own accord, it is a viable target.)

Fifth rule: Just to clarify; these restriction applies to the pocket monster trainer ONLY!!! If a summon or a charmed creature has direct damage, or direct damage spells, they are allowed to use them!!! This is how you will be killin' things. No direct damage... by YOU! Basically, your pocket monsters... and other summons, such as melf minute meteors and spiritual hammers... will be doing the killings!

Sixth rule: You can have as many companions as you like, HOWEVER, they to must adhere to the rules. Pocket monster trainers only hang out with other pocket monster trainers!!! On that note, familiars ARE summons, not companions (so mage is a pretty good choice for this challenge, at least early levels). Thus, fighters are exceptionally bad companions, well, other than soaking damage I suppose, while mages are good ones. Exceptions are made for companions or situations that requires use of force due to scripting, to progress the game. Can't think of any such situation of the bat... well, perhaps the big bad werewolf on the werewolf island qualifies? He can only be hurt by the golden sword of Balduran, and the bastard sword of killing shapeshifter or somesuch, I think. If the game gets stuck otherwise, yes, you are allowed to temporarily cheat.

Seventh rule: I do not know every items and spell in the game by heart. Any item or spell that defeats the purpose of the challenge is non-permissible. Primarily, I think of summoned weapons with ludicrously long duration. Now, this would include enchanted weapons – if it was not for the loophole I already stated in rue 1. Now, if you find a spell or item that is questionable, either 1) make your own judgement 2) realize, if you have to ask, the answer is "probably not" 3) ask in this thread, to get my take on it.

Eight rule: Is attacking when polymorph selfed or when druid shapechanged allowed? I will have to say no to that, for two reasons. 1. Druid shapes are not time restricted, defeating the entire purpose of the challenge (see rule 7). 2. You do not hold claws in your hands... they ARE your hands*!!! Thus, they technically violate rule one.

*"But but!!! The ogre and and flind hold weapons in their hands!!!"
I care NAUGHT!!! NOT I SAY NOT!!! permissible!!!

Class suggestions:

1. Cleric / mage or cleric / illusionist: Obvious choice, you get a familiar that can handle most early game enemies. Lots of buffs, since you are a cleric, and sanctuary allows you to buff and heal summons unmolested.. Lots of spells, including the ability to summon undead from both mage spell slots and cleric spell slots.
2. Totemic druid: Obvious!
3. Sorcerer / dragon disciple: Allows you to decide if a summon or a buff is better... but since you won't have cleric spell access...
4. Cleric of helm: Seeking sword is a summoned weapon!

Not very suggested but could work:

1. Ranger / cleric or fighter / mage or fighter cleric: Slightly more HP which makes you live longer, but slower spell progression than a sorcerer or cleric of helm. Rangers gets charm animal, but...
2. Bard: Bard songs (other than Jester) buffs companions and are therefore A-OK!!! But... is this slight buff to your summons worth the EXTREME loss of spells compared to a cleric / mage? Nope! Not to mention, you won't get any spells until lvl 2... how will you even get out of Candlekeep?
3. Thief / cleric or thief / mage: If you plan to go solo, I guess... but you know, cleric / mages gets knock, and most traps can be "disarmed" simply by having high HP and walk over them.
4. Druid: Summon nymph is great. It is a level 4 spell. How will you survive until then?
5. Beastmaster or beastmaster --> to cleric: Gets familiar at level 1 and more HP, but from then onward pretty much must rely on companions until they start getting divine spells.
6. Dual or single cleric or mage: Why not be a cleric / mage instead? You just lose access to spells! There is very little purpose to specialist mages seeing how you are not permitted to anti-buff the enemy.

Poor choices:
1. Anything else: Are you crazy? No summons? How will you even get out of Candlekeep?

Whatever you chose, the first couple of levels will be challenging, since you will rely on your (possibly blessed) familiar or shillelaugh until you get better spells... You obviously also have to do a lot of resting, at least early game, so any challenge that limits your ability to rest will probably be incompatible with this one.

If you take up the challenge, do feel free to record your exploits in this thread.


  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    Wow, fantastic response and activity in this thread!

    Anyway, I tested out pocket monster trainers in the only way reasonable: In the Black Pits.

    Meet the amazing cleric / illusionist sister sixlings Gonk, Bonk, Klonk, Donk, Lonk and Tonk, all stemming for the same 94 roll eggsave w/ 10 str, 18 dex, 16 con, int 19, wis 17 & cha 14.

    On top of the pocket monster trainer rules, the sister are prohibited from using ANY equipment, save scrolls. And only for learning spells - no casting spells from scrolls here, no sir!

    Why cleric / mages? Because I want it to be all about the traditional spells, baby! Cleric of helms and totemic druids get supernice pocket monster trainer abilities, but they defeat the purpose of the challenge sort of. For the same reasons, I didn't make any fighter / clerics or thief / mages - high THACO and backstab feels out of place for this challenge!

    Why gnomes? Because they get specialized wizard and therefore more mage spells. Pocket monster trainers are all about the spells! Also, they kind of look like children, at least the female ones, and the traditional pocket monster trainers are 10 years old or so I have heard.

    Why 10 str and 18 dex etc: Again, I want it to be about the spells. High str ruins it a bit, by making them good fighters even unbuffed, while low dex and con would ruin it, by making them much easier to kill, thereby allowing less spells to be cast. High wiz of course because of more spells. Int does not matter* but why not high and cha 14 is fine due to friends**.

    * Because I play this on normal, and even that is still REALLY difficult. This challenge is HARD!!!
    ** I don't think it matters, since the only equipment you buy are scrolls anyways, I will probably end up with a lot of gold regardless, but.

    Comments so far:
    1: Charm is a spell I usually gloss over, or use on rare occasion. However, when six mages cast charm simultaneously, it is actually a REALLY good spell (well, at least against monster with low saving throws).
    2: Actually, most spells are load of fun when spammed by six clerics / mages simultaneously.
    3: I had to commit the cardinal sin of replaying a fight to get more exp. You just CANNOT pass the ogres w/o mirror image (since they cannot be charmed).
    4: Pocket monster trainers suck. Some fights have to be replayed until you win by lucking out on the enemies saving throws.
    5: That said, the feeling of besting your enemies using only charm spells, summon spells and self-buffs and no equipment is like, yeah!
    6: The trick is to let the ones in the back cast buffs on others while the ones in front buffs themselves
    7: Why oh why is summon monster a level 3 spell? That is INSANITY!!! It is nowhere near as good as, oh say, animate dead, fireball, fire arrow etc.
    8: I very much doubt these gals will make it past the ice lizards, the fire giant or the beholder or indeed Baeloth.
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