IOS Can’t export save

Hi all,
After a moment to test the beta of SoD i complete my campaign to find out i can’t choose BG2:EE when i try to export my save.
Thought is may be because of the beta state so i buy the game and try again and still can’t export the save file to BG:EE or BG2:EE. Can’t find a post related to this on the forum so i want to report it.
After a moment to test the beta of SoD i complete my campaign to find out i can’t choose BG2:EE when i try to export my save.
Thought is may be because of the beta state so i buy the game and try again and still can’t export the save file to BG:EE or BG2:EE. Can’t find a post related to this on the forum so i want to report it.
The good news is, there is a workaround.
1) Go into SoD and Long Tap to Save (this is likely what you're doing right now to export).
2) Choose a cloud provider such as Dropbox instead of trying to go to BG or BG2
3) Once you have the save exported to a cloud storage system like Dropbox, access the location you stored it and change the name of the save.
IF the save was named "0000000001 - Quick Save 02"
The Saved Game NAME should be - "00000000001 - Quick Save 02.sodsave" on Dropbox.
CHANGE THE NAME to - "000000000001 - Quick Save 02.bg1save"
4) Open Dropbox, find your file, and tap it. You should get a "no preview available" screen.
5) IN the upper right corner is an elipsis (...), tap it and tap "Export"
6) Tap "Open In"
7) You should NOW see BG2 as one of your options ("Copy to Baldur's Gate II").
Due to other broken issues with Siege of Dragonspear exports and imports, the filename extension on the saved games for SOD needed to change from ".bg1save" to ".sodsave". Because of this, an update to BG2 is required to get it to recognize the .sodsave extension as something it should know about and work with. Until BG2 is updated, you can "trick" it by renaming your SOD exports to ".bg1save" and re-loading them into BG2.
It's a bit of a PITA workaround since there are more steps, but it's not a blocker at this point.