Pretty straight forward. Modify your ambientmusic.2da with the new lines of music you are looking to add, then make sure those tracks are in the music directory. Bundle the modified 2da file into a hak and then associate that hak to your module and do a module rebuild. Then you can select the new names of the tracks you added in the ambientmusic.2da file and have them play in your areas when building in the toolset.
In NWN:EE, I'm unable to add custom music as a battle track. I can add it as daytime/night time background music, but not battle. Weird, eh? It worked fine in 1.69, so I was inclined to submit a bug report about it until I saw the bug report guidelines specify vanilla content only at this time.
Anybody else having this problem, or have a solution?
You can work around the naming convention by issuing MusicBattleChange on first player entry to each area. I set the track number as a local integer on the area. Works fine in EE.
For the record, it turns out I forgot to grab the mus_bat files from my 1.69 install to the steam install. Though your tip helped me diagnose that issue. So, not a NWN:EE bug at least, just me
Battle tracks are a little different where they are to be named mus_bat_blah.
That is correct, @Darclord, if you want a BMU to be used for Music,Battle the BMU file name must begin with mus_bat_<name> . then have the same name in the 2da.
In NWN:EE, I'm unable to add custom music as a battle track. I can add it as daytime/night time background music, but not battle. Weird, eh? It worked fine in 1.69, so I was inclined to submit a bug report about it until I saw the bug report guidelines specify vanilla content only at this time.
Anybody else having this problem, or have a solution?
For the record, it turns out I forgot to grab the mus_bat files from my 1.69 install to the steam install. Though your tip helped me diagnose that issue. So, not a NWN:EE bug at least, just me
That is correct, @Darclord, if you want a BMU to be used for Music,Battle the BMU file name must begin with mus_bat_<name> . then have the same name in the 2da.
Replace <name> with whatever name you like.